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IT, software & telecommunications

Asian manufacturer of communications equipment seeks new buyers in Central Europe

Completion: 2024 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The company has a strong presence in the South Korean coaxial cable market and has established partnerships with all three major mobile carriers in Korea. The company is looking for potential buyers among mobile carriers in Europe, or alternatively among communications equipment manufacturers, and has therefore commissioned EasyLink to identify and approach relevant companies in the region.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in the installation of telecommunication infrastructure, distributors of related components, namely coaxial cables and connectors, and producers of antennas for telecommunication infrastructure. The team identified and contacted 26 potential partners. However, the gathered feedback indicated very limited potential due to the market transition to optical fiber cables in internet data networks and also given the already established competition. One company expressed interest in seeing whether the Korean producer can compete in prices with manufacturers from China and Taiwan.

US network security solution provider seeks potential partners in Poland and Romania

Completion: 2023 - 10
Target markets: RO,PL
Objective: Building on a previous successful visit to the Czech Republic, our client, a producer and developer of security solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT), primarily for monitoring and testing wireless networks, sought to identify and meet potential distributors and end-users in Poland and Romania.
Results: EasyLink approached 34 companies and organizations in Poland and 24 in Romania, arranging meetings with a total of 13 companies, including high-profile organizations such as the Romanian Intelligence Service and Ministry of Defense representatives. The client expressed great appreciation in their post-visit comments, stating that they were able to meet not only potential distributors but also customers. The client was considering signing agreements with two potential distributors in Poland and one in Romania.

US producer of security and public safety communication systems explores markets in the Czech Republic and Hungary

Completion: 2023 - 06
Target markets: CZ&HU
Objective: Thanks to a previous visit to Poland and Romania, which EasyLink also assisted with, our client, a producer of tactical bridges and other communication systems, was able to perfect and tailor their offering for the European market. They wished to identify and meet potential partners in the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Results: EasyLink assisted the client in identifying and approaching potential distribution partners involved in telecommunication equipment (namely radio equipment), particularly for security, rescue, and military applications. Additionally, partners involved in monitoring equipment for agriculture were also approached for their part of the portfolio. Over 30 companies were identified and approached in each country, with 10 companies expressing interest in discussing cooperation with the client. Meetings with 9 companies were set up during a week-long visit in June 2023.

Romanian proptech start-up seeks clients in the CEE market

Completion: 2023 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client has been very successful with their SW solution (the so-called “digital twins”) for effective real estate management and marketing on their domestic market and decided to expand their activities to other CEE countries. EasyLink was tasked to introduce the client’s software services in the Czech commercial real estate market.
Results: The real estate market can be divided into two major segments – commercial buildings and residential properties. As the client’s SW solution is designed to facilitate office leasing, the consultant took a deep dive into the key players in this specific sector. A list of 27 companies was drawn up. All the listed companies were presented with the advantages of the proptech solution and 5 of them agreed to an introductory meeting (with 1 company postponing the meeting until the second half of the year)

Arranging virtual calls with importers of refurbished IT equipment

Completion: 2023 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: US Information Technology Asset Disposition company requested EasyLink to identify, approach, and arrange virtual meetings with potential distribution partners in the Czech Republic whom the client can engage over the long term to grow business together. The ideal customers and distributors were those that can purchase 250 to 1,000 devices per transaction.
Results: EasyLink contacted 15 companies pre-selected by the client from the initial list prepared in December 2022. The outreach generated 6 interested leads. The report also included information on VAT and customs procedures.

US healthcare software company participates in trade mission to Poland and Romania

Completion: 2022 - 09
Target markets: RO&PL
Objective: Provider of remote patient monitoring software that helps monitor patients in their own homes joined the trade mission to Poland and Romania to find new partners and contacts for home health monitoring.
Results: Based on a previous project with similar products, the Easylink team in both countries targeted resellers or developers of healthcare software as well as health management groups. In Poland, the consultant approached a total of 30 companies and organized 4 meetings. In Romania, EasyLink contacted 37 companies with the business proposal and arranged 9 meetings. The number of telemedicine platforms in Romania registered a steep growth when the Covid pandemic erupted. The telemedicine market grew strongly in 2020 and our client's product generated interest among local companies.

Background check on a Czech fintech company

Completion: 2022 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client requested a background check on a specialist provider of secure identity and payment solutions.
Results: The consultant in the Czech Republic carried research of a wide range of secondary resources such as press releases, company website, media articles, key word search, tender entries, business databases, the Trade Register, and other sources to gather information on the company as well as its ownership and executive management.

Market pre-assessment assistance

Completion: 2022 -
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: US video game publisher requested EasyLink to identify potential partners and key sector-specific organizations and provide an overview of the Czech and Polish videogaming markets to help the client assess their market potential as part of their preparation for the Trade mission to the Czech Republic and Poland in April 2022.
Results: The Polish gamedev/gaming industry, with over 470 companies, employs close to 9,700 people. A large part of companies are small and independent studios consisting of a maximum of a dozen or so people, only ten Polish producers have teams of over 200 people. The Czech Republic is currently home to 118 companies, with 53% of them located directly in Prague. A unique feature of the Czech market comes from strong presence of domestic companies with only 9% of game development companies being a branch of an international company. EasyLink was asked to also assist in scouting of developers making games the client could publish. EasyLink identified and profiled over 180 Czech and Polish video development companies.

Targeting business partners in the marine and defense sectors in two CEE countries

Completion: 2021 - 11
Target markets: PL,RO
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a leading U.S. supplier of mission-critical rugged uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), power conditioners, and battery backups to identify and approach potential business partners in Poland and Romania.
Results: EasyLink arranged 11 meetings with qualified and interested companies. Over 60 organizations were screened and approached in both countries; these included government research agencies, defense, marine, and energy sector companies, suppliers to the oil & gas industry, and R&D / engineering / consultancy companies and system integrators.

Sensors for communication networks for defense, law enforcement and critical infrastructure - visit to Romania & Czech R.

Completion: 2021 - 11
Target markets: CZ,RO
Objective: The client designs and builds sophisticated sensors for communications networks, and joined a Virginia trade mission to develop new sales leads in Romania and the Czech Republic, including with national defense, security and intelligence agencies as well as commercial organizations.
Results: With 7 high-profile meetings in Romania and 5 in the Czech Republic, the client confirmed full satisfaction with our work and the outcomes: "The trade mission was a wonderful opportunity to reach out to potential partners and end customers in several new countries that we would not have been able to reach without assistance. The meetings were very professional and opened new doors for our team to pursue future business development."

Global System Integrators profiled in 6 CEE countries

Completion: 2021 - 02
Target markets: PL,CZ,HU,RO,GR,RU
Objective: Our client, a global technology company, wished to better understand how leading global system integrators operate in 6 selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Greece, and Russia. Target questions included their top customers, preferred global, regional and local partners and vendors, their market share and position, and other.
Results: EasyLink's in-market analysts conducted the required research and provided in-depth profiles of 8 system integrators in each market, always including designated global players (key competitors to our client) and adding in others based on specific situation in each target market.

Italian IT company seeks distributors on the Czech and Poland markets

Completion: 2021 - 01
Target markets: CZ,PL
Objective: Our client, providing the most used corporate finance software solution in Italy, commissioned EasyLink to identify and contact prospective partners and potential distributors.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in the corporate software systems and treasury management systems (TMS) on the Czech and Poland markets. Long-listed companies were thereafter contacted and several meetings with company representatives were set up.

Cybersecurity company would like to meet partners from the defense sector in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2020 - 10
Target markets: CZ,SK
Objective: A US company providing software solutions which detects threats at nationwide level for all critical national infrastructure took part in a joint trade mission to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. EasyLink was hired to schedule meeting with decision makers of relevant organizations and companies from the defense sector.
Results: EasyLink approached governmental defense & security organizations as well as dedicated cyber security agencies or local defense/security contractors. A total of 31 private and governmental organizations were contacted. 5 of the major companies from banking and Oil & Gas sector were interested

Next gen. technology based ISVs search in CEE for global IT leader.

Completion: 2020 - 08
Target markets: CEE
Objective: Fueled by success of the first ISVs research project, after 2 years the global tech leader decided to hire EasyLink again to pile up a list of potential ISVs to be approached by the client's sales teams. This time the desired operations of the ISVs were much more specific, with a focus on automation, AI, IoT, Smart Tech, Big Data. Covered marked segments included Power & Utilities, Manufacture, Telco, Media, Banking and others.(Later in the year, the client commissioned a separate project to also cover healthcare.)
Results: After eight weeks of research work, database sheets from 15 CEE countries included over 1,200 unique companies in total. Each company record contained contact information, economic figures, brief description and specialised product/service name. Again the client expressed high appreciation of the job conducted, resulting in discussion about a follow up project that would enlarge the target countries and/or industries. (As mentioned above, this did materialize later in the year when we conducted additional research into healthcare-focused software providers in 10 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.)

Leading Czech civil engineering software company looking for partners in Mexico

Completion: 2020 - 02
Target markets: MX,IT,RSA,TH
Objective: Our IT client from the Czech Republic focused on geotechnical engineering software was looking for prospective partners in Mexico.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Mexico carried out a list of companies based on the client's requirements. Following the client’s review of the list, our consultant approached all companies best suited for further collaboration, 8 of which showed interest in meeting our client. The report included market insight in software industry in Mexico.

A Baltic region based SW company with own advanced legal and contract DMS wants to learn about opportunities in CZ+SK

Completion: 2020 - 02
Target markets: CZ,SK
Objective: An Estonian based software company offering advanced management system for legal and contractual documents, wishes through interviews done by EasyLink consultants to assess business potential in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink delivered project results in two parts. The first consisted of presenting TOP 10 competing software solutions already present in each of the targeted countries. While the second part deliverables were interviews summaries with legal offices to determine how they create, use and archive legal/contractual documents. In both Czech Republic and Slovakia, 3 interviews were conducted with top legal offices specializing onto business law (M&As, bankrupcies, corporate taxation, etc.), while in the Czech Republic, also an inteview with a representative of Skoda-Auto's legal department was performed, as a bonus.

Initial list of contacts

Completion: 2020 - 01
Target markets: HR
Objective: A leading US manufacturer of IT racks, enclosures, and accessories for the data, communication, broadcast, sound, and security industries was looking to grow their IT rack business in Europe. In the past, our assistance was sought by this client in Hungary and Poland. This time EasyLink was requested to compile an unqualified list of potential business partners in Croatia.
Results: We identified and profiled 25 companies in Croatia for review and contacting by the client.

US provider of interoperability and automation products for medium to large organizations targets the Czech Republic

Completion: 2019 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to provide an overview of the Czech e-health sector to help the client assess its potential and identify relevant industry and government contacts.
Results: Indeed, eHealth and telemedicine are quite widely discussed topics in the Czech Republic! Up until very recently, the Czech Republic belonged to EU countries significantly falling behind in the area of digitization of its health care system. Implementation of e-Prescription in 2018 was a major stride forward. The upcoming Act on e-Health that the Czech Ministry of Health was to prepare by the end of 2019 was to be a complex system solution, as it should introduce required standards and develop infrastructure for sharing data in the entire health care system in the Czech Republic. Various hospital information systems have been deployed; unfortunately, there is lack of necessary interoperability and integration across healthcare providers and policy makers. Dozens of hospitals are currently preparing a major replacement of their information systems. They plan to e.g. launch online ordering, switch to purely digital health records, or share patient records more extensively. The final report delivered by EasyLink also included information on subsidies for health care digitization projects approved for funding through the Ministry of Regional Development and its IROP program as well as information on standards to be used (the Czech standard DASTA vs international standards HL7 and IHE).

Analyzing the Czech videogaming market

Completion: 2019 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to map the Czech videogaming market to help the client assess its potential.
Results: Almost USD 158 million was spent on video games in the Czech Republic in 2018; the Czech videogaming market continues to grow. Almost 80 companies are involved in the development of video games, employing almost 1,500 people. Only 7% of these entities are branches of foreign companies, the rest are local players. Czech developers particularly look for niche segments. Development of videogames generates some CZK 2.5 billion (USD 115 million) in sales annually. Exports account for 90 to 99% of sales for Czech developers! USA is the largest exports destination. Three universities currently offer majors in videogaming and generate graduates for game developers.

Background check – three companies in three countries

Completion: 2019 - 10
Target markets: CZ&HU&SI
Objective: With the help of Easylink, the client, a US manufacturer of 3D metal printers, was very actively pursuing several Central and Eastern European markets, over the past year. This time the client needed to run discreet background checks of potential business partners in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovenia.
Results: EasyLink gathered information related to financial information, reputation, affiliations, and other areas. EasyLink consultants researched secondary resources such as trade registers, business databases, media articles, and financial records and carried a key word search in local languages. As the client assessed the findings after the final report was presented, „Your detailed background information validates our initial discussions that these are viable distributors to consider.“

US manufacturer of 3D metal printers screens potential of the Czech 3D printer market

Completion: 2019 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to map the Czech market, focusing on metal laser sintering/melting.
Results: 3D printing is a field with great potential in the Czech Republic. It is based both on the industrial tradition of the country and modern technologies. 3D printing is one of the fastest growing segments in the manufacturing technology industry; it has been growing at double-digit rates for several years. Sectors that could notably benefit from 3D metal printing are the automotive, electronics, and medical industries. EasyLink analyzed the presence of most known DMLS/SLM/DMP printer brands in the market. EasyLink also identified and profiled potential partners with focus on companies already distributing additive technologies. EasyLink recommended to also consider distributors of advanced machining solutions (such as 5-axis machining centers) or smaller advanced machining centers, as it has been the route to market for several similar technology producers (e.g. Renishaw, SLM).

Global tech leader orders research to find out Big Data tools usage in CEE markets

Completion: 2019 - 07
Target markets: CEE
Objective: The world's n.1 tech company contracts EasyLink to dig into 14 countries of east and central Europe, to determine usage of open source Big Data tool within IT segment.
Results: The methodology was divided into two parts; first a market reasearch was conducted to identify all potential users among ISVs and BigData specialised companies, then, a confirmation phase followed which included deeper research into the pre-selected companies and interviews with those where use of the desired BigData tool could not be confirmed through desk research. As a result, almost 300 companies were researched and tens of interviews performed.

3D metal printer manufacturer screens a distributor in Bulgaria

Completion: 2019 - 05
Target markets: BG
Objective: Our client was approached by a Bulgarian company asking to become their importer.
Results: EasyLink conducted a discreet background check. Our findings suggested that overall the company did not seem a good partner and there are much better options. We recommended the client to carry a partner search; however, the client first needed to consider which of the markets to pursue first according to their overall CEE market entry strategy. An important issue to consider for the client is what country should be the first go to market(s) in Central and Eastern Europe. Our office covers 15 countries (out of the total of 21 countries) in Central and Eastern Europe. We generally recommend exporters to first consider entering what we refer to Tier 1 markets. These are Poland, Czech Republic, Romania or Hungary. They are the leaders in the region with stable and strong economies. These are competitive & sophisticated markets, with Westernized, result-oriented, and open business environment.

Leading global technology company hires EasyLink to develop lists of partners of major global cloud vendors

Completion: 2019 - 02
Target markets: CEE
Objective: The project scope included 15 countries of Central-East Europe where the aim was to put together a list of companies that are partners of client's competing major global cloud vendors.
Results: 350 companies were not only found, but also detaily profiled and in later stage of the project interviewed to determine satisfaction with their current cloud partner/vendor and the possibility to switch to the client's partner program.

Global IT leader has EasyLink perform market research on webhosting companies in several CEE countries.

Completion: 2019 - 01
Target markets: CEE
Objective: Easylink was hired by the world's largest IT company to conduct market research aimed to identify and profile web hosting providers running on open source software to asses their migration to cloud potential.
Results: EasyLink screening resulted in analyzing, profiling and contacting almost 400 webhosting companies in 10 CEE countries, providing the client status of the webhosting market in the selected CEE countries, including anwers on the readines of local webhosters for public cloud migration.

Business intelligence and partner search for Italian provider of SW solutions for the waterworks sector - PL&CZ

Completion: 2019 -
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: The client is a provider of Microsoft Dynamics based billing software solution for the water management sector. The company wishes to expand in other EU markets and commissioned EasyLink to provide a market study for Poland and the Czech Republic with a follow-up partner serach in one of the targetted countries.
Results: We prepared a 20-page market study for each of the target markets detailing the size and structure of the water market (water infrastructure ownership, operating models of water supply operators), competitive landscape (overview of billing software solutions available on the market) and strategic recommendations (market entry strategies, selection/examples of potential partners, list of specialized fairs and shows, sector specific association and publications etc.) Both studies provided the client with an insight into the water management sector in both countries. In the next stage the client wished to further explore Poland and tasked EasyLink with identifying 10-12 potential partners to ideally meet at a trade fair in Paris in November. We shortlisted 12 companies of which the client prioritized 9 for contacting. One company expressed interest in further talks, but since they do not plan visiting the fair in Paris, they will hold a teleconference first to agree on further steps of starting cooperation.

Large users of call centers (outsourced or in-house) identified as potential customers for global technology company

Completion: 2018 - 09
Target markets: CEE
Objective: On another region-wide project for one of the world's largest IT companies, Easylink was to conduct market research and list top potential end customers for call center software solutions among companies in 12 CEE (Central and Eastern European) countries who have either their own in-house call center or who use an outsourced call center.
Results: Through this project, our client received a database of 366 carefully selected potential customers in the targetted market segment across 12 countries (up to 50 in larger markets such as Russia, Poland and Czech Republic). The database included full contact details, number of employees, turnover and available information on their use of call centers.

IoT cyberdefense solutions provider wishes to identify potential distribution partners

Completion: 2018 - 08
Target markets: CZ,PL,RO
Objective: American company which specializes on highly advanced hardware/software solutions of cybersecurity for the IoT market, requested a qualified list of potential channel partners for distribution to the targetted export markets: Poland, Czech Republic, and Romania
Results: In each of the requested countries, EasyLink compiled a list of approximately 20 companies that have the potential to become business partners for the client, e.g. security system integrators, cyber-security companies, and data network security providers. Profiles of the listed companies included all main buisness figures, products and services description, and main references.

Market analysis for a global software giant on MOOC in multiple countries of CEE

Completion: 2018 - 08
Target markets: CZ,SK,PL,HU,RU,BG,RO,KZ,Balt,HR,SI,RS,CY,GR
Objective: One of the top 3 global tech companies wished to learn about the MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) development in Central & Eastern Europe in order to penetrate this market with solutions for its key players.
Results: EasyLink embraced the challenge to step into the teritory of the emerging MOOC market and in many Eastern European countries undeveloped sector of online learning and digital studying. The reports were created by utilizing various sources, including interviews with local experts, teachers at universities and founders of largest e-learning (& MOOC) portals and startups, and covered all key players, market overview and expected future developmennt.

Czech ICT market sector analysis (update)

Completion: 2018 - 07
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The Canadian Embassy in Prague requested an update of the ICT report completed in 2015.
Results: The entire report was updated by new data from 2016-2018 and expanded by new chapter on social media and cryptocurrency/blockchain as the Czech Republic was one of the first countries in the world to take steps in regulating cryptocurrencies.

US leader in cybersecurity evaluating the Polish defense sector

Completion: 2018 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client is the global leader in Cybersecurity, Cloud/Hosting, Mobility, Unified Communications, Wireline and Wireless Network Services and System Integrator/Professional Services for the defense sector and beyond. The company is examining markets that are i) increasing defense spending ii) have a presence of US troops iii) have a sizeable ICT market. They wish to better understand how Polish government organizes its government solicitation (RFP) process, especially for the ministries responsible for: Defense, Infrastructure and Telecom
Results: EasyLink's task was to conduct research in order to explore how does the Polish Government buy, what is length of Government procurement cycle, process for US firms seeking to bid on Polish Government RFP's, who are key decision-makers related to telecom-related procurement, if there are any Government RFP's related to border security/IoT connectivity, cyber, Opportunities / route to market direct to end-users vs. via vendors/distributors. We described the procurementprocedures applicable to the defense sector incl. technical dialogues and tender preparation, the process for US companies seeking to bid on Polish tenders in government, units within MoD responsible for ICT purchasesand a list of key decision makers in particular bodies and authorities. We also provided recommendations as to the route to market highlighting the areas of key importance for a US supplier.

Unique consumer tracking solution for shopping centres seeking partners in Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 10
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client has developed a unique consumer tracking concept that allows shopping centres to bring previously unattainable benefits for all stake-holders and wishes to present their solution to potential end-clients and partners in Hungary.
Results: EasyLink focused on contacting large shopping centres, estate developers owning shopping centres and customer-orientated marketing solutions providers. Out of the 47 contacted companies, 4 companies expressed interest in learning more about the solution, including ECE Projektmanagement – owner and operator of 5 shopping centres in Hungary.

Microsoft hires EasyLink to identify new partners among Independent Software Vendors in Central & Eastern Europe

Completion: 2017 - 07
Target markets: CZ,SK,RU,BG,RO,KZ,Balt,HR,SI,RS
Objective: EasyLink was selected by Microsoft to compile lists of Independent Software Vendors from particular vertical markets (retail, manufacture, banking, etc.) in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States.
Results: EasyLink delivered to MS compiled lists with hundreds of ISVs listed in selected vertical markets based on Microsoft's assignment. For example, in the Czech and Slovak market together, EasyLink listed a total of 448 unique software companies qualified as ISVs. “We contracted EasyLink in 2016 for a market research study in 6 countries in the CEE region. We were very satisfied with their work, and the quality of the output exceeded our expectations. We especially valued their flexible approach, structured way of results delivery and their expert recommendations. We would definitely recommend them as a partner to work with.” - Ellen Kasikova, Market Intelligence Manager at Microsoft CEE

U.S. company wishes to assess potential for their encoder and decoder products for live streaming of videos in CEE

Completion: 2017 - 06
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: EasyLink was asked to prepare an overview of the Czech and Polish markets; of particular interest was information on connectivity, speed, bandwidth, and network infrastructure.
Results: Internet use in the Czech Republic has been growing at a steady rate. Internet penetration climbed from 5% in 1998 to almost 34% at the end of 2004, 52% in 2007, and 75% in 2015, finally reaching the EU average. Most users access the Internet via fixed broadband Internet connections; however mobile broadband connection is on the rise and Wi-Fi connections contribute heavily. Internet is accessed mainly via xDSL (23% of connections) and wireless (26.2%), followed by mobile networks (23%). Live streams have been mainly a domain for news organizations and service providers (e.g. streaming of conferences), which usually require professional equipment. News organizations in the Czech Republic have made significant investments in video content in the past three years. The Czech market for live streaming products is fairly underdeveloped and concentrated, with most competing products aimed at the professional market (news portals, online TVs, streaming services providers). Most consumer solutions are aimed at live game streaming. We advised the client to approach the markets through specialized distributors/importers with ties in the professional market, which is the top market segment for this type of products.

Evaluating digital appetite of large companies in several CEE countries

Completion: 2017 - 02
Target markets: CZ,PL,RO,HU,HR,Baltics
Objective: Our client has developed a cloud based software platform and wished to identify new clients in the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and the Baltics with focus on the so called “emerging industries” and Industry 4.0. EasyLink’s main task was to study all materials related to digital prowess of the selected companies and score them on “digital appetite” aspects (e.g. defined digital industrial strategy, implementation of relevant Industry 4.0 solutions, etc.), on employing tech leaders and using competing products. Final ranking would reveal which sectors, countries and companies are ahead of the curve and hold most potential.
Results: EasyLink evaluated 98 companies in total, and provided comments, explanations and sources for all the marks or lack thereof. Only a handful of companies received top marks, showing that despite thriving manufacturing industries, CEE countries still hold rather “traditionalist” views if compared to e.g. Western Europe or the Nordics. Nonetheless, a good number of companies received an average or above-average score and with local governments fostering programmes for Industry 4.0, digitalization is well on its way to become one of the tool to increase productivity and competitiveness.

Searching for end users in Hungary

Completion: 2016 - 08
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client is an IT solution company providing strategic advice on the implementation of best of breed new technology.
Results: Based on the project brief prepared for the client, the EasyLink consultant in Hungary conducted market research into prospective end-customers - retail and petrol station chains, and prospective technology partners - sellers of e-POS systems and PCI-DSS consultants, and compiled a database of 64 prospective partners. None of the ePOS manufacturers or PCI DSS consultants approached for this project were interested in partnering with Precept IT to bring its products and services to the Hungarian market. The general consensus was that the products and services are suitable for a market with a less developed and widespread practice of mobile payment terminals.

Updating a sectorial analysis for the Canadian Embassy in Prague: ICT

Completion: 2015 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: After successfully completing revision and update of several sector analyses for the Canadian Embassy (aerospace, medical devices and education, food&beverage), EasyLink was again commissioned to revise and considerably expand the existing analysis of the ICT sector initially prepared in 2011.
Results: EasyLink proceeded to update the report in a manner that would allow the viewer to have a comprehensive overview of the sector encompassing current situation and trends in the hardware, software, IT services, telecommunications, and Internet and e-Commerce sub-markets. EasyLink also added revised data pertaining to ICT international trade as well as presence of local and foreign key players, R&D centres and incubators. Key opportunities and challenges bring attention to cyber security, third platform/Internet of Things, E-Gov, Industry 4.0 and Fintech software and technologies.

Background check on multiple entities in Poland

Completion: 2015 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: U.S. supplier of IT equipment reached out to EasyLink to carry a background check of a Polish company. The Polish company originally identified themselves under one name in regards to purchasing products to sell to the Polish military. After brief negotiations and discussions, the company changed their name, which caused suspicion in regards to the legitimacy of the company.
Results: We conducted a background check on both Polish firms as well as interviewed the contact person in the Polish military to find out more about the companies and the transaction. Both companies were registered as civil partnerships, which meant that they were not obliged to report to the Court Register of companies - thus no information on their financial standing and capital ties as well as no financial statements were publicly available. We also reviewed listings of public tenders in Poland to find out that both companies were actively taking part in many public tenders organized by public institutions; we delivered information on the number of tenders won within the last eight years and the total value of the transactions and subjects of tenders.

Czech Republic: Partner search project continues after the client reviews the initial list of contacts

Completion: 2015 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: U.S. software solution and services company focused on delivering world-class, real-time data historian and trending analysis solutions wished EasyLink to contact selected prospective distribution partners.
Results: In October and November 2015, EasyLink approached 17 companies that were pre-selected by the client as best candidates from the initial list of prospective partners prepared in March 2015. Our report included detailed profiles of the companies that confirmed interest in direct communication with the client as well as short profiles of other companies contacted. We also provided hints on how to structure the introductory email to executive managers of the interested & interesting companies.

Czech Republic: Partner search project continues after the client reviews the initial list of contacts

Completion: 2015 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: U.S. software solution and services company focused on delivering world-class, real-time data historian and trending analysis solutions wished EasyLink to contact selected prospective distribution partners.
Results: In October and November 2015, EasyLink approached 17 companies that were pre-selected by the client as best candidates from the initial list of prospective partners prepared in March 2015. Our report included detailed profiles of the companies that confirmed interest in direct communication with the client as well as short profiles of other companies contacted. We also provided hints on how to structure the introductory email to executive managers of the interested & interesting companies.

Background check on multiple entities in Poland

Completion: 2015 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: U.S. supplier of IT equipment reached out to EasyLink to carry a background check of a Polish company. The Polish company originally identified themselves under one name in regards to purchasing products to sell to the Polish military. After brief negotiations and discussions, the company changed their name, which caused suspicion in regards to the legitimacy of the company.
Results: We conducted a background check on both Polish firms as well as interviewed the contact person in the Polish military to find out more about the companies and the transaction. Both companies were registered as civil partnerships, which meant that they were not obliged to report to the Court Register of companies - thus no information on their financial standing and capital ties as well as no financial statements were publicly available. We also reviewed listings of public tenders in Poland to find out that both companies were actively taking part in many public tenders organized by public institutions; we delivered information on the number of tenders won within the last eight years and the total value of the transactions and subjects of tenders.

Unqualified list of prospective partners in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: U.S. company delivering enterprise historian and trending solutions that simplify and optimize data analysis to drive more informed, confident decisions sought to identify prospective distribution partners in the Czech Republic.
Results: We compiled an initial list with short profiles of 44 prospective targets in the Czech Republic. We focused on identifying System Integrators for Automation, SCADA, and process manufacturing and distributors of process control software. The list was presented to the client for selection of best prospects to be approached at a later stage.

UK software developer's first steps in the Hungarian market

Completion: 2015 - 03
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client is an an innovative software developer specialising in the design and development of advanced web based software applications for public sector organisations. EasyLink was tasked to research the market for cloud based software solutions primarily for the public sector, local authorities for regulation of EU laws and identify and approach prospective local partners.
Results: Our Budapest office focused on researching and approaching distributors/providers of software with references in the public sector andcontacted 18 companies matching the profile. Four companies were interested in meeting the client, all with extensive experience with e-gov software and municipalities. The client was very pleased with the quality of the meetings and rated them an average of 8.75 (out of 10).

Arranging a conference call with one of the leading provider of services for the nuclear power sector

Completion: 2014 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client, a U.S. supplier of enterprise historian and trending solutions that simplify and optimize data analysis, identified the leading supplier of comprehensive services in the area of command and control, industrial information systems and electrical systems for the power sector in the Czech Republic as their most suitable partner in the country. EasyLink was commissioned to establish contact with this company and arrange a conference call so both companies can discuss opportunities and interest in mutual collaboration.
Results: Since the selected partner is an extremely large company with over 1,000 employees working in various departments and locations, numerous phone calls were placed before a relevant manager was identified. Then, we introduced the client and their solutions, strongly emphasizing their key unique selling points. We followed up by sending an introductory email together with marketing materials presented by the client. After studying all the information provided the Head of Information Systems Development Department confirmed their readiness to discuss collaboration opportunities with the client over a Webex conference. EasyLink thus arranged the day and time of the conference call. The conference call resulted in additional follow-up discussions between the two companies.

UK regulatory software provider seeking partners in Romania and Bulgaria

Completion: 2014 - 11
Target markets: RO&BG
Objective: TEasyLink was commissioned by a major UK producer of cloud-based regulatory software to identify potential distribution partners in Romania and Bulgaria. EasyLink’s task was also to develop an understanding of local government structures in Romania and Bulgaria and the current state of e-Government.
Results: EasyLink shortlisted and contacted 27 and 16 prospects. 4 targeted face-to-face meetings were arranged in Romania and 5 in Bulgaria. We also provided comprehensive in-market support (logistics, interpretation and accompaniment to meetings).

EasyLink helps to identify a suitable company for acquisition in Romania and Bulgaria

Completion: 2014 - 11
Target markets: RO&BG
Objective: Our client is a major UK insurance intermediary software provider. EasyLink’s task was to research and identify suitable acquisition target companies in Romania and Bulgaria and identify potential partners among the local software companies of 25-150 employees, developing software for the insurance market.
Results: EasyLink’s teams in Romania and Bulgaria approached 25 and 17 companies respectively. In Romania, 5 meetings were scheduled and 4 meetings were arranged in Bulgaria. Face-to-face meetings with Romanian and Bulgarian prospects helped the client to evaluate acquisition potential in both countries and direct further business strategy accordingly.

Evaluating opportunities for a US manufacturer of fibre optic network products in Poland

Completion: 2014 - 10
Target markets: PL
Objective: In the initial stage of the project the task for EasyLink was to prepare a long list of potential partner companies – a mix of prospective distributors and end-users.
Results: Based on the criteria the prospects should meet as defined by the client (e.g. already selling compatible products such as passive optical devices, fibre optic power meters, fibre optic cabling, fibre optic attenuators and couplers, already with a customer base of cable companies and telecommunications companies, possibly with data networking integration expertise etc.) EasyLink compiled an initial list of 27 companies (with websites and short description).

Korean producer of digital signage systems looking for a partner in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2014 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to search for a distributor for a Korean manufacturer of digital signage players, DID, industrial AV for show rooms/exhibition areas and broadcasting products.
Results: EasyLink approached 25 potential partners meeting the client’s criteria with an offer of partnership with the client. EasyLink prepared a detailed PDF profile of the client in Czech language and disseminated it together with additional client’s materials to the prospects. 8 companies expressed interest in meeting the client and discussing potential cooperation. A successful series of meetings were held during the client’s visit to Prague; our assistance generated multiple export sales opportunities for the client.

Partner search and setting up of a meeting itinerary in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2014 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client is a global IT services firm that is currently managing active engagements with over 100 Fortune 1000 companies and government agencies around the world. The company wishes EasyLink to schedule meetings with qualified partners to be held during an in-market visit in January 2014.
Results: We initially identified and prepared short profiles of 41 prospective partners for review and comments by the client. Top 35 companies selected by the client were approached by phone. Their managers were subsequently provided detailed information via email. The mailing included an introductory email, a short PDF profile prepared by the consultant, and a two-pager provided by the client. 8 companies expressed interest in discussing partnership opportunities and 8 meetings were arranged with some of the leading companies in the Czech Republic. At a later stage the client wished to follow up with one of the top prospects that came out of all the meetings held in the Czech Republic to ask why they were not responding to emails the client had sent.

Market overview of airport investment projects in Poland

Completion: 2013 - 12
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. EasyLink was asked to compile information on ongoing and planned investments for all key airports in Poland.
Results: EasyLink approached the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, which is in charge of the overall development of Polish airports. Also, public tenders pertaining to the modernization of the Polish airports are organized and decided by this institution. EasyLink provided details on nine key Polish airports together with their current and planned investment projects involving airport infrastructure. The prevailing investment projects included modernization of terminals, modernization of operational area, construction of airfield pavements and roads, and available data regarding ongoing or planned investments (in USD).

Research of export regulations in Hungary for dual use computer products

Completion: 2013 - 12
Target markets: HU
Objective: US client producing computer units in Hungary consults EasyLink on export regulations
Results: "This is excellent information and the effort that was put into creating this report is greatly appreciated!"

Telecommunications test solutions from the U.K. for Slovakia

Completion: 2013 - 11
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our client is an innovative design and development company committed to providing the ‘next generation’ of telecommunications test solutions. The client’s customers include global telecom and data communication organisations such as 3Com, Alcatel, AT&T, BT, Cisco, Ericsson, Intel, Motorola, Nortel, Panasonic and Samsung. EasyLink was asked to provide background on the telecommunications industry and call centre sector in Slovakia, identifying the main operators, identify and target potential distribution partners for hardware to the telecommunications sector, e.g. Call centre related equipment, test and monitoring equipment.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Slovakia conducted market research into companies involved in distribution of telecommunications test solutions, telecommunication companies, and call centres. 33 companies were contacted by phone and the consultant spoke to the relevant person – e.g. general manager, purchasing manager, MD etc. Eight companies confirmed interest in meeting the client to discuss potential partnership.

IT repair and service company from Northern Ireland looking at opportunities in Slovakia

Completion: 2013 - 11
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our client is dedicated to providing a professional range of computer-related services to small businesses, charities, community organisations and home users. The company wished EasyLink to check the market potential and approach Slovak entities from among telecom corporations, government institutions, etc.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Slovakia conducted market research into companies involved in distribution of computers, charity work, education and in major companies which are likely to upgrade IT hardware on a regular basis. We approached 35 companies and managed to arrange seven meetings with prospects like Lenovo, KPMG, MetLife, Volkswagen etc.

U.S. leader in enterprise resource planning (ERP) eyeing Russia and Ukraine

Completion: 2013 - 03
Target markets: UA&RU
Objective: Our client is the leader in enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM) solutions for the consumer goods industry. We were commissioned to identify and approach partners-distributors of the client’s ERP software in Russia and Ukraine.
Results: EasyLink carried research of the respective markets to identify prospective partners and approached relevant managers within the companies with the proposal for partnership. EasyLink then prepared detailed travel itineraries together with profiles of all the prospects interested and ready to meet the client. Following the client’s visit to Russia to meet prospective partners and subsequent talks with the leading candidate, EasyLink was asked to approach additional targets in Russia. This time the focus was on approaching companies delivering retail point of sale, customs and duty software and logistics software. 26 companies were approached, 2 companies were interested in direct talks with the client. 3 pending companies requested receiving even more information.

Customer search: Telecom testing solutions provider from the U.K.

Completion: 2013 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: After a successful visit to Slovakia, our client (a leading U.K. provider of testing solutions for the telecommunications industry) now wishes to expand to the Czech Republic. The aim of the company during the trade mission was to identify and approach new distributors and potential customers (Network Operators).
Results: Based on the market report submitted in December 2013 and subsequently provided feedback, the NITC consultant focused on approaching 12 companies selected by the client from the list of prospective partners incorporated in the report. In the course of the project, 19 additional companies were added to the shortlist (both completely new and those initially listed in the market report but not selected by the client). EasyLink arranged meetings with 6 potential partners/customers (e.g. Telefónica O2 Czech Republic). “…Easy Link has provided a highly valuable opportunity to explore this new market for our company.”

Distributor search: Irish software developer targets the Czech Republic

Completion: 2012 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client tasked EasyLink to evaluate the potential of the market and to present its product, a visitor management software based on single web-based management platform, to potential partners – distributors of HW and SW. Detailed structured profiles of positive prospects and profiles of other contacts were to be submitted to the client along with background information on market.
Results: The EasyLink consultant initially developed a list of 44 IT distributors. Information resources used to develop an initial list of contacts included business databases and directories, company profiles, interviews with potential customers, end users as well as experts in sector-specific associations, and the consultant’s own market knowledge and contacts. Their managers were then contacted by phone in order to ascertain whether the companies constitute potential business partners, and provided with detailed information on the client’s proposal. After reviewing the information, 3 companies expressed interest in co-operation and meeting the client’s representatives.

Czech Republic: EasyLink delivers an omnibus study on IT security, repeated after 1 yr

Completion: 2012 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client, a major antivirus software developer, requested consumer opinion research. EasyLink was asked to advise a method meeting the client’s requirement (5 closed questions, 1,000 people from across all sectors).
Results: Given the need of our client for quick turnaround and effective costs, EasyLink recommended an omnibus survey as the best solution. Omnibus, a multi-topic multi-client survey, is a cost-effective tool enabling to carry representative market research in the shortest period of time. The omnibus study (random stratified sample of 1,000 respondents from 84 sampling areas covering the entire Czech Republic) was first carried in August 2011 for our client. The results were delivered via easy-to-understand presentation slides, and the client was also provided tables that enabled in-depth analysis of opinions by respondents’ age, gender, income level and region. In August 2012, the client requested another round of survey, with slightly amended questions.

Background check of a prospective distributor in Russia for a U.S. mobile communication company

Completion: 2011 - 12
Target markets: RU
Objective: A small U.S. provider of enterprise mobility software solutions that connect to an organization’s enterprise applications and provide access to mobile users on a variety of mobile devices was looking to partner up with a Russian organization that markets and sells a variety of enterprise solutions throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS. Our task was to conduct in-depth research and evaluation of this entity with the aim to determine whether it appears to be a reputable and reliable partner.
Results: Easylink consultant for Russia interviewed reference customers as well as searched for financial information and relevant news about the company to provide in-depth information.

Market research and partner search projects in the Czech Republic and Romania

Completion: 2011 - 11
Target markets: CZ&RO
Objective: A software company focusing on solutions for logistics and supply chain management wished to expand presence on the Czech and Romanian markets. EasyLink was asked to deliver insight into the logistics markets and identify prospective partners in both countries.
Results: The Czech Republic is the leader among CEE countries in logistics area per capita. Neighbouring Slovakia, half the size of the Czech Republic, only has approximately one third of the total Czech logistics area while Poland, a country 4 times as big, only offers an area twice as large. The Romanian logistics market grew at over 22% per year between 2008-2010, registering one of the highest growth rates in CEE. EasyLink consultants identified and approached 31 Czech and 21 Romanian companies involved in deliveries of electronic equipment (terminals/identification systems) and software implementing companies for the logistics sector. Our efforts generated 15 prospective distribution partners – qualified and with confirmed interest in the proposed collaboration. In addition, we organized two seminars for potential end users in Romania - in Bucharest on 22 June 2011 and in Brasov on 29 November 2011.

EasyLink prepares a professional market research opinion statement

Completion: 2011 - 07
Target markets: USA
Objective: Our client, a software producer based in Poland, considers introducing its computer programs on the U.S. market. EasyLink is requested to examine whether any special requirements (e.g. certificates) are required for software developers from the EU selling their solutions in the United States.
Results: From our Prague office, we interviewed senior managers, business analysts, and IT testers in a number of local companies (e.g. ICT Alliance) as well as researched materials and expert opinions compiled by third parties - e.g. a company working with European software companies that are entering the U.S. market for the first time, and a US-based law firm serving high technology and biotechnology clients.

Lithuania: Insight into a business district

Completion: 2011 - 06
Target markets: LT
Objective: EasyLink is asked to organise a site visit in order to describe location of a Lithuanian branch of a European provider of Oracle-related services.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Lithuania visited the Business Triangle of Vilnius, a seat of around 200 companies (many multinational) providing jobs to 5,000 people on a total office area of about 43,000 sqm. The scope of information we delivered to the client included, but was not limited to, the type of business the companies are involved in, rent levels, geographical description, historical information on the site, real estate developers and constructors involved in the project, and analysis of key advantages and disadvantages of the location (e.g. heavy traffic and problems with finding a parking space). In addition we provided pictures and area maps, always marking an exact location of the company of interest.

U.S. client seeks cooperation with Russian companies for implementation of its mobile payment transfer technology

Completion: 2011 - 05
Target markets: RU
Objective: A leading U.S. technology consulting and service company providing solution sets for Internet facing platforms, back office systems, emerging technologies and operations wishes to develop market presence in Russia. EasyLink is asked to identify relevant partners and establish key individuals within them, with a view of attempting to determine and discuss potential and secure meetings for the client’s visit to Russia.
Results: EasyLink approached 21 companies - mobile-phone operators, retail partners and high-street stores that sell IT/telephones/pre-paid cards, and partners to cover the cash redemption side - to introduce the client and their systém, and to discuss potential partnership as well as interest in meeting our client’s representatives. The final report included detailed profiles of all companies interested in the proposed collaboration as well as short profiles of the companies that declined our proposal.

Polish software company meets potential partners in Slovakia

Completion: 2011 - 05
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to conduct a matchmaking project and schedule meetings with qualified prospects.
Results: Using a number of resources such as business directories, professional journals, trade fair catalogues as well as our own business contacts, we prepared an initial list of 25 software distributors and end-customers meeting the client’s criteria. We then approached their managers to present the client and his products as well as the partnership opportunity and evaluate their qualification and interest for partnering up with the client. Altogether 5 meetings were arranged for our client’s visit to Slovakia in May 2011.

U.S. supplier of software solutions for the government screens the Romanian market

Completion: 2010 - 12
Target markets: RO
Objective: Our client wishes to evaluate potential in Romania, focusing on pre-boxed software solutions for the military, government and commercial sectors. The company wants to liaise (and meet if potential is identified) with VARs/distributors on the commercial side and influential people in NATO command/defence industry.
Results: The consultant in Romania compiled profiles of 41 companies, which included independent software vendors and other companies active in the IT sector, 6 central authorities including the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Communication, General Secretariat of the Government, IT Department of the Government, ITC Department within the Ministry of Defence, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament and ANIS – the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry. Our information resources included business databases, company websites and public tenders pertaining to the communication and defence industries. All the short-listed companies were involved in commercial distribution and constituted influential stakeholders in NATO structures and the defence industry. All companies were contacted by the consultant over the phone, in order to introduce the client and its software, plus were provided additional information about the software by email and were given access to the available demo. Finally, their interest in working with the client was assessed.

Leading global supplier of meteorological information and forecasts targeting prospects in CEE

Completion: 2010 - 05
Target markets: PL, CZ
Objective: A U.S. provider of meteorological information and forecasts requested assistance with identifying interested & interesting mobile carriers as well as newspapers and media companies with an online presence, and scheduling meetings with relevant prospects.
Results: The consultant introduced the client and its proposed partnership opportunity to 30 pre-selected companies in Poland. After identifying 6 highly interested and qualified prospects (e.g. the largest mobile operator in Poland and one of the biggest Polish cable TV operators), the consultant recommended the client to proceed with an in-market visit.

Market insight into the online and mobile games markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary

Completion: 2010 - 04
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink consultants were assigned to approach experts in the casual, social, MMORPG and mobile gaming sectors and interview them regarding the current market situation, structure and outlook.
Results: EasyLink interviewed 10 experts in each of the three countries and submitted their market insight views and opinions in a structured format so that project results could be easily compared across various countries.

Leading U.S. supplier of network testing equipment looking for European partners

Completion: 2009 - 08
Target markets: CZ&PL&TU
Objective: Our client, a leading U.S. manufacturer of data communications equipment for copper and fibre networks, is keen to expand its export markets and has therefore requested EasyLink’s assistance to target suitable test and measurement distribution partners in Poland and the Czech Republic. Following successful completion in these two markets, EasyLink was commissioned to carry a project in Turkey.
Results: In the first stage, close to 50 Czech and Polish companies were identified and evaluated. The consultant then proceeded by interviewing managers of 41 Czech and Polish companies marked by the client as worth contacting and providing them with detailed information. The consultants followed up to acquire their responses once they had a chance to evaluate and discuss the opportunity internally. 4 Polish and 3 Czech companies showed keen interest in being contacted directly by the client to discuss business opportunities and possibilities for potential co-operation. In Turkey, the consultant identified 26 prospects, and upon client’s comments, proceeded to contacting their managers. The client was then provided with detailed profiles of all qualified & keen partners.

Multi-step multi-country project: U.S. exporter of refurbished computers looking for new partners in the CEE region

Completion: 2009 - 05
Target markets: CZ&SK&PL
Objective: Our initial task was to identify and interview the leading importers of refurbished computers in the Czech Republic to determine their interest in talking to a new supplier and establish an English speaking contact. Within weeks of submitting our report, the client initiated an aggressive strategy to enter the CEE markets. EasyLink consulting team was entrusted with preparation of detailed meeting itineraries for the client’s trip to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland in May 2009; the trip was organized as part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s trade mission.
Results: In the first phase, the consultant identified and approached ten leading importers and wholesalers of refurbished computers; a total of nine companies expressed interest in further talks. In the second stage, we scheduled altogether 14 meetings (all with highly qualified entities with confirmed interest) for the client’s 5-day visit to Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. EasyLink was highly praised by the client: “I have just returned from the Eastern (Central as they like to say) European Mission. While I have had some great experiences with trade missions in the past; … I have to say that this was the most well organized, most thoroughly vetted and best run mission to date. The true measure of a successful mission is “Closed” sales, (which is up to me), but everything else was handled in a way that would surely make you proud! … I would like to give Kudos to Easy Link and their staff for a job well done. Thanks for everything you do for small biz ~~ the true jobs engine in the USA.”

Targeting players on the IT market in Ukraine

Completion: 2009 - 04
Target markets: UA
Objective: Our client offers unified threat management solutions that provide the best combination of strong, reliable, multi-layered security with the best ease of use in its class. Their newest line of products makes secure remote access easy and affordable, regardless of the size of the network. The company is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, with offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America. Although end users are typically SME's (5 to 500 employees), there has been an increased focus in Europe on the public sector with customer wins at the National Health Service in the UK and at various municipalities and local governments. EasyLink was requested to identify suitable partners in Ukraine and provide advice on what the potential market in the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Romania could be and if it is felt appropriate to carry out a partner search in these countries.
Results: The consultant in Ukraine conducted desk research and interviews to explore the market potential, confirm the route to market and determine the most appropriate representatives for the company. 18 large and middle size businesses (all prominent players on Ukraine’s IT market) were approached over the phone to identify the relevant point of contact, interviewed to establish their interest in partnering with the client, sent further information as requested and then contacted again for their decisions and statements.

Targeting all mobile operators in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. provider of real-time database virtualization solution that unifies data across multiple networks and businesses so customers can reduce total cost of ownership and deliver new services to market faster wished to make contact with major mobile network providers in the Czech Republic in advance of the GSMA Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona on 16-19 February 2009. EasyLink was further requested to arrange meetings at the event or afterwards.
Results: The Czech telecommunication industry has been rapidly developing in the last few years. Between 2000 and 2006, the industry revenues grew by 63% despite a significant decrease in prices of products and services charged to customers. The sector is dominated by multinational companies (O2, T-mobile and Vodafone) that acquired large local entities. The consultant made multiple phone calls to identify and verify relevant managers of all the major mobile network providers. Once the proper contact person was reached, the consultant discussed the offer with them and evaluated their level of interest in client’s solutions. The consultant also provided the client with detailed profiles of all the four relevant prospects - mobile operators. One company expressed interest in direct talks.

Manufacturer of fibre optic products targets the Czech market

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: We were asked to identify qualified and keen distribution partners with experience in delivery of optical networks components and measurement of optical networks for a U.S. manufacturer of fibre optic connectivity and management products, digital cross-connect systems, power distribution and protection products, equipment racks, cabinets and integrated solutions.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant pre-selected and approached 33 potential partners with a proposal for cooperation, of which 3 companies (matching the client's criteria and with confirmed interest in cooperation) were recommended for further talks. The key reasons for a rather large number of negative responses were related to the rather strict selection criteria set by the client, namely the requirement of sole distributorship (not carrying competitive products) – local companies prefer to offer a broader portfolio of products to bring more choices to their customers.

Manufacturer of equipment for the cable broadcasting network seeks Czech partners

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to carry out a matchmaking project for a supplier of optical modules and systems for transmitting analogue signals over fibre-optic links. The company utilizes their unique engineering expertise to provide advanced solutions for applications in Hybrid fibre-coax (HFC) of cable television, wireless repeaters, and Fibber-to-the-Home (FTTH). The company’s goal was to further strengthen its presence in Europe as Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Romania) and Latin America (Mexico, Argentina) already belongs to its key export markets. Whilst the initial focus was directed to identifying companies selling to TV channels, feedback from the European market indicated that these companies were not the right target group, and therefore the strategy was shifted to companies that supply and sometimes manufacture technical equipment which in turn is then sold to companies who are in direct contact with Cable TV stations.
Results: Out of 35 distributors of CATV/HTF components the consultant identified and approached in the Czech Republic, 6 companies confirmed interest in further discussions with the client.

Strategic marketing study of the Czech IT & BPO market

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The Embassy of India in the Czech Republic approached EasyLink to request a strategic market sector analysis in the software, BPO and IT education market in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink prepared an almost 90-page long detailed analysis of the markets of interest (Business Process Outsourcing, Knowledge Process Outsourcing and IT & ITO). The Czech Republic has been one of the most successful BPO and IT markets in the CEE region. Large cities such as Prague, Brno or Ostrava have become hubs of BPO operations with numerous large projects in the field. The study covered the size, structure and trends of individual segments as well as overview of IT education, end users and legal and technical considerations as well as work force data.

U.K. client seeking to strengthen presence in Poland and the Czech Republic

Completion: 2009 - 02
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: Our long-term client, Europe’s largest IT network & telecommunications hardware repair organisation, wished to now establish direct contact with Czech and Polish systems integrators, network maintenance companies and Internet Service Providers.
Results: EasyLink’s consultants identified and contacted 14 Czech and 23 Polish companies to evaluate their interest for collaborating with the client. We recommended the client to begin direct talks with the top three candidates, one of them being Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., the biggest player on the Polish market.

U.S. producer of simulators looking to appoint a local representative in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. based producer of simulators for commercial and military applications sought our assistance in identifying prospective distribution partners and representatives in the Czech Republic.
Results: We screened over 100 companies (small and medium-size enterprises as well as large organizations involved in foreign trade with military equipment) to pre-select 22 entities for in-depth scrutiny by the client.

Indian software outsourcing company looking for opportunities in the Czech financial sector

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client considered entering the Czech market through a joint venture with a Czech partner. They requested information on the Czech financial sector, labour force costs and availability as well as state subsidies for software development projects. They also assigned EasyLink to select and recommend business partners interested in potential cooperation/joint-venture among local software companies delivering to the financial sector.
Results: EasyLink provided an extensive report on the financial sector, namely banks and insurance companies active in the Czech Republic, their market shares and recent trends and development. Labour costs of various IT professionals and their sources (faculties with IT majors, number of grads etc.) were listed. Major subsidy programmes operated by CzechInvest and the Ministry of Industry and Trade were described in detail. EasyLink’s consultant selected 17 potential business partners, out of which 7 agreed to meet and discuss potential cooperation. A detailed itinerary was prepared. EasyLink’s consultant accompanied the client to all meetings to provide in-market support and other assistance.

Identifying prospective small IT companies in Hungary

Completion: 2008 - 12
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our U.S. client, an IT services company providing assistance with helpdesk, software, LAN networks and web development and experienced in working with foreign governments and NATO, was looking to expand into new markets, and Hungary, a NATO member with relatively low labour costs, constituted a very interesting country. The client would like to partner with local, small IT firms so that they can begin teaming on and bidding NATO contracts. We were asked to develop a short-list of Hungarian IT companies that have NATO-clearance and/or defence-industry references and provide names, websites, contact details and short profiles. At this time we were not to contact the companies to evaluate their qualification and interest.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Hungary acquired a list of NATO-cleared suppliers from the Hungarian Ministry of Defence. The list included a total of 327 companies, of which 46 indicated information technology in their list of activities. The NATO BOA website listed additional 5 companies that have supplied NATO in the past but no longer hold current NATO clearances. We narrowed our final list to 27 companies with the most potential for collaboration with the client.

Specialist Internet network testing equipment presented in Hungary

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: HU
Objective: After successful collaboration with EasyLink in the spring of 2006 this U.S. supplier of network testing equipment now wishes to identify and approach prospective partners in Hungary, distributing to the telecommunications, software development and IT fields.
Results: Over 60 companies were initially screened and a total of 21 companies were approached by the consultant and evaluated as potential partners. Meetings with 7 companies (fulfilling selection criteria and ready to meet) were arranged.

Czech Republic and Poland: Producer of video analysis software seeking a local partner

Completion: 2008 - 05
Target markets: PL&CZ
Objective: A U.S. producer of video analysis software enlisted assistance to identify distributors in the Czech Republic and Poland experienced in homeland security and security services with established contacts with military advisors, military end users, correction officers and utility engineers.
Results: Close to 35 Czech and Polish pre-selected companies were contacted by EasyLink’s consultants, and their potential and interest in becoming a partner were evaluated. In each country, 4 companies were recommended to the client for further communication regarding potential partnership.

Providing in-depth information on expertise of selected software companies in Slovakia

Completion: 2008 - 01
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our German client requested us to develop a database of Slovak IT companies.
Results: We identified relevant companies with JAVA, SQL, XML, HTML, Pro/Engineer and CATIA V5 capacities. The database contained 21 companies. Individual entries included very detailed information such as contact information, short profile, PC infrastructure of each company, number of employees, number of programmers, experience with PLM, CAD and ERP, interest in co-operation with a foreign PLM/CAD/ERP producer, turnover data, information on certificates, references (industries and clients), export countries, software products/services provided, company location and membership in associations.

U.K. component level repair specialist for network equipment seeks repair partners in Poland

Completion: 2007 - 12
Target markets: PL
Objective: With an increase in the number of companies moving manufacturing operations to Central and Eastern Europe, our client (holding a worldwide reputation for component level repairs of network equipment) identified an opportunity for the group to further develop its business, and wished to identify existing companies with the ability to repair computers and peripherals that could develop a business of high-end network repair in Poland.
Results: The consultant in Poland initially developed a list of 20 companies involved in repairing computers and peripherals, such as printers, fax machines, laptops and scanners. Their managers were then contacted by phone in order to ascertain whether the companies constitute potential business partners, and provided with detailed information on the client’s proposal. After reviewing the information, 8 companies expressed interest in co-operation and meeting client’s representatives. Our results indicated that the client might engage in interesting and long-lasting co-operation with several leading IT and telecommunication companies in Poland.

U.S. software specialist expanding with its financial analysis Internet-based application to Hungary

Completion: 2007 - 12
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client, an innovative and aggressive firm focused on building a global financial database of small to emerging growth businesses with users in over 30 countries, requested our assistance in selecting, identifying and contacting a selection of strategic prospective partners in Hungary, in several areas of business, from sector association to financial service providers to government agencies. The client’s product is a free tool that analyzes a user's QuickBooks data, converts it from “accounting” to “English” and pushes it back to the users desktop in an easy to understand dashboard format.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Hungary performed a partner search for qualified distributors, licensing partners and multipliers according to the client‘s search criteria and specifications. The final report included profiles of pre-screened companies together with contact information of key representatives as well as their professional opinion on the product and its application in the local market.

Leading Czech data networks and telecommunication company targets customers in Romania

Completion: 2007 - 11
Target markets: RO
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify prospective customers among government bodies (regional administration, municipalities and ministries) and introduce them our client’s solutions in the field of integrated transport system, communication infrastructure of micro-regions (municipalities), high-speed performance and secure data networks, secure information for government and highway monitoring.
Results: The consultant in Romania approached key decision makers within governmental institutions in charge of public transport and communication infrastructure. Four institutions expressed interest in being visited by the client to discuss potential cooperation. EasyLink then prepared a detailed 2-day itinerary for the Czech client.

Multinational provider of next generation IP communications solutions looking for customers

Completion: 2007 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A provider of IP communications solutions enlisted EasyLink’s services in locating target customers amongst the leading providers of telecommunications and data networks interested in supplying client's technology as an added value product to end users. Further, EasyLink was requested to provide market specific information on tax and duty liability, market acceptance and rules and details regarding equipment certification and homologation.
Results: EasyLink consulting team identified 4 potential partners in the market that is dominated by client's competitors.

Computer reseller providing IT hardware, software, networking and peripherals seeks a partner in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2007 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client requested assistance in finding a Czech partner for offshore development, focusing on document & records management, workflow and instruments for internal communication on .NET platform.
Results: 29 pre-selected companies - involved in software development, implementation and outsourcing in the Czech market - were interviewed and scrutinized to determine the level of capability to provide offshore software development as described and specified in the project specification. Criteria sheet was delivered to the pre-selected companies that confirmed their interest in partnership opportunity with the client. 9 positive leads with criteria sheets as well as their evaluation were delivered to the client.

German provider of software training programs for engineering companies seeking prospective clients

Completion: 2007 - 05
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our task was to provide a competitive landscape overview and insight into the target industries and follow by direct sales-oriented contacts with all key prospective customers to confirm their interest in meeting the client.
Results: EasyLink delivered a study of the engineering and automotive industries covering also competitive technical software training programs with a detailed description of major competitors, including their pricing. We contacted several dozens prospective customers and identified 7 potential clients with confirmed interest in new training programs.

Specialist producer of testing and development systems for telecommunications needs to strengthen distribution

Completion: 2007 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: An innovative design and development company committed to providing the ‘next generation’ of telecommunications test solutions required support in strengthening their established distribution channels as well as evaluating alternative options and approaching potential customers as a joint effort with their current distributor.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in the Czech Republic identified local manufacturers of telecommunication equipment with interest in network infrastructure development and test equipment distributed by the client as well as companies involved in embedded software development. Our efforts were coordinated with our client’s existing local distribution partner. The meeting itinerary (consisting of 6 face-to-face appointments) was arranged to allow for a visit to the local rep’s office in Brno as well as individual meetings with software developers and joint meetings (attended by the client and the local rep) with potential buyers.

Series of projects for a U.S. specialist in computing platforms & forensic terminals

Completion: 2007 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to carry multiple projects, from identification of sales potential and leads in the Czech Republic to approaching prospective customers/partners to scheduling meetings with the best prospects. Our client is a unique U.S. manufacturer of made-to-order state-of-the-art computing platforms used by armed forces command organizations in the U.S. and NATO, and of forensic terminals for certified federal, state and local law enforcement, intelligence and security professionals. Our client’s platforms enable to safely and effectively preview, acquire, recover, catalogue, analyze and verify electronic information from various devices.
Results: Following a preparatory stage to create an initial list of 24 companies for further screening, EasyLink was requested to contact appropriate companies from the initial list, as well as additional companies identified based on extended criteria, and assess their qualification. EasyLink presented 6 companies - qualified and interested in being considered as prospective partners to represent the client in the Czech Republic. The client responded by confirming his visit to the market to conduct one-to-one meetings.

U.S. software company looking at potential M&A targets

Completion: 2007 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client was looking for acquisition targets in the segment of software development. Specific criteria were set, including company turnover and service portfolio.
Results: EasyLink identified a total of 16 companies meeting the given criteria, and presented them in detailed profiles, inviting the client to proceed to personal visits and meetings, background checks or other tasks, as appropriate.

U.K. component level repair specialist for network equipment seeks partners in Central Europe

Completion: 2007 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client’s interest in the Czech Republic was as an outsourcing destination for network peripheral repair that will allow to offer current clients, e.g. leading telecommunication companies, a comprehensive repair and maintenance service economically and with a high degree of competence. The client would send such peripherals from the U.K. to the Czech company for repair. The Czech partners would thus be able to add high-end network repair services to their portfolio, and will be expected to pass this repair business back to the client.
Results: Out of 26 companies involved in repair and service of peripheral equipment, IT and office technology EasyLink identified and interviewed, 10 companies expressed interest in meeting the client to discuss potential cooperation. EasyLink then prepared a 5-day itinerary; the remote location of several companies required quite extensive travel arrangements. Most prospective partners started their business by importing and reselling IT equipment (PC, laptops, printers, scanners etc.) and gradually transformed themselves into primarily repair and service providers, though a number of potential partners were still involved in resale of either new or remanufactured equipment.

Internet/telecom network testing - emulators, traffic generators - partner search

Completion: 2006 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. supplier of network testing equipment presented EasyLink with a task of identifying and approaching prospective representatives with significant customer base in the telecommunications, software development, and IT fields, and preparing a meeting itinerary with relevant partners with whom the company's president would meet during his trip to the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink recommended a total of 5 potential partners for representing the company on the Czech market. Following the business visit, the client appointed one of the five companies its market representative.

Leading U.K. provider of test solutions for telecoms and IT products targets Poland

Completion: 2006 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client’s aim was to gradually establish a distribution network worldwide, and as part of its expansion strategy the company wanted to develop presence in Poland. The company was confident that a market exists for their product in C&EE (existing partners in Hungary and Romania), as it had received direct feedback from potential clients in the region. The client’s equipment focuses on test systems for different stages of production, from product development testing, through to functional end-of-line product testing, as well as pre-compliance and full compliance & Quality Assurance tests. The focus of this project was on 3 products: analogue telecom conformance test solution, xDSL electrical characteristics test solution and xDSL compatibility & interoperability test solution.
Results: EasyLink first researched the Polish market to identify distributors of test and measuring equipment for the telecommunication sector; we utilized resources such as “Elektronik” (a monthly trade magazine), National Symposium of Telecommunication Technology online catalogue and various databases. 16 prospects were contacted by phone to find out details about their operations, and client’s products and business proposition were presented to their managers who were them contacted again to obtain feedback about their interest in co-operation. Two companies were recommended for direct talks.

German customer wishes to buy large quantities of software in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2006 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify sound resellers of software (Symantec, Veritas, Adobe and Macromedia) in Czech Republic capable of providing competitive rates, and set up meetings with the top candidates.
Results: The consultant approached 7 pre-selected suppliers and requested their managers to provide quotes for the particular software products selected by the client. We then evaluated their quotes and scheduled a series of meetings with resellers offering the most competitive prices.

Research of the regulatory status in the Czech telecom sector

Completion: 2006 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to deliver information on a number of items such as telecom license issuance body, number, price and duration of issued licenses for mobile operators, MVNOs, fixed broadband regional service providers as well as frequency and telecom operator regulation and fair competition regulation.
Results: In order to provide the answers the consultant carried out 5 interviews (a mixture of face-to-face and phone) with Czech Telecommunication Office officers, Office of the Protection of Competition and mobile operators. The consultant provided the client with a 12-page report that addressed all the issues of interest in great detail.

Identifying key producers and distributors of IT equipment in Slovakia

Completion: 2005 - 12
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was requested to carry research into IT equipment (hardware) manufacturers and distributors in Slovakia and identify suppliers.
Results: We compiled detailed profiles of 7 importers, 13 distributors and 24 producers of hardware. The scope of information provided to the client included the companies’ name, address, contact details, product range as well as sales and staff size in 2004.

Competitor intelligence and background check

Completion: 2005 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to provide competitor intelligence and background check as well as monitor investment activities of an important foreign investor (Iceland-based) in the Czech telecommunication sector and the impact of its ownership share on the structure and behaviour of the acquired companies.
Results: EasyLink presented the findings answering our client’s particular questions via a thorough PowerPoint presentation – e.g. when did the investor acquire the majority shares in these operators, has there been any consolidation / ownership changes since he invested in the local operator and has the three operators changed their strategy after the acquisition? The key obstacle the consultant had to face is best summarized by a leading financial analyst’s quote in the press, “the investment was carried out in such a way that it would not be clear who owns the company.“ After 6 months we were asked to provide an update of the situation and analyze new developments.

Czech Republic: Survey of IT and software companies

Completion: 2005 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to survey IT and software companies and other key players and report on their structure and strategy.
Results: Altogether 14 multinational IT and software and 6 other companies and their projects were profiled in our through report on the Czech IT market that continues to be the most advanced in Central and Eastern Europe. Indicators such as IT spending as a proportion to GDP and mobile subscriptions as a proportion of the population are comparable to those of many Western European countries. Our analysis of the organizational structure of the key IT companies indicated a prevailing pattern, in which a Czech subsidiary is fully independent for business activities in the Czech Republic and reports either to the EMEA headquarters or global headquarters. For the majority of IT companies under study, the Czech Republic has been a market of key importance, often one of main sources of regional or even global growth. And for many of them, their successful experience in the Czech market combined with other positive factors has led to the decision to use the Czech Republic as the base for strategic centres providing services to clients throughout the region, or even globally.

Assisting our client in understanding local legislation and practice related to “talking while driving”

Completion: 2005 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to provide the client with clear understanding of the changes stemming from the enactment of new legislation on the use of mobile phones while driving.
Results: The consultant not only explained and cited the legislation but also described the development and changes in the attitude of drivers – e.g. prior to the enactment of new Road Act certain ways of holding a phone enabled drivers talk on their cell phones while driving and still remain law-abiding citizens.

Web server technology and appliances provider meets Czech companies

Completion: 2005 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our U.S. client actively pursues domestic and international sales of proprietary Web Server Technology and Appliances and is also a master reseller of all major technology manufactures from Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems, Intel, Seagate and IBM. Client’s servers are designed to block SPAM Email, Web and Email Viruses and inappropriate or objectionable content. EasyLink was requested to schedule targeted meetings with Czech companies.
Results: Easylink identified and approached 30 potential partners amongst web hosting and server housing providers and IT equipment and hardware importers and distributors. Meetings were scheduled with 6 qualified companies that confirmed interest in face-to-face discussions.

U.S. satellite-based global broadband Internet access technology provider targets the Czech Republic

Completion: 2005 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The company designs, develops and markets high bandwidth, satellite-based solutions targeted at enterprises with the need for fast, flexible and geographically dispersed two-way Internet/Intranet access. The technology has been optimized to deliver IP traffic over satellite, and can handle any Internet or web enabled functions including Citrix and other enterprise applications, IP multicasting, video conferencing and multimedia. The technology is designed to serve major corporations or government organizations that need secure, high-speed private IP networks. The company requested scheduling targeted meetings with qualified and interested prospective distribution partners and direct users.
Results: EasyLink scheduled a series of 11 meetings with ICT companies as well as the Ministry of Defence (heads of Telecommunication and National Armament Departments).

Matchmaking & Appointments in selected markets of Central & Eastern Europe

Completion: 2005 - 04
Target markets: HU,PL,SK
Objective: A licensed manufacturer of computer and audio / video accessories for Europe and the Middle East is seeking a strategic co-operation with a distribution company actively serving the retail and/or B2B sales channels.
Results: EasyLink’s consultants in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia altogether approached over 50 companies, institutions and key associations in the field of computer accessories, audio, video and multimedia equipment and office supply distribution and retail. After they interviewed and evaluated all the prospects, 6 Hungarian, 3 Polish and 4 Slovak companies expressed readiness to meet the client. After further consideration of time and travel constraints EasyLink’s consulting team scheduled meetings with top 9 candidates and prepared a detailed 4-day itinerary for client’s visit to the three countries.

U.K. provider of software and consultancy to companies in mobile telecommunications targets the Baltic States

Completion: 2005 - 04
Target markets: LV, LT, EE
Objective: EasyLink was requested to mediate direct contact with mobile telephone system operators in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Results: Our research and interviews with 9 mobile telecom operators in the Baltics revealed two strong players/groups were active in each of the countries – TeliaSonera and Tele2. They had significant influence on our communication with the Baltic managers – their decisions needed to be in line with the general policies and strategies of their parent companies, or in fact the decision-making power is fully with the parent companies.

Czech company targets prospective distribution partners in the U.K.

Completion: 2005 - 04
Target markets: UK
Objective: Our client, a Czech authorized/master distributor for all of Europe, wishes to export PC coolers, ventilators and similar accessories/components and is now looking for a national distributor in the United Kingdom.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in the United Kingdom pre-selected and contacted 16 companies to evaluate their qualification and interest for working with the Czech master distributor. Five companies asked that a director contacts them in order to discuss the business proposal in more detail.

Leading Czech importer and distributor of IT and office products seeks assistance in Austria

Completion: 2005 - 01
Target markets: AT
Objective: Our client has been dynamically developing into a key player in the whole CEE region. This authorized European master distributor commissioned this project within its strategic process towards appointing a distributor for the Austrian market for one particular product range.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Vienna pre-selected and contacted 30 distributors and wholesalers in the ICT field to evaluate their interest in working with the client. 3 companies expressed interest and readiness to discuss details and partnership terms with the client.

Identifying SolidWorks CAD design and HW/SW development firms in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2004 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a German specialist in RFID logistical systems to identify local companies experienced in SolidWorks CAD design and/or HW/SW development that could become client’s suppliers.
Results: We identified 22 prospective partners and provided the client with their profiles; 15 companies were involved in HW/SW development and 7 in CAD design.

Compiling a verified database of potential trade partners

Completion: 2004 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A global developer and supplier of business and customer relationship management (CRM) software which can be used in markets such as financial services, manufacturing, consulting, leisure, high-tech and call centres has requested us to identify and profile prospective distributors in the Czech Republic with experience with Internet technologies i.e. Java/HTML and core db skills like SQL/Oracle/Db2 and fully cohesive with Microsoft products.
Results: EasyLink identified 29 relevant companies and prepared their profiles in Access database format; the profiles included verified company and contact details.

Australian supplier of phone flashers targets the Czech and Slovak markets

Completion: 2004 - 03
Target markets: CZ + SK
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to schedule targeted meetings with telecommunication operators as well as importers and distributors of telecommunication equipment.
Results: EasyLink prepared a detailed 3-day itinerary including 8 meetings in the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as travel and hotel arrangements. The client was accompanied by EasyLink’s managing director during the Czech leg of the trip and by EasyLink’s consultant in Bratislava to all meetings in Slovakia.

Matchmaking & Appointments in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. manufacturer of datacom tools was seeking distributors/representatives in the Czech Republic for its product range of crimpers, strippers and testers. Potential distribution partners were expected to already carry complementary products for the telecom, datacom, electrical and fibre industries, and non-exclusive distributors of competitive products were also deemed appropriate prospects.
Results: Altogether 40 entities were pre-selected and approached. The client was recommended to meet with 10 qualified companies with confirmed interest in partnership & negotiation. Upon detailed review of the prospects, the client proceeded with a 3-day in-market visit. EasyLink’s consultant provided in-market and interpretation assistance and accompanied the client to meetings out of Prague (taking place in the first two days of his November 2004 visit).

Australian suppliers of software products and systems visit the Czech Republic

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to prepare individual visit programs for four Australian suppliers of software products and systems that travelled to the Czech Republic in October 2004 to meet prospective partners amongst banks and financial institutions as well as ministries and government organizations.
Results: EasyLink carried research of the respective markets to identify prospective partners and approached relevant managers within the companies with the proposal for partnership. EasyLink then prepared detailed travel itineraries together with profiles of all the prospects interested and ready to meet the Australian companies.

Master distributor seeks partners in Poland

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: PL
Objective: A Czech-based authorized/master distributor for all of Europe requested EasyLink to identify prospective distribution partners in Poland for their range of PC ventilators and coolers.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Warsaw identified, approached and further screened 26 companies trading in PC accessories/components. The client was provided with detailed profiles of 3 prospective partners with confirmed interest in partnership and overview and responses of companies not interested in partnership. Our list included 11 entities ranked in the Top 200 Computer World Report 2003, an annual report published by a weekly magazine, Computer World, that contains an overview of the largest ICT distributors in Poland.

Identify Czech distributors of video and computer accessories

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ+SK
Objective: A licensed manufacturer of computer and audio and video accessories for Europe and the Middle East was seeking a strategic co-operation with a distribution company in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink conducted research into companies involved in distribution of PC, audio and video accessories and pre-selected and approached 18 companies. EasyLink scheduled 4 meetings over 2 days with qualified and keen prospective partners in the Czech Republic.

U.K. supplier of data and voice transmission technologies targets Romania

Completion: 2003 - 11
Target markets: RO
Objective: Our client designs and manufactures leading edge data and voice transmission technologies for telecom companies around the world, and is just beginning to develop its Central and Eastern European distribution network. The company has recently tied up a deal in Poland and also does business through distributors in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria and many others. In foreign markets, the company prefers to use distributors or establish direct links to major telcos. The client would like to find a pro-active, national distributor in Romania - a medium-sized company for which its products would form a significant part of its portfolio, and capable to provide technical in-market support.
Results: Following our evaluation of pre-selected companies, 5 meetings were scheduled with the best prospects for the 2-day trip to Romania in November 2003.

Evaluating opportunities and contacting telcom operators in multiple CEE countries

Completion: 2002 - 04
Target markets: multiple CEE
Objective: Following successful completion of a project in the Czech Republic and Slovakia EasyLink was asked to approach telcom operators in additional CEE countries.
Results: EasyLink introduced the client, a supplier of network software, to mobile telephone operators in 6 CEE countries, namely in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Poland and Ukraine. Several meetings were arranged with these key customers, giving our client an opportunity to do business. As a direct result of our assistance, the client was for instance asked to submit a proposal to Polkomtel Poland with a project start in January 2003 while ERA GSM Poland carried out a feasibility study into the client’s product and asked the client for a quote.

EasyLink approaches the leading telecom operators on behalf of a U.K. supplier of mobile telcom software

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ+SK
Objective: Our task was to introduce the client to all the key telecom operators in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and arrange meetings.
Results: For each operator or key telcom technology supplier in the targeted countries we determined sales potential for our client (including relation to technologies and systems currently in use by the operators). Where application of client's system was technically feasible and we were able to secure interest, personal meetings with product presentations to key decision-makers were arranged; among them perhaps the most valuable meeting was the one with Eurotel Slovakia, then the largest mobile phone operator in the country.

IT consultancy maps demand on the Czech market

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A Welsh IT consultancy involved in software, system design, data analysis, database tools and general consultancy geared towards the environmental services sector, particularly to public sector bodies that need to input and analyse data dealing with environmental issues such as recycling and waste management, would like to make a fact-finding visit to the Czech Republic. This is viewed as a preliminary visit to ascertain whether or not this market warrants further investigation. EasyLink was enlisted to identify relevant government and other organisations engaged in data collection in the environmental sector and schedule meetings for the client to discuss how the state sector currently manages environmental data and what projects will be coming up in the future. Other entities of interest to the client included organisations putting information into a portal website that might need updating regularly and private sector IT specialists.
Results: 16 meetings (spread into 4 days) were scheduled with private entities and public or government organizations, e.g. Ministry of Environment, Regional Office of South Moravia, City Offices of Prague and Brno as well as multiple leading waste management companies.

Irish telecom network software provider meets prospective customers and partners in Slovakia

Completion: 2002 - 02
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our client was seeking to expand business into Slovakia via partnership with landline and mobile telecommunication network operators and system integrators. EasyLink was asked to identify relevant partners and schedule meetings with the top candidates.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant received very positive response from the pre-selected partners, which was no surprise given the very rapid market growth– for instance, the total number of mobile telephone users in Slovakia grew rapidly, by 93% in 2001, to 2.1 million people (40% of Slovak population). EasyLink arranged 9 meetings with three groups of potential customers and partners - telecommunication network operators (e.g. the dominant national landline network operator and the two leading mobile telephone network operators), Slovak system integrators and multinational system integrators & consultancies.

Irish banking software specialist targets Slovakia

Completion: 2002 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identifying potential customers and partners in Slovakia
Results: EasyLink arranged meetings with 8 Slovak companies that qualified either as potential customers or partners. The client visited in February 2002, i.e. at the time when Slovakia’s banking sector was undergoing another round of privatization – several banks had recently changed, or were about to change, owners who were then likely to bring their own IT strategies and policies. Within the group of potential partners/agents we approached all large consultancies as well as leading Slovak software companies and system integrators.

Irish supplier of video conferencing systems visits Slovakia to meet prospective partners identified by EasyLink

Completion: 2002 - 02
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify potential end-users and distributors/partners, evaluate their qualification and interest in representing the client and schedule meetings with the top prospects.
Results: We assessed over a dozen companies, of which we contacted 9 closely selected firms in the telecom and IT sector in Slovakia. Our targets included all key telecommunication service providers as well some telecommunication/IT technologies providers and system integrators focused on the telecommunications sector. After further screening and interviews with their top management we scheduled a series of 4 meetings with the top candidates for our client’s two-day visit to Slovakia in February 2002.

Irish specialist in the sale of Compaq refurbished computer parts targeting the Czech market

Completion: 2001 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: We were asked to prepare an itinerary with a series of one-to-one meetings with qualified prospects for the client’s visit to the Czech Republic in the autumn of 2001.
Results: We identified and approached close to 30 companies (e.g. Compaq Authorized Dealers and Compaq System Resellers) in the Czech Republic to introduce the client and present their partnership proposal. Based on our initial telephone interview and further extensive written communication with the interested parties, we identified the top candidates and arranged 7 meetings.

Irish banking software supplier targeting the Czech market

Completion: 2001 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client was seeking to expand its market presence in the Czech Republic by introducing its innovative eCRM application allowing banks & insurers to carry out their customer operations with far greater efficiency. EasyLink was asked to identify prospective partners and assess their interest in discussing the implementation of this software during one-to-one meetings with the client’s management during their trip to the Czech Republic in the fall of 2001.
Results: We proposed the client to meet with two distinct groups of companies: banks and insurance companies as potential customers and system integrators and software companies as potential partners. Altogether 8 meetings were scheduled, e.g. with the two largest banks in the Czech Republic and another top-ten bank, the largest insurance company and another top ten insurance company, plus two system integrators (incl. a leading global consultancy whose clients include four of the five largest banks in the country).

Supplier of software for universities visits the Czech Republic

Completion: 2001 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to prepare a business trip for an Irish developer of enterprise management software for the higher education market; their product was already implemented and tested by many prestigious U.K. and Irish education customers.
Results: We approached representatives of the largest universities and/or university departments (“faculties”) with enrolment ranging from 4,300 to 35,000 students as well as software companies and system integrators with experience in delivery for the university education sector. Altogether 11 meetings were arranged by EasyLink; they were attended by heads/directors of IT departments as well as institutions’ senior officials. At the time of the project student enrolment at private universities and colleges in the Czech Republic was still limited (not meeting the client’s criteria), and thus no meetings with private institutions were arranged.

IT solutions provider to financial institutions targeting the Czech Republic

Completion: 2001 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: This U.K. company has been providing business-critical finance systems for a range of international banks, finance houses and utility providers for over 25 years. The client is already doing business with a customer in the Czech Republic and wishes to meet additional direct customers, i.e. investment banks, advisers and commercial banks.
Results: EasyLink identified and approached prospective customers and arranged meetings with heads of IT departments of 5 leading financial institutions.

Market research paper: Czech IT sector in 2000

Completion: 2000 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to thoroughly analyse the Czech IT sector.
Results: The consultant prepared an over 50-page report that addressed the hardware and software, IT services, ISP and telecommunications markets. In 1998, IT spending per capita reached USD 141 ranking the Czech Republic second among Central and Eastern European countries, behind Slovenia. The report also mapped the market in terms of who is who on the market – including details on key market players. Last but not least, the report provided guidance pertaining to market access.