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Education & training

US EdTech company seeks sales and support partner in Lithuania

Completion: 2024 - 01
Target markets: LT
Objective: The company has developed a multilingual curriculum management platform and is in the process of building a network of EdTech resellers worldwide. In order to work with government authorities in Lithuania, the company needs to find a local reseller.
Results: The prospect list compiled by the in-market consultant contained 25 companies. During the research, it turned out that there were only a very limited number of companies that fell exactly under the given criteria. There is a very small number of companies that are only involved in distribution and many companies that have developed their own SW product and are not open to adding external SW product solutions to their portfolio. The final report was further accompanied by detailed market information on the educational sector in Lithuania, key market players, and industry events.

Arranging corporate visits for US university students attending a summer program in 7 European countries

Completion: 2022 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to arrange corporate visits for a group of US university students majoring in International Business, Business Administration, Accounting, Marketing, and Finance who visited the Czech Republic in June 2022. One of the key components of this summer program is to provide students with an opportunity to visit companies outside the United States to enable them to learn and better understand how international business operates around the world, understand how to navigate cultural differences and learn firsthand from someone at the company about their products and services, what kind of global markets they serve, how financial markets operate in Europe, or how companies find and hire their workforce.
Results: EasyLink arranged and accompanied the students to three corporate visits with well-established exporters based in the Czech Republic – one of the leading producers of hospital beds, a premium chocolate production company, and a manufacturer of electronic monitoring and GPS tracking devices. EasyLink also delivered a 30-minute presentation on doing business in Central and Eastern Europe, which was followed by a Q&A session to give the students an opportunity to ask questions.

Student information system provider exploring business opportunities in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)

Completion: 2022 - 04
Target markets: RO,PL
Objective: A US company has designed a SW solution for universities built on Microsoft’s cloud. The systém is already used outside the US and the company was interested in exploring further business opportunities in other countries, this time in the CEE area. EasyLink’s task in the first phase of the project was to identify private universities in Poland and Romania. In the second phase of the project, the consultant was to approach the listed prospects in Poland, present the client’s unique solution and collect feedback.
Results: The aim was to find schools that have an SIS (or no system in place) that is not meeting the school’s technology needs and would consider exploring options for a future transition. The consultant identified the relevant managers with authority for strategic purchase decisions at each university and provided all product information. Three (3) universities found the Microsoft solution interesting and were open to discussing the collaboration offer directly with the US company.

Study of the education market in Russia for the government of Ireland

Completion: 2021 - 10
Target markets: RU
Objective: In an effort to boost the number of Russian students choosing Ireland for their study abroad, Enterprise Ireland approached EasyLink to obtain a better understanding of market potential, size, trends and best practices.
Results: In a 20-page study, EasyLink explained the higher education system in Russia, key decision-making drivers among Russian students, and available resources and funding options. An online presentation of key findings was later delivered as well, allowing the client to ask questions and discuss various details of the subject. Client's feedback: "Thank you so much for this! Thanks for everything! It was a great presentation."

Evaluating potential in the Czech Republic for an Irish online assessment tool company

Completion: 2018 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is a highly innovative Irish company developing world-class technology for building and delivering online assessments at scale. The ad-on can be built into any existing platform to facilitate the online assessment of tests etc.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into a wide range of sectors including K-12, higher education, corporate training and continued professional development, digital publishers, testing organizations, cyber schools, learning management systems, certification and awarding bodies. We contacted 18 companies/institutions across the above fields and arranged 5 meetings (e.g. with SCIO, the implementer and guarantor of National Comparative Exams, TRASK, a leading consulting and technology company, and FRAUS, the largest Czech textbook publisher). The company's Business Development Manager was very happy with the meetings and said there is certainly potential for the company.

Due diligence check in Belarus for a US company

Completion: 2017 - 11
Target markets: BY
Objective: Our client is a company devoted to providing educational services for children from Kindergarten up to 8th grade. The company’s main focus is technology, and their programmes include computer programming, game design, robotics, and digital arts, all delivered as part of after-school programmes. The company is just starting to explore the potential for export business and was recently contacted by a group of educators in Belarus. The client wishes to learn about the potential partner in Belarus and check if it is a properly registered and bonafide company.
Results: EasyLink in Russia utilized all publicly available sources and compiled a detailed profile of the local company, its owners, and financial standing. EasyLink also screened three local competitors for the client and their ownership structure to assess the level of competition in Belarus.

eLearning platforms establishing in Slovakia and Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 10
Target markets: SK,HU
Objective: EasyLink was tasked to carry out a partner search project for a UK developer of highly interactive eLearning solutions for schools, colleges, universities and commercial organisations. As an approved partner of world-known e-learning platforms, the client wished to identify and meet potential partners and clients that would be particularly interested in their solutions for corporate clientele.
Results: Our Bratislava and Budapest-based teams screened local content developers and providers of e-learning solutions, large companies with 2,000-3,000 employees and private schools, and compiled a target list of 52 companies. Thirteen (13) meetings were scheduled for a week-long visit in October incl. with private schools, content developers and high-profile end customers such as Volkswagen Slovakia.

US service provider investigating HR regulations in Croatia

Completion: 2017 - 08
Target markets: HR
Objective: The client is to provide training to law enforcement professionals (police, investigators) in Croatia. The company has approached EasyLink to obtain information that will help them understand under what conditions they can place foreign nationals (primarily US citizens, some EU) into Croatia to work there. The client needs to understand the costs and risks that delivering the above contract in Croatia may involve.
Results: EasyLink produced a 37-page report providing detailed information about Croatian labour regulations, housing/residency, cell phone service providers, internet availability, reliability of water and electric services, road conditions, entry requirements, security issues, medical issues, banking/finance issues, tax liability etc. The comprehensive report allowed the client to have a good idea of all the prerequisites and requirements necessary for further steps in the country.

UK educational provider looking for partners in Poland

Completion: 2015 - 10
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client is the longest-established private training institute in N. Ireland specializing in vocational, linguistic, and teacher training courses. The main target of the project was to research companies in the target market based on criteria specified and agreed upon with the client: study-abroad agencies / intermediary organizations managing Erasmus+, TLN and other European programmes on behalf of educational institutions, NGOs, etc. (main focus should be on companies assisting vocational education facilities).
Results: EasyLink in Poland identified and approached 22 companies/organizations from across the target sectors and organized 7 face-to-face meetings during the client’s visit in Poland in October 2015.

Updating a sector analysis for the Canadian Embassy in Prague: Education

Completion: 2015 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to update and validate a sector analysis of Education (initially prepared in 2012) and to add some previously missing information. The main focus was on opportunities for Canadian education providers in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink updated all data in the analysis part of the report. Our 35-page report provided a clear insight into the Czech education sector. The Czech Republic has been a relatively minor market for Canadian education providers. Most contacts and cooperation between the two countries take place at the tertiary education level. English is the first foreign language for the Czechs. This largely determines opportunities in student recruitment: English-speaking students represent the only significant target audience for international education providers. Major opportunities exist at the secondary and tertiary levels with emphasis being recently put on vocational training and education. Due to a lack of technically qualified labour force in recent years, areas of study enjoying the best prospects include technical studies (mechanical engineering, construction), natural sciences (biotechnology, nanotechnology), healthcare (physicians, nurses) and vocational training (welding, carpentry, joinery, bricklaying, plumbing, etc.). The recommended route to market for Canadian education providers is through local agents offering study stays abroad, through partnerships with Czech tertiary education institutions, and through recruitment of secondary-level students from bilingual schools.

Identifying prospective end users for a supplier of cryogenic solutions

Completion: 2014 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. supplier of cryogenic solutions for low-temperature research wished to approach additional end users in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink profiled the leading research and academic institutions in the Czech Republic. Many of the prospective end users were indeed institutes within the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which is the leading non-university public research institution in the Czech Republic. The Academy has three scientific divisions: Division of Mathematics, Physics, and Earth Sciences, Division of Chemical and Life Sciences, and Division of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Academy currently manages a network of sixty research institutes and five supporting units staffed by a total of 6,400 employees, over one-half of whom are university-trained researchers and Ph.D. scientists.

Another market visit of a Polish education & training provider: this time to Slovakia

Completion: 2013 - 11
Target markets: SK
Objective: After successful meetings in the Czech Republic, our client also decided to look at opportunities in Slovakia. The client is a leading provider of medium-sized training and conference centres in Poland’s seven largest cities. Each of the centres offers well-equipped training and conference rooms and a full range of additional services including catering and technical support during the implementation of training courses.
Results: EasyLink prepared a meeting itinerary containing contact details and profiles of 8 companies that confirmed interest in meeting our client to discuss a potential partnership.

Poland-based provider of medium-sized training and conference space seeking partners in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2013 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is a leading provider of medium-sized training and conference centres in Poland’s seven largest cities. Each of the centres offers well-equipped training and conference rooms and a full range of additional services including catering and technical support during the implementation of training courses. The client seeks business partners in the Czech Republic engaged in training and education of employees or organising corporate events and incentives who are interested in finding new spaces outside of the Czech Republic and expanding their offer of locations for corporate events with Poland.
Results: We gathered an initial list of 21 prospects consisting of conference centres, training centres and real estate brokers and arranged 7 meetings.

Student recruitment in Russia for a major U.S. university

Completion: 2013 - 04
Target markets: RU
Objective: The client is a comprehensive global research university ranked among the top 100 in the nation. With approximately 25,000 students, it is one of America’s 15 largest private universities. The university wishes to recruit qualified Russian undergraduates seeking full-time degree programs (not exchange) in the United States. EasyLink is requested to collect information about available and effective ways to reach this market.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Russia identified major European social network groups suitable for placing ads. The consultant also listed US educational agencies working in Russia recommended for cooperation with the client. Another option EasyLink advised was participation in a sector-specific trade fair where the client might network and recruit prospective students.

U.S. university education provider seeking opportunities in Russia and Ukraine

Completion: 2013 - 03
Target markets: UA&RU
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to approach various educational organizations in Ukraine and Russia, ranging from the ministries of education, leading technology universities to ICT companies.
Results: EasyLink approached nearly 40 organizations in both countries. In Russia, the main focus was on Moscow-based organizations. EasyLink arranged successful meetings with 10 organizations in both countries.

Seeking affiliations in the Czech Republic among management training institutions

Completion: 2011 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client, a business providing leadership and management training, wanted to identify partners for prospective cooperation in the Czech Republic.
Results: We screened over 100 entities and identified 25 for further evaluation. The client short-listed five and asked Easylink to approach them for interest. Two companies responded with great interest and the client was adviced to continue direct talks with them.

U.S. provider of online language learning seeking partners in Poland

Completion: 2010 - 08
Target markets: PL
Objective: The goal of this world’s largest online language learning community with over 6 million members in more than 200 countries is to enable anyone, anywhere, to learn a new language. The company now wishes to develop partnerships in Central and Eastern Europe, starting in Poland.
Results: The consultant conducted desk research and interviews to explore the potential for this company in Poland. All market entry venues highlighted by the client were explored in order to confirm the route to the market and determine the most appropriate representatives for the company. 16 prospective companies were telephoned to identify the correct point of contact, interviewed to establish their interest in further discussion with the client, sent further information as requested and called back for decisions. 7 potential partners confirmed interest in direct talks with the client.

Identifying prospective customers in the Czech Republic and Poland

Completion: 2010 - 06
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: Initially EasyLink was requested by the world’s leading provider of online assessment, automated essay scoring and instructional writing tools and technology to assess market potential and opportunities with prospective distribution partners in the Czech Republic.
Results: Based on our findings we recommended the client to change the route to market and approach potential buyers – international schools - directly. In fact, in establishing connections in Japan, South Africa and some of the Latin American countries the client used the strategy we proposed for the Czech market and contacted major international schools in those countries. In the Czech Republic, the consultant introduced the client’s tools to 8 leading international schools. Our efforts resulted in very intense direct communication with one of the institutions. In Poland, we introduced the client to 27 schools.

Introducing a major U.S. university to US Steel Kosice

Completion: 2010 - 03
Target markets: SK&CZ
Objective: In addition to its request for being introduced to US Steel in Slovakia the client sought to identify appropriate education-related events in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Slovakia approached the general manager of human resources development and staffing at U.S. Steel Kosice to obtain information on their training and education programs as well as needs in this area.

U.S. university looking to increase its recruitment in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in visual, media, and performing arts requested assistance in finding partners that will promote the school in the Czech Republic and help recruit potential students to attend the institution in the future.
Results: We identified corresponding government institutions and agencies, local universities offering similar degrees, artistic secondary schools, international private schools, study abroad agencies as well as artistic clubs and groups the client should approach in its effort to expand its recruitment activities abroad.

Provider of language programs combined with sports/outdoor activities seeks a local partner

Completion: 2007 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink's task was to identify suitable agents in the Czech Republic interested in representing our U.K. client in the school sector. The client focuses on offering a combination of English teaching with recreation to groups of teenagers. Easylink was further asked to ascertain the level of market opportunity.
Results: We identified a total of 9 relevant partners ready to discuss potential partnership opportunities. The pool of top prospects included for instance two best-known agencies for travel and language study programs abroad.

Driver development specialist targets Poland

Completion: 2007 - 01
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify prospective local partners with which the client would work, the targets being companies already carrying out driver development such as a driver agency or driving training school.
Results: During the course of the project, 18 pre-selected companies were approached to introduce the client and his proposal. The consultant identified 7 entities with a keen interest in the business proposition and to discuss partnership terms and conditions.

Meetings scheduled for a U.K. provider of IPC training and accreditation with regard to lead-free soldering

Completion: 2006 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: We were requested to set up a meeting programme in the Czech Republic with major OEMs in the electronics manufacturing sector, namely with operations managers or directors within the relevant companies. We were asked to prepare two separate market visits.
Results: The consultant identified and interviewed relevant partners to discuss their interest in training services provided by the client. Altogether 4 meetings were scheduled for the first in-market visit and 6 meetings for the second.

Partner search for a U.K. specialist in driver training and road risk management

Completion: 2006 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink’s services were enlisted by a U.K. provider of driver training/development and road risk management in order to identify suitable partners and ascertain the level of opportunity in the Czech Republic.
Results: The consultant identified and interviewed 14 providers of driving courses/driver training for professionals in the city of Prague to evaluate their interest in meeting the client.

Organizing mini-trade fairs for prospects interested in studying in Australia

Completion: 2006 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Organizing mini-trade fairs for individuals interested in studying in Australia with the participation of 9 leading Australian schools
Results: We organized a total of four fairs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia that were attended by a large number of language schools and study abroad agencies, selected secondary schools and universities as well as prospective students.

U.K. supplier of customer management solutions looking to expand to Russia

Completion: 2005 - 10
Target markets: RU
Objective: Our client, a supplier of innovative customer management solutions, wished to identify and interview Management Business Schools and similar institutions in Moscow in order to evaluate their interest in partnership.
Results: EasyLink interviewed managers of 15 prospective institutions to ascertain their interest in meeting the client to discuss partnership opportunities.

September 2005: EasyLink organizes an educational mission of Queensland schools

Completion: 2005 - 09
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to fully prepare and organize an educational mission of 5 key Queensland schools led by the Queensland Education and Training Export Board to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. At the time this project was assigned Czech and Slovak students constituted one of the strongest communities of foreign students in education institutions in Australia.
Results: The scope of our work, concurrently carried out in both countries, included, but was not limited to preparation of mini-trade fairs for students of secondary schools and universities interested in studying in Australia, arrangement of meetings with language schools and agencies as well preparation of individual meeting itineraries for all mission participants (meetings taking place at the Ministry of education and Ministry of social affairs and labour of both countries as well as the leading universities). We also heavily promoted the events in the media as well as in schools and prepared press releases.

Introductory market research for an Australian educational institution

Completion: 2005 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client planned to expand to the Czech market with its educational modules and asked EasyLink to find out about the possibilities for accreditation of foreign courses in the Czech Republic, especially those related to Vocational Education and Training. We were asked to provide answers to very specific questions raised by the client.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant carried out secondary research and interviewed experts at the Ministry of Education and other institutions to solicit answers to the 19 items of interest such as the level of framework development for accredited vocational training for the tourism/hospitality sector, level of demand from the industry for on the job accredited training, government support (e.g. funding) available and accessible to assist in the development of a vocational training framework for tourism and hospitality clients in the Czech Republic, and description of the application process (e.g. tender or direct proposal).

Providing multi-task support in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2005 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: An Accredited Business Advisor providing a range of services to SMEs, particularly financial advice (e.g. financial plans, business plans and book-keeping), asked EasyLink to identify suitable contacts to meet during our client’s planned visit to Prague. The client also requested that we identify the correct contacts in the Czech government responsible for the Business Advisor training programme as well as the appropriate association and other parties with an influence on the decision-making process. The client also explored the possibility of finding a local partner and wanted to meet relevant and interested companies.
Results: EasyLink pre-selected 17 companies for further review and contact and scheduled 4 meetings.

Provider of a range of first-class English language courses and related training seeks agents in Poland

Completion: 2005 -
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify an agent to market the client’s courses in Poland.
Results: EasyLink reviewed and contacted 20 entities, of which 7 subjects expressed interest and readiness to meet the client to discuss partnership conditions and requirements.

Ireland-based language institute offers services to the Czech market

Completion: 2004 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client provides English language courses at all levels for non-native English speakers ranging from general English to English for special purposes. They also organize work and study programmes and au pair programmes. Their existing clients include educational agents in non-English speaking countries as well as corporate clients and universities. EasyLink was asked to identify and schedule meetings with potential partners.
Results: We identified and approached various groups of prospects - student agencies, departments of foreign languages/international relations of several faculties and private schools/universities. Our research generated an initial list of approximately 22 contacts. After an initial phone call, they were provided with information on courses/services offered by the client. We then followed with another round of calls to evaluate their interest in meeting the client to discuss specific opportunities. Altogether 10 meetings were arranged for the client.

Seven educational institutions from Australia travel to the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2004 - 03
Target markets: CZ + SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to prepare and organize a mission of 7 leading Australian universities to the Czech Republic and Slovakia in March 2004.
Results: We worked with databases of all secondary schools and universities in both countries to select and approach all relevant schools whose students could be interested in study abroad programs offered by Australian institutions. We invited their students to participate in mini-trade fairs we organized in Prague, Brno and Bratislava. We further arranged media advertisements and printing of promotional materials and prepared press releases.

One of the institutes of technology in Ireland targets the Czech Republic

Completion: 2004 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to prepare a detailed itinerary for this client’s visit to the Czech Republic in March 2004.
Results: We gathered an initial list of 17 entities consisting of student agencies, departments of foreign languages/international relations of several universities as well as private schools that might be interested in programmes provided by the client. We then proceeded with contacting their representatives over the phone and providing them with additional information on courses/services offered. We scheduled 10 meetings.

Czech Republic: Partner search and meeting itinerary

Completion: 2004 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Australian suppliers of e-learning products requested EasyLink to identify prospective partners and schedule meetings with the top candidates.
Results: In March 2004, the clients met 5 companies with confirmed interest and readiness to become a local partner.