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Construction materials, technologies, services

EasyLink assists a UK electrical contractor in finding a local partner in Budapest, Hungary

Completion: 2023 - 05
Target markets: HU
Objective: Based on several previous projects that facilitated successful partnerships with subcontractors across CEE, our client again elected to task EasyLink with finding a reliable local partner to assist with an electrical fit-out project for a major international retailer in Budapest. In addition to finding a subcontractor, the client also requested assistance with finding housing for their crew.
Results: EasyLink prequalified 13 potential partners in Hungary that aligned with the client’s specifications and had the required skills and competencies. The client then held 4 in-person meetings to discuss the project and during which our local team assisted with translation/interpretation. The project led to a successful partnership and EasyLink later supported the client through the implementation phase as well, by finding suitable accommodation for the client’s team and with additional support with arranging medical checks for the workers.

Scanning opportunities of the Polish and Slovak plumbing equipment markets

Completion: 2023 - 03
Target markets: SK,PL
Objective: US provider of custom rubber hoses and tubes was exploring new export regions. Through a collaboration a partner in Slovakia, the client was able to offer warehousing and logistics to new accounts. Focus on their newest consumer product used by professional plumbers as well as DIY customers, EasyLink was requested to identify and approach major purchasers amongst plumbing merchants, buying groups for plumbing merchants, and DIY retail groups.
Results: Close to 50 potential buyers in Slovakia and Poland were contacted and interviewed generating 6 specific sales leads. Resources utilized in mapping the supply chain structure included phone interviews with market experts as well as research of secondary resources such as company websites and annual reports, listing of exhibitors at key sector-specific trade events, and key word search. According to the Slovak Statistical Office 20,649 apartments were completed in Slovakia in 2021 (down 3.9% year-on-year). The Polish market is undoubtedly an attractive destination for suppliers of plumbing components due to the market size and recent boom in the real estate market – in 2021, 234,700 apartments were completed in Poland, up 6.3% year-on-year; of which 141,700 were delivered by real estate developers (0.7% less than in 2020) and 88,300 by individual investors (up 19.4%). Plumbing products (hoses, tubes, and other products) are supplied by dozens of local manufacturers; of which some report sizeable export activity. Each market segment (including niche products) is also supplied by several well-known international manufacturers of bathroom and plumbing products. Some of them have been present in the local market since 1980s/1990’s.

Scanning opportunities amongst Polish and Hungarian brick manufacturers

Completion: 2022 - 12
Target markets: PL&HU
Objective: Prior to deciding on their trade mission participation US producer of wear parts used by the heavy clay industry to make bricks tasked EasyLink with assessing market opportunities including identification of potential end-customers and delivery of a short market overview to cover competitors and key trade events attended by brick producers.
Results: EasyLink delivered short market profiles of over 30 key producers in both markets. The well-developed Polish construction materials manufacturing sector is supplied by a large number of suppliers and solutions. With many active brick manufacturers, this fragmented market has been experiencing consolidation. According to the official statistics, between 2018 and 2021, the number of brick suppliers decreased by 15; there currently are below 100 brick manufacturers. Tradition of the Hungarian brick manufacturing industry reaches back more than two hundred years. In 1898, there were around 300 brick factories; in 2022, only about a dozen remain.

UK electrical contractor looking for partners in Slovakia to furnish a new retail store

Completion: 2022 - 08
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our client successfully delivered an electrical fit-out project for a major international retailer in Prague through a local partner found with EasyLink’s assistance. This time, the client needs to find a reliable partner in Slovakia. The focus is on reliable electrical installation companies with English skills that can assist the client in navigating the local legislation, revising the provided designs as well as supplying some of the material and labour. The second part of the project will involve finding suitable accommodation for the client’s workers who will need to stay in-market for several months.
Results: EasyLink prequalified 11 potential partners in Slovakia that fit the client’s criteria and had all the necessary skills and competencies. Virtual meetings were arranged with 5 Slovak companies to discuss the project at length, with several companies showing great promise. EasyLink also assisted with translation during the meetings and follow-up. In mid-2022 as the client's project moved to implementation, we completed the last part of our support package and assisted the client by exploring and preselecting accommodation in Bratislava for their project team.

EasyLink assists a UK electrical contractor in finding a local partner in Romania

Completion: 2022 - 03
Target markets: RO
Objective: After several successful projects, our client entrusted us with finding a partner for year-long electrical fit-out project, this time for 2 locations in Bucharest, Romania.
Results: EasyLink consultants in Romania pre-selected 16 potential partners of which 13 were contacted with an enquiry of potential cooperation. 6 companies expressed interest in the proposed partnership and 5 meetings were arranged. Cooperation with the chosen partner was established soon after. The project was finalized by finding housing for the UK electrical crew in a suitable location in Bucharest. EasyLink managed to find 4 suitable locations within a week.

US manufacturer of integral waterproofing and other products for concrete and masonry structures targets CEE

Completion: 2021 - 11
Target markets: CZ,PL
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify potential distribution partners in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: Team members in both countries identified potential partners among companies involved in the import and distribution of construction chemicals and other materials as well as specialist waterproofing contractors/consultants who also (can) sell materials. EasyLink approached 18 companies in the Czech Republic and 31 in Poland and arranged virtual meetings with four companies with confirmed interest to discuss the proposed business opportunity with the client. EasyLink interpreted two meetings to assure smooth communication. Very shortly after the first round of talks, the client informed EasyLink of their intent to move forward with one of the Czech companies.

UK electrical fit-out company seeks a new partner for a Brno project

Completion: 2021 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client successfully delivered an electrical fit-out project for a major international retailer in Prague through a local partner found with EasyLink’s assistance. This time, the client needs to find a reliable partner in another part of the Czech Republic. The focus is on reliable electrical installation companies with English skills that can assist the client in navigating the local legislation, revising the provided designs as well as supplying some of the material and labour. The second part of the project will involve finding suitable accommodation for the client’s workers who will need to stay in-market for several months.
Results: EasyLink prequalified 20 potential partners in the Czech Republic that fit the client’s criteria and had all the necessary skills and competencies. Virtual meetings were arranged with 5 companies to discuss the project at length, with several companies showing great promise. EasyLink also assisted with translation during the meetings and follow-up. At the moment, the client is selecting the best match for the project.

Scandinavian supplier of building automation solutions seeks to reorganize its distributor network in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2021 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: In order to achieve this strategic initiative, the client needed analytical research of the local HVAC/Building automation market and mapping of local resellers/distributors/system integrators and local OEM producers.
Results: In 2019, almost 1,830 non-residential buildings with a floor area of 1.65 million m2 and aggregate value of CZK 27.6 billion (EUR 1.1 billion) were built. EasyLink estimated the size of the Czech non-residential building automation market at between EUR 3.6 to 7.2 million in the segment of newly constructed office buildings. EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in the import, distribution, and wholesale of building automation technologies, systém integrators as well as producers of AHUs. EasyLink approached 52 companies to assess their interest in distributing the client´s products or sourcing the products directly into their own projects.

Arranging conference calls with leading e-commerce platforms specializing in window shading

Completion: 2021 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our UK client had been rapidly expanding its e-commerce presence throughout Europe through partnerships and acquisitions and EasyLink was asked to provide guidance and strategic advice regarding e-commerce opportunities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Results: EasyLink identified and profiled 21 companies operating e-shops with shading technologies for in-depth screening by the client. EasyLink subsequently approached the top four prospects with the client´s acquisition proposal, arranging three conference calls to kick off direct communication on mutual business opportunities. EasyLink interpreted two meetings to assure smooth discussion. Prior to the conference calls, EasyLink prepared detailed profiles of the acquisition targets that included information on company ownership, track record, references, range of products offered and their pricing, financial figures, and a summary of EasyLink´s communication.

Report on climate & environmental protection initiatives at hospitals

Completion: 2021 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a German company to carry out detailed market research into climate & environmental protection initiatives at Czech hospitals. The report was supposed to answer all questions related to legally prescribed requirements, guidelines for hospitals, environmental management systems and selected initiatives and projects. It also should review current tenders of hospitals to check compliance with "green" criteria.
Results: Our consultant went through a wide range of resources to draw up an in-depth report of legislative requirements hospitals must comply with in the environmental field. He compiled a list of "green" initiatives and environmental funding sources employed by Czech hospitals. He set specific examples where hospitals were eligible participants. Those were the projects tied up with energy savings in buildings or waste management and disposal at hospitals. The consultant also reviewed randomly selected equipment procurement/construction tenders of the largest hospitals in the Czech Republic and their climate-related criteria. Finally, the report also included general climate targets communicated by the Czech government.

Database of internet portals focused on healthy buildings

Completion: 2020 - 08
Target markets: CZ,PL
Objective: Our partner from Germany requested our support in identifying and listing online portals focused on healthy buildings and health in buildings, in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Results: We prepared a database of 12 portals in the Czech Republic and 11 in Poland, including their owners/operators, short description and specification of their target groups.

Vegetation management equipment and wood-to-energy equipment for Russia

Completion: 2020 - 02
Target markets: RU
Objective: An international supplier, after being approached by a company asking for distributorship in Russia, wished to identify and approach alternative potential distribution partners prior to making a decision. A key objective was to select a distributor that could offer good penetration to the land clearing, firebreaks, pasture restoration, invasive species and wildlife restoration markets.
Results: 27 Russian companies were identified during the first stage and presented to the client in early December 2019. The client shortlisted 9 potential distributors for direct contact by EasyLink to further qualify them based on their interest in discussing potential distributorship. Eventually, meetings were arranged with 2 prospects for the client's market visit to Moscow in late January 2020.

UK electrical contractor looking for partners in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2020 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A leading electrical contractor across the UK, ROI, and Europe specialising in retail electrical fit-out and maintenance requested assistance from EasyLink in identifying new prospective local partners in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into local companies involved mainly in electric and fire installations with references for shopping malls and retail shops, and compiled a database of 14 companies for the client’s comments and review. 5 of the further contacted companies were interested in meeting with the UK contractor. EasyLink organized an itinerary for a business trip and provided all the necessary support.

Identifying potential business partners in Poland

Completion: 2019 - 4
Target markets: PL
Objective: As part of their preparation for exhibiting at BAUMA 2019 in Germany, the U.S. manufacturer of drill rigs and tooling for the geotechnical, environmental, mineral exploration, and civil engineering industries requested EasyLink to identify potential importers.
Results: EasyLink profiled 21 companies for review and selection of the best prospects to be approached. Selected companies were approached to drive traffic to the client´s booth at the world´s leading fair for construction machinery.

Helping major Irish firm select subcontractors for a bid for a new Primark store in Prague

Completion: 2019 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: An international construction company headquartered in Ireland requested assistance from EasyLink in finding subcontractors in 12 sector-specific categories in the Czech Republic
Results: EasyLink identified several local Czech suppliers in all 12 categories of subcontractors. All potential suppliers were supposed to meet a range of requirements, e.g. having references in supplying to commercial, retail and public projects. Listed categories ranged from internal plasterboard partitions suppliers through waste disposal to site security firms. With the assistance of Easylink, the project was successfully completed and resulted in Primark building construction in Prague.

US manufacturer of wooden roller coaster attractions seeks potential local sources of timber and steel

Completion: 2019 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was tasked to identify local sources of timber and steel. As southern yellow pine is not grown locally in sufficient volumes, the first step was to assess what other types of lumber species would have comparable characteristics.
Results: EasyLink carried out multiple phone interviews and also engaged experts from Mendel University’s Department of Forestry and Wood Technology. After analyzing requirements, they recommended three locally grown species and the client was provided with detailed information. We also identified 12 potential suppliers of steel.

Identifying potential distributors catering to the power and mining sector

Completion: 2019 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: US manufacturer of hooks, hangers, and cabling products for customers in the mining, solar power, utilities, or shipbuilding industries wished to establish presence in the Czech market and EasyLink was asked to identify potential distributors.
Results: EasyLink identified prospective distribution partners in the Czech Republic for review by the client to determine which companies they see as the best prospects to be approached. We outlined what would be the next steps taken to successfully approach the companies.

Competitive intelligence in 3 CEE countries

Completion: 2019 - 08
Target markets: CZ,PL,RO
Objective: The client requested competitive intelligence on a designated company's subsidiaries in three CEE markets, namely Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania.
Results: EasyLink delivered the required information in an Excel spreadsheet, including also data on turnover, market share, and volume of service deliveries.

Study on the construction industry in Poland

Completion: 2019 - 07
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client offers a wide range of products and services for the construction industry and they would like to get a better understanding of its target industries in Poland and asks us to analyze the construction market in Poland. They would like to get information on market volumes, structures of construction markets, segments, major players as well as EU rules and market conditions, big structural changes on the demand side, political impacts and the procurement process.
Results: We delivered a 33-slide PPT presentation containing data on total construction production (in EUR), construction value by regions, construction production share by segments (residential, office, commercial, etc.), the value of civil engineering and residential buildings, market structure (by the size of companies), employment in the sector, trends/barriers, wages, investments, infrastructure projects, largest construction companies (list of top 50 construction companies), IT procurement in construction companies.

UK electrical contractor looking for partners in Poland

Completion: 2019 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: The UK company is one of the UK and Ireland’s leading electrical contractors, specializing in retail and electrical fit out and maintenance. They are active in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, etc., and recently expressed interest in exploring business opportunities in Poland. Therefore contracted Easylink company for this project.
Results: The EasyLink consultant in Poland conducted market research into local companies involved mainly in the electric and fire installations segment with references for shopping malls and retail shops. 9 companies prioritized by the client were contacted by phone, 5 of which were interested in meeting and open to receiving more information about the project. Profiles of all prospective partners were provided as well as a detailed itinerary for the following business trip. EasyLink finished the project within only 4 weeks of the project start.

Czech Republic: Mapping and analyzing infrastructure development projects

Completion: 2019 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink delivered a comprehensive market study on future infrastructure projects in the Czech Republic (from short-/mid-term projects to long-term strategic intentions). The study was based on an analysis of strategic investment plans and other information published by national and regional organizations, project holders and investors in the sectors covered, including central government bodies, regions, and largest cities. The project output consisted of two parts: a text report and a project database.
Results: EasyLink compiled a database containing 468 project entries, each entry with information on the contracting authority, region and location of the project, type of project, expected project start, approximate value in CZK and CAD (million), project name, and project scope. Additionally, the document contained a summary of key stakeholders. The report provided insight into the current state of strategic infrastructure and analyzed key future infrastructure projects - by sector as well as type of financing. As of May 2019, no major infrastructure construction in the Czech Republic has been built via public-private partnership; there have been PPP projects in other sectors. Currently, there is only one approved PPP infrastructure construction project, which is the construction of a 32 km long section of the D4 highway.

US designer and supplier of technical furniture for control rooms and operation centers screens the Czech market

Completion: 2019 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify and approach potential business partners.
Results: Information resources utilized to identify relevant targets included entries of public tenders related to the selection of equipment suppliers for control rooms and operation centers and business directories. Profiles of 18 potential contacts in the Czech Republic were prepared for review and selection by the client. In the case of the development of data centers, decisions as to what equipment will be used are often made by investors or project designers; in some projects, a producer of equipment to be installed is not specified, then an installation company can install any equipment that meets given specifications. Thus, EasyLink recommended the client widen the potential partner base with project design companies and investors. Findings gathered during the initial research suggested that several local producers of technical furniture hold a rather strong position in the Czech market. Following the client´s review of potential targets, EasyLink approached all the approved companies to assess their qualification and interest in working with the client. One additional prospect was identified during the contact stage of the project and was also approached.

Guiding the client in identifying the right importer in Russia

Completion: 2018 - 11
Target markets: RU
Objective: Our long-term client whom EasyLink had supported in the Czech Republic and Poland on several occasions already had a local distributor in Russia. Unfortunately, recently the client started receiving e-mails from various other Russian companies claiming the partner was in bankruptcy, was not honoring prepaid orders and was not responding to phone calls, e-mails, etc. Our client's repeated requests for an explanation of their current business situation went unanswered. Orders placed earlier in the year were still on hold pending payment.
Results: EasyLink worked with the client in stages to resolve the situation. In Step 1, we carried out a background check on their current Russian distributor, reviewing secondary resources. In Step 2, we reached out to the company. Information gathered during the first two steps led the client to terminate the distributor agreement with the existing partner. In Step 3, we carried out a background check of two other potential partners who had solicited the client. Following the delivery of our reports, the client led negotiations with both companies. EasyLink was also asked to advise whether exclusive or non-exclusive distribution would be suitable in this case. In the spring of 2019, the client signed an agreement with one of the companies to be their exclusive distributor in Russia.

Elevator market analysis in Russia

Completion: 2018 - 11
Target markets: RU
Objective: An Italian producer of electronic security kits for elevators commissioned EasyLink to prepare a market study for Russia including the following: a market overview, market size (number of working lifts, number of companies operating in the sector), building trend data, international manufacturers and their market shares, top ten players, the average age of the existing structures, number of served lifts by maintenance companies.
Results: Besides the extensive market overview, our report also detailed potential sales channels with an overview of 3-4 potential end clients, importers, distributors and agents, examples of companies potentially interesting as sales partners. We also tackled issues such as legislation concerning security systems for lifts and product certifications, legal liability, insurance policies, and customs barriers/certification and listed all major sector-specific trade associations, trade shows, publications, etc. Since the client was very happy with the result of the market study, they asked EasyLink to compile an initial list of potential partners and decided to visit Russia during a major trade fair in November 2018. EasyLink listed 27 companies for the client's review and approached all of them with the business opportunity. We arranged meetings with major players in the sector (incl. the likes of SCHINDLER and OTIS). One week after the market visit the EasyLink in-country consultant who accompanied the client to all meetings to facilitate communication compiled a report summarizing all meetings, their outcome and further steps to be taken. As such we provided the client with comprehensive support in the preparation phase as well as during the market visit itself.

Market study in Poland and the Czech Republic for an Italian manufacturer of residential water meters

Completion: 2018 - 08
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: The client is one of the leading Italian manufacturers in the water meter sector, with an annual production of approximately 1 million water meters. The company requested a detailed market study for Poland and the Czech Republic to evaluate business potential.
Results: We prepared a thorough 30-page study for each of the target countries. The report included a valuable overview of the water infrastructure (including infrastructure ownership models, history and key facts - water consumption, the total length of the water supply network, number of water supply connections, and water meters installed), key utility companies - operators of water infrastructure, growth trends (residential construction sector - number of buildings/dwellings built and building permits issued over the last 5 years). The study also covered profiles of key competitors - local manufacturers and international brands, as well as potential partners - distributors of multiple brands. We also summarized recommendations concerning market entry strategies. The studies will help the client to focus on their export activities and choose the right strategy for the given market.

A global conveyor belts leader returns to Poland and wishes to explore the Czech Republic

Completion: 2018 - 07
Target markets: CZ,PL
Objective: Having established a partnership with a spare parts supplier in northwest Poland, the client now wished to explore additional partnership opportunities in southern Poland and the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink screened for potential partners - producers and distributors of crushing and screening machinery, spare parts providers and endless belts distributors and identified and contacted 30 companies in Poland and 20 in the Czech Republic. 10 potential partners in Poland and 6 in the Czech Republic expressed interest in discussing partnership opportunities with the client. Meetings with 7 companies in Poland and 5 in the Czech Republic were arranged for an extended visit in July 2018.

Discreet inquiries into the reputation of CZ/SK subsidiaries of a multinational producer of insulating materials

Completion: 2018 - 06
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was requested to perform discreet inquiries into the reputation of Czech and Slovak subsidiaries of a multinational producer of insulating materials.
Results: First, profiles of potential respondents were prepared for approval by the client. EasyLink then interviewed selected organizations such as distributors, wholesalers and retailers of building materials, and trade-specific associations. 7 entities were approached in the Czech Republic and 13 in Slovakia. Areas of conversation included the market position of the subsidiaries, services provided, their reputation and any other issues pertaining to doing business with them.

List of largest Czech producers of modular wooden houses

Completion: 2018 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to list the biggest module house producers in the Czech Republic (companies with turnover of at least EUR 10 million).
Results: Within an extremely short deadline (1 working day) we managed to compile a list of 11 companies engaged in the production of modular wooden houses. The information provided included the company name, website, profile, turnover and ownership. We also managed to find and provide contact details of sales managers, which was highly appreciated by the client.

Czech Republic: Mapping planned infrastructure projects

Completion: 2018 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify planned infrastructure projects with an estimated value of at least USD 10 million.
Results: EasyLink analyzed a wide range of secondary resources such as tender entries, strategic development plans and territorial analytical data (zoning plans) of all regions and 5 largest cities, websites and strategic development plans of entities involved in the development and operation of airport, road, railway, waterway, oil and gas, and power infrastructure, websites of ministries, and media articles. By collecting information from these resources, EasyLink developed a unique database containing 420 project entries. The outlook for effective implementation of the listed projects varies – from projects that are set for realization in the relatively short term to those that might be realized in several years or decades, to some that are a long-term desire of the entity behind them. The database was accompanied by an in-depth report providing insight into the current state of strategic infrastructure as well as an analysis of the projects by sector, region, and type of financing.

U.S. supplier of forms and software for prefabricated retaining walls assessing the Czech market

Completion: 2018 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is a leading supplier of innovative pre-cast retaining walls for multiple applications. The company works around the globe and wishes to find potential leads in the Czech Republic. Their export product is their highly engineered metal structural forms, which they license to partners who use them in their own production.
Results: EasyLink was first asked to compile a list of prospective partners - pre-cast and ready-mix concrete manufacturers - and delivered short profiles of 20 companies for the client's review. The client prioritized the companies and provided comments on their fitness for further approach. EasyLink then approached 14 of them, discussed the opportunity with their senior managers and supplied them with extensive information by email. A meeting itinerary was arranged for a 3-day market visit in February 2018, with 4 meetings in different locations. The client's later thank-you note speaks for itself: "Great appointments - each individual one was well worth the trip here! Great job."

One of the market-leading companies in sun-shading automation searches for sales representative

Completion: 2018 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: An International Group with 6 subsidiaries, 200 employers and a sales network across 5 continents, a global leader in the development and production of accessories for the manual and electronic operation of sun-shading systems, decides to enter the Czech and Slovak markets by hiring a skilled salesman. Alternatively, the company considers cooperation with established distributors in this segment.
Results: The project started with placing an advert on the largest job portals in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Due to the lowest unemployment rate in the EU, the advertisements produced only 4 reactions, however all skilled and experienced candidates. After interviewing the candidates, the client hired one of them. As part of the order, Easylink also conducted a partner search by contacting 10 companies.

Suppliers of information on private building projects and public tenders for construction works

Completion: 2017 - 12
Target markets: EE,SI,HR,RS
Objective: EasyLink was tasked with a list of suppliers of data on private building projects and public tenders of building projects in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Estonia.
Results: We delivered an Excel sheet per each country containing data on 1-3 suppliers of information with a brief description, contact details and website. Since not many local data suppliers exist in the target markets, we also provided websites of global services active in the region.

World's leading supplier of door systems for healthcare and pharma seeks strong distributor in CZ

Completion: 2017 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client specializes in providing door solutions to the world’s leading pharmaceutical, nutritional, health and food companies, where strict requirements of high hygiene are needed. They have been working with many blue-chip customers including Johnson&Johnson, Astra Zeneca, Abbot Labs, MSD, Glaxo or Novartis. Their doors are certified in over 50 countries and capable of resisting fire, water, laser and X-ray. After being successful all around the world, the client recognizes the potential in the Czech Republic and wishes to establish partnerships with key players in the supply process to the target sectors.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in the sale and distribution of products for the medical and pharmaceutical sector, suppliers of furniture for hospitals and labs, as well as (engineering) design offices with references in the medical/pharma/food markets. We identified and contacted 28 potential partners resulting in 6 companies confirming interest to discuss partnership and 5 B2B meetings were held.

UK ground investigation specialist visits Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 10
Target markets: HU
Objective: The company undertakes investigation and analysis on behalf of clients involved mainly in the construction sector, in order to determine the degree of risk in relation to the prevailing sub-surface ground conditions. Already experienced with on-off projects in CEE, the client wished to target one specific market for its overseas services and felt that Hungary may be a good option given the technical prowess of Hungarian engineers and the considerable number of projects to be issued in the medium term aimed at upgrading the Hungarian infrastructure in line with EC Regulations.
Results: EasyLink screened and targeted civil engineering and structural engineering consultants, UK and Irish construction companies already working in Hungary, geotechnical consultancies and labs and local construction contractors ideally involved in medium-sized civil engineering / infrastructure projects. EasyLink arranged and assisted with 4 meetings in autumn 2017, including with A Híd Co (a bridge and road construction giant) and Strabag (a subsidiary of Strabag SE, one of the largest European construction companies).

Slovenia: regulations in the construction sector

Completion: 2017 - 10
Target markets: SI
Objective: We were commissioned by an Irish construction company to provide feedback on local regulations concerning the employment of Irish/EU nationals in Slovenia (working hours, local insurance/fees), licensing requirements – does the Irish company need any licenses to carry out the fit-out work and any other local regulations for non-domestic construction services company.
Results: With a short deadline of 10 days EasyLink produced a 11-page report and collected additional data in several attachments referring to the most important legislation for the client's review.

Russia: Company background check

Completion: 2017 - 08
Target markets: RU
Objective: Our client, a U.S. supplier of power trowel replacement blades and floating pans for the concrete industry, wished to check into the legitimacy of a potential customer in Russia.
Results: Given the findings obtained during the course of the project, the Russian company had been registered only seven months prior to the project, had no website, and no data about their projects or suppliers were available, EasyLink also provided information on related companies, as it could help explain what businesses the owners were involved in the past, we highly recommended that the client ships only prepaid products.

U.S. supplier of fibers for asphalt meets potential business partners in Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 06
Target markets: HU
Objective: Following a business trip to Bulgaria and Romania in June 2016 EasyLink was asked to approach prospective partners in Hungary.
Results: In March 2017 EasyLink delivered an initial list with short profiles of 18 companies. After their ranking and prioritization by the client, EasyLink approached the companies to arrange one-to-one meetings. We arranged 6 face-to-face meetings and one conference call with a company located outside of Budapest.

U.S. supplier of fibers for asphalt evaluates market potential in Croatia

Completion: 2017 - 06
Target markets: HR
Objective: Following a business trip to Bulgaria and Romania in June 2016 EasyLink was asked to approach prospective partners in Croatia.
Results: From our initial list prepared in March 2017 the client selected 10 companies to be approached in Croatia. EasyLink in-market consultant first called each of the companies to establish direct contact. Following the initial call company managers were provided with detailed information via email. The mailing included general information about the company along with three documents provided by the client.

Evaluating opportunities and costs involved in establishing a business in Poland

Completion: 2017 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client is an architecture, engineering and interior design firm in the US that approached us with a request for assistance in evaluating opportunities and costs involved in establishing a business in Poland.
Results: The output was a concise report detailing the following: setting up a business in Poland or alternatively in the Czech Republic with an office in Poland (as available from third-party resources), taxes applicable to such business entity including payroll if hire employees, legal regulations – e.g. hiring own employees vs. working with freelancers including mandatory benefits requirements, approximate office rent in Warsaw and 1-2 regional cities including Gdansk with skilled labor, approximate salaries of building designers and engineers, information on licensing of architects, interior designers and professional engineers (what license is required in Poland from structural engineers, electrical/HVAC engineers and others. The information collected assisted the client to decide on the market entry strategy in Poland.

Assessing options for entering the Russian market

Completion: 2016 - 12
Target markets: RU
Objective: U.S. supplier of asphalt testing equipment to paving contractors, asphalt producers, state highway departments, colleges and universities, and other government entities requested EasyLink to identify potential distribution partners.
Results: We identified and profiled 22 companies for review by the client. During the research phase, EasyLink found that a Russian company already promotes the client´s equipment in Russia. The client was immediately informed about the situation and EasyLink was subsequently asked to carry out a background check of this potential partner, also contacting the Russian company to gather answers to specific questions of the client.

Top Slovenian contractors for electrical installations

Completion: 2016 - 10
Target markets: SI
Objective: The client was seeking a partner company in the business of construction project management, specialized in electrical installations. The company should be able to provide turn-key delivery of all electrical installation work and its profile should be similar to that of the client. They should not be too small as the project in question is an industrial facility/building.
Results: Through research and using our local market knowledge, EasyLink compiled a short list of 9 qualified potential partners, including their company profiles, verified contact details, turnover and number of employees. The client was "very happy with the results".

U.S. supplier of fiber reinforcement technology for asphalt meets companies from Bulgaria and Romania

Completion: 2016 - 06
Target markets: RO&BG
Objective: After being presented with our report with market summaries of planned infrastructure projects in five CEE countries the client accepted our recommendation on pursuing Bulgaria and Romania next. EasyLink thus initiated partner search projects in the two countries.
Results: First, an initial list of prospective partners was gathered; we prepared short profiles of 13 companies from Bulgaria and 20 from Romania for screening by the client. During subsequent communication with the client, it was agreed that EasyLink would approach five entities in Bulgaria and ten entities in Romania; two additional entities were identified and contacted in Romania (they were recommended as suitable prospects by managers of other companies contacted during the course of the project). Our efforts generated 7 one-to-one meetings; although two additional leads were identified, no meetings could be arranged due to scheduling conflicts and thus, direct communication via email was initiated by the client.

U.S. manufacturer of tilt measurement products meets prospective partners from Central Europe

Completion: 2016 - 04
Target markets: CZ&PL&HU&SI
Objective: The client has been developing a line of electrolytic based tilt switches and inclinometers that will allow the company to compete more in the global markets than before. The company wished to introduce the products to prospective partners from Central Europe.
Results: EasyLink approached technical teams of 12 prospective partners in four CEE markets – the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Slovenia – to introduce the client and their new tilt measurement products. Meetings with interested companies took place during the Bauma Show held in Munich, Germany in April 2016 where the client was exhibiting.

British magnets attracting distributors in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2016 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client, a British manufacturer of conveyor and metal separation systems, was interested in finding distributors for their range of overband conveyor magnets. The client previously conducted own research and met a number of local companies but felt that the language barrier could be an issue in deepening the business relations as well as finding further potential business partners. Consequently, EasyLink, thanks to its in-market and local language knowledge, was entrusted with easing the market entrance phase for the client in the Czech Republic.
Results: We recommended follow-up with 8 companies that were contacted by the client in the past. In addition, EasyLink compiled an initial database of additional 29 prospective partners for the client’s review. The client prioritized 17 companies out of which 6 expressed interest in a personal meeting to discuss potential cooperation. Interested parties – all completely new to the client - included a distributor of Terex crushers and screeners and the largest Czech producers of recycling and sorting equipment. EasyLink arranged meetings with 5 prospects and assisted with translation and travel arrangements.

UK agricultural and construction machinery producer looking for partners in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2016 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client wishes to evaluate the Czech market and the current dealer, as well as identify new potential dealers with the aim of increasing sales.
Results: EasyLink prepared a 59-page report detailing the Czech market data (data on production and import of relevant construction and agricultural machinery), local and international competition, trends and investments in the agriculture and construction sectors and a list (including profiles) of potential partners. In the next stage, the client selected 30 companies and EasyLink identified 12 additional companies per the client's requirements. Of the 42 approached companies, 11 expressed interest in further communication and meeting the client. EasyLink accompanied the client to most of the meetings and provided all necessary in-market support.

Distribution partner search for the leading US producer of synthetic fiber reinforcement in Bulgaria and Romania

Completion: 2016 -
Target markets: BG&RO
Objective: Our client was the first producer to introduce synthetic fiber reinforcements to the U.S. construction market. Today, the company holds more patents than any other company in the industry and is recognized as a leader in synthetic fiber research and development, with successful applications around the world. EasyLink was commissioned to search for prospective distribution partners in Bulgaria and Romania.
Results: The in-market consultants in both countries first approached the companies over the phone to establish contact with managers in charge of purchasing construction materials for road infrastructure. Following the initial call, the managers were provided detailed information via email. EasyLink arranged meetings with 6 Bulgarian companies (of which one meeting was held during the international EUROASPHALT and EUROBITUME congress in Prague, Czech Republic) and 3 prospects in Romania. EasyLink provided detailed feedback of all companies contacted regarding their market insight and evaluation of the opportunity to work with the client in the local market.

U.S. supplier of fiber reinforcement technology for asphalt screens multiple CEE markets

Completion: 2015 - 12
Target markets: RO&BG&UA&YU&HR
Objective: The client had already established a distribution structure in several CEE countries and wished to continue with the identification of distributors in additional markets. The countries under consideration included Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. EasyLink was requested to advise in what order the client should consider these markets.
Results: EasyLink teams in the five countries delivered market summaries providing information on the expected number of road construction projects to be started in 2016 (e.g. building new roads and modernizing existing ones), key projects to be started in 2016 and after, length of roads to be newly built or modernized in 2016 and after, and planned investments volumes for 2015, 2016, and 2017. After analyzing individual reports EasyLink recommended Bulgaria and Romania as the two markets that the client should consider first. Ukraine undisputedly offered the highest overall potential; unfortunately, the lack of funding (although a number of projects have been announced recently) combined with other factors made the market less viable for achieving immediate sales results.

Producer of synthetic fibers for concrete seeks to strengthen its distribution structure in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2015 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify prospective partners who could provide nationwide coverage, as the existing distributor was only a regional player.
Results: Altogether 52 prospective partners amongst companies involved in the import, distribution, and wholesale of construction materials were identified and approached. In addition, EasyLink carried out a phone survey on experience with the use of synthetic fibers in the Czech Republic among 10 selected companies within key decision-making groups: project designers and flooring application companies. The final report prepared for the client included detailed profiles of all ten companies that confirmed readiness for the proposed meeting/partnership opportunity and short profiles and interview summaries for other companies contacted.

UK street furniture manufacturer eyeing the Czech Republic

Completion: 2015 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The project aimed to undertake intensive market research to identify potential partners able to sell a large quantity of street furniture in the Czech Republic. The ideal partner would either be a street furniture company, a solar energy product company or an advertising company.
Results: Starting with a list of 49 companies pre-selected in the market for interviews with their managers, we eventually arrived at 9 prospective partners – qualified with confirmed interest - in the Czech Republic, and arranged meetings with 7 companies available during the market visit. Secondly, a detailed meeting itinerary (including hotel, car rental and interpreting services arrangements) was prepared for the client. A partnership with a local distributor keen on installing the client's solar products was established shortly after the in-market visit. The first installations of the products followed in 2016.

Assessing the competitive landscape for a panel heating manufacturer in CZ

Completion: 2015 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: An extremely short-notice desk research request assigned by a major panel heating manufacturer.
Results: Within a very short-term deadline (1 workday) EasyLink delivered a market report detailing the client’s competitors and their market shares (based on sampled wholesalers). The report also included detailed profiles of major competing brands and an evaluation of the client’s presence in the Czech market (financial data, brand awareness, reputation, and network of wholesale partners).

Company background check in Ukraine

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: UA
Objective: U.S. manufacturer of high performance centrifugal pumps molded from tough modern thermoplastics for handling corrosive liquids requested EasyLink to carry a confidential background check of a prospective partner in Ukraine.
Results: EasyLink utilized multiple resources to deliver information on the company activities and their product portfolio, date of establishment, business form and sales figures as well as the involvement of the company owner in other entities.

After a successful mission to Slovakia, a UK manufacturer of plastic floor tiles targets the Czech Republic

Completion: 2014 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: After attending a series of successful meetings with potential distributors in Slovakia, our client decided to take part in our extended partner search programme in the Czech Republic, involving detailed and tailored market research, meetings with prospective partners as well as post market-visit support and follow-up.
Results: EasyLink prepared an extensive market report for the client one month prior to their visit. The 60-page document contained information on the flooring market (preferred types of industrial flooring), competition, prices of competitive products, profiles of potential partners, a list of potential end-users (selected building companies involved in the construction of production plants and industrial halls) and a list of selected planned logistic parks. Based on the market report submitted in October 2014 and subsequently provided feedback, EasyLink focused on approaching 22 companies selected by the client from the list of prospective partners incorporated in the report. In the course of the project, 24 additional companies were added to the shortlist (both completely new and those initially listed in the market report but not selected by the client). Out of the total number of 46 companies that were all contacted by phone, 32 requested further information by email. We arranged 6 meetings and provided all in-market support including travel arrangements, interpretation and accompaniment to meetings where necessary. During the follow-up stage, we contacted all the visited companies and inquired about their impression of the meeting and the next steps to be taken by each party. We provided feedback with comments from all of the prospects for evaluation by the client and helped to develop an action plan for the company to pursue in the months following the market visit.

UK manufacturer of plastic floor tiles looking for a distributor in Slovakia

Completion: 2014 - 11
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink’s team in Slovakia was commissioned to conduct market research into companies involved in the segment of PVC industrial, commercial and domestic flooring with the aim of finding a qualified distributor with national coverage.
Results: 17 companies were contacted by phone and the consultant spoke to the relevant person and provided information about the client and some product literature in PDF format. The top 6 selected companies expressed interest in meeting the client during his visit to Slovakia in November 2014.

US forestry equipment manufacturer looking at opportunities in the Czech Republic and Poland

Completion: 2014 - 11
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: The client provides a large range of high-end forestry mulching and wood-to-energy equipment. Currently exporting to Canada, Europe, Australia and Uruguay, the company now wishes to expand to CEE. The first two countries to be explored are the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink’s teams in the target countries carried out research among heavy equipment dealers, construction equipment dealers and forestry equipment dealers that are selling into the relevant industries. We shortlisted and approached 34 potential partners in the Czech Republic and 26 prospects in Poland; we arranged 7 meetings in the Czech Republic and 6 in Poland, while always providing the client with all the necessary in-market support (including travel arrangements, interpretation and accompaniment).

Partner search in Turkey for a UK manufacturer of a revolutionary construction product

Completion: 2014 - 09
Target markets: TR
Objective: A manufacturer of an award-winning technology that was originally used in the construction of inflatable emergency concrete shelters for disaster relief but has multiple applications in the construction industry wished to identify and meet potential distribution partners in Turkey to discuss cooperation.
Results: EasyLink’s team in Turkey compiled a long list of potential partners for review and approval by the client to avoid contacting unqualified prospects. The consultant then approached 16 shortlisted companies to establish the most senior, appropriate point of contact. The consultant conducted interviews to confirm the suitability of the selected companies, discussed the client’s proposal, and forwarded further information to interested contacts as appropriate. Finally, they assessed the companies’ interest in the client’s proposition. EasyLink provided a report to the client with an overview of the market, feedback from interviews, and full profiles of companies that had expressed interest in the proposition, together with their observations. Profiles of each suitable interested partner included details such as company activity, size, locations, markets covered, example customers, language capability, feedback on the client’s proposition and any perceived market entry barriers. The report also included comments from declining companies to add to the client’s intelligence and to assist the company to gain an overall impression of potential in this region. Out of the total number of 16 contacted companies, 6 meetings were arranged in September 2014. The client’s feedback to the project: “… two very good candidates, will be offering distributorship to them.”

Experienced US exporter of alternative decking products seeks a partner in Poland

Completion: 2014 - 07
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client was a leading manufacturer of alternative decking products made from recycled plastics. The company already had sales partners in several European countries (including the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Czech Republic, Russia, Austria, Turkey, Romania, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) and now wanted to approach the Polish market. EasyLink was requested to identify suitable partners.
Results: EasyLink’s team in Warsaw compiled an initial list of 25 companies: 18 operating in the construction and wooden sector and 7 DIY chains. In a subsequent review, the client highlighted the 19 best prospects that were then contacted by the consultant in order to present the client’s proposition and evaluate their initial interest in and readiness for cooperation in distributing composite decking in Poland. 3 companies expressed interest in further direct discussion of cooperation with the client and meetings were arranged with them.

Innovative UK manufacturer of roller blinds looking for business partners in PL

Completion: 2014 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client was a UK designer and manufacturer of simple, clever and innovative roller blinds. The company has a wide range of materials at their disposal and can produce blinds of almost any colour, shape or texture with a variety of detailing options. After a successful visit to the Czech Republic at the beginning of 2014 the company asked EasyLink to identify and contact potential distribution partners in Poland.
Results: EasyLink shortlisted and approached 33 companies and distributed information about the client to all of them. 10 companies expressed interest in discussing potential partnership and meetings were arranged with them during the client’s visit in Warsaw in June 2014. The client’s overall impression of the visit was highly positive. They stated the meetings were of high quality and the right people were approached.

Major UK manufacturer of blinds and shutters looking for opportunities in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2014 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client was one of the UK’s leading producers of a range of quality customised (interior) window decorations. The company requested EasyLink to research, identify and approach potential distributors and customers for components among local blind manufacturers. Since the client wished to relocate part of production to the CEE region, EasyLink was also asked to find suitable production halls meeting the client’s criteria, which could be visited and viewed during the client’s visit to the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into manufacturers and distributors of shading technology products. EasyLink shortlisted and approached 33 qualified companies. We produced a comprehensive review of all prospective partners and selected the best targets. We arranged 5 meetings with potential distribution partners/end-customers and organized viewings of 2 production halls in the traditional roller blind manufacture area. We also made all the necessary logistics, interpretation and in-market arrangements. In a follow-up discussion with the client 6 months after the market visit the client confirmed first orders coming regularly from the Czech business partners. The client appreciated the high-quality meetings arranged despite the fact his itinerary was quite difficult to organize due to the diversity of contacts to be met.

After a successful entry into the Czech market, a U.S. company targeting Ukraine and Lithuania

Completion: 2014 - 06
Target markets: UA,LT
Objective: Our U.S. client is the world’s largest manufacturer of ground protection mats. The mats are used in a broad variety of applications such as construction, golf courses, utilities, landscaping, tree care, cemeteries, or drilling - wherever saving the costs of ground restoration is a factor. Having successfully entered the Czech market in 2010, the company now asked EasyLink to carry out background checks of a Ukrainian and a Lithuanian company interested in becoming the client’s dealer.
Results: The local consultants employed available secondary resources such as Trade Register, major business directories, media articles, company websites, etc., and provided contact details, profiles, ownership structure and year of establishment of both checked companies. The consultant also checked available resources for any debts the companies might have in respect of any government authorities (e.g. taxes, payments to Social Security Services, etc.).

Italian paint producer searching for partners in Slovakia

Completion: 2014 - 05
Target markets:
Objective: A major Italian manufacturer of interior and exterior paints asked EasyLink to identify and approach potential distribution partners in Slovakia.
Results: EasyLink approached 28 potential partners and provided them with information about the client and its products. 7 companies expressed interest in meeting the client to discuss a potential partnership.

Checking building requirements in Poland for a US log home manufacturer

Completion: 2014 - 03
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was asked to provide information as to whether the building code in Poland stipulates a log home to be built from a certain size log, 30, 40, or 50 cm diameter log for the exterior walls.
Results: EasyLink's consultant in Poland conducted research and interviewed several log home suppliers in order to inquire into the requirements pertaining to log homes in Poland. Since the Polish construction legislation does not determine the thickness of logs used for building a house, the consultant also checked other requirements, such as the energy efficiency of newly constructed buildings, which the Polish legislation has recently adjusted to comply with the EU legislation.

Partner search in Poland

Completion: 2013 - 12
Target markets: PL
Objective: Leading U.S. manufacturer of custom-designed, pre-engineered metal buildings as well as IAS and CSA-A660 accredited certified manufacturer wishes EasyLink to carry out a distributor search project in Poland in order to identify prospective business partners capable and interested in cooperation with the company.
Results: We re-contacted previously identified leads in Poland to evaluate their current interest in direct talks with the client. Out of the 7 prospects interested in direct talks back in 2011, 3 companies reconfirmed their previous interest. 2 companies are not interested anymore, and one went bankrupt.

Cement market in Slovakia

Completion: 2013 - 09
Target markets: SK
Objective: The task was to conduct 20-25 qualitative interviews with cement producers, RMX concrete and precast concrete producers, construction companies and other market experts. Another task was to conduct a short mystery shopping survey with the biggest cement producers and major building materials distributors regarding grey cement (bulk) prices in 8 cities in Slovakia.
Results: The issues tackled during the interviews included questions such as the current performance of the cement category, most popular product types (comparison to other building materials and construction in general), upcoming categories, market volume predictions and impacts, key driving/declining factors on the cement market in Slovakia, regional differences, important sales channels, etc. The deliverable was an Excel sheet containing transcriptions of 22 focused qualitative interviews.

Irish manufacturer of garage doors systems eyeing Poland

Completion: 2013 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client manufactures and distributes roller, sectional garage doors and automation products for the residential market as well as small roller doors for the self-storage market. In order to assist expansion into the Central and Eastern European region the Client seeks contact with local distribution partners.
Results: The main focus was on potential distributors of roller doors and the second priority was potential distributors of sectional doors. The research included Polish distributors of LiftMaster equipment. 31 companies were contacted by phone and the consultant spoke to the relevant person – e.g. general manager, purchasing manager, or MD. Out of the 31 companies contacted, 6 were interested in meeting the client and meetings were arranged with them.

Partner search in Poland: electric and light installation

Completion: 2013 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client is one of the UK and Ireland’s leading electrical contractors, specialising in retail fit out, electrical fit out and maintenance, active in the UK, Germany or the Netherlands. The client wishes to identify and visit potential partners among local companies, small electrical contractors with relevant expertise, certification, and authorization to endorse electrical installations, preferably with references in retail (small independent shops) or other commercial space (restaurants etc.). The Client seeks a local partner for consultation on design of electrical fit out installed by the Client for customers - local stores of international retail chains such as Primark or Marks&Spencer, as well as for provision of after-sale service.
Results: The EasyLink consultant in Poland conducted market research into local companies involved mainly in electric and light installation in retail shops. 16 companies were contacted by phone and the consultant spoke to the relevant person – e.g. general manager, purchasing manager, MD etc. The consultant arranged 7 meetings with potential partners. The client has been very happy with the way the mission was organised and spoke highly of the quality of the meetings. The companies fully met their criteria.

Partner search for a leading U.K. electrical contractor

Completion: 2013 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: After a successful market visit in Poland, our client (one of the UK and Ireland’s leading electrical contractors, specialising in retail fit out, electrical fit out and maintenance) is now looking at the Czech market.
Results: EasyLink approached 28 companies and arranged meetings with 11 prospects.

UK producer of MDF decorative elements joins our extended partner search programme

Completion: 2013 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client requested to be part of our extended programme to find distributors and explore export opportunities in the Czech Republic. EasyLink was commissioned to execute a three-phase project: 1) a market intelligence report mapping the use of products similar to the client’s, main competitors, and landscape of prospective partners; 2) a meeting itinerary tracing the client’s visit; 3) follow-up interviews with companies met in February 2014. The client also requested EasyLink to conduct store checks and provide prices and physical samples of competing products along with the market intelligence report.
Results: During the first phase of the project, EasyLink collected a database of 29 prospective partners consisting of timber merchants, building materials merchants, DIY retail chains and importers/suppliers of decorative interior elements. The competitor landscape contained profiles of main competitors, incl. an overview of the main decorative designs used and prices. EasyLink established that MDF boards are widely used; however, as for decorative elements from this material, the market did not seem mature enough to focus on sales directly to retail chains. EasyLink recommended the client focus mainly on timber merchants/wholesalers with wood products as primary prospective partners. The client handpicked 22 companies, which were subsequently approached by EasyLink. 5 companies expressed interest in meeting the client, who met with 4 of them in February 2014. EasyLink also visited the Wooden Buildings trade fair on behalf of the client to seek out further prospective partners. The client praised our programme especially for “… providing an extremely valuable pathway to gaining an initial appraisal of the Central European market and its dynamics.”

Leading manufacturer of concrete production technologies takes part in our extended programme to find partners in Czechia

Completion: 2013 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A UK company specializing in the production of highly efficient concrete production technology wished to participate in our extended programme to use a streamlined way of understanding the market and meeting potential export partners in the Czech Republic. The project consisted of several phases – first, EasyLink would carry out market research to assess the market potential including a database of prospective partners and competitors, then EasyLink would approach companies handpicked by the client and arrange meetings with interested parties, and finally conduct follow-up interviews to provide an overall assessment of market-entry potential. EasyLink would also provide in-market assistance, including interpretation services, handling travel arrangements, and facilitating further communication with prospective partners.
Results: EasyLink presented the client with a market intelligence report containing an overview of the construction sector & concrete industry, an overview of planned infrastructure projects and competing technologies in the Czech market. Furthermore, the report contained detailed profiles of competitors, potential distribution partners, potential end-customers, and trade shows, associations and other industry-promoting media. The second phase produced 10 companies interested in further talks with the client, including the largest producer of ready-mixed concrete, leading road building contractors and major suppliers of technical service to concrete producers. We organized a market visit for our client in February 2014 and a follow-up visit in April 2014. The client received several requests for quotations and deemed our programme to be “… an opportunity to accelerate into a market we had no previous experience in. With the comprehensive research and planning my first trip was made a lot easier with a well planned meeting itinerary of quality end users & potential dealers.”

Innovative shading technology manufacturer from the U.K. looking at the Czech market, Feb 2014

Completion: 2013 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The aim of the company was to establish a sales channel to the commercial market and also to the end user market for the client’s products.
Results: Based on the market report submitted in December 2013 and subsequently provided feedback, the NITC consultant focused on approaching 17 companies selected by the client from the list of prospective partners incorporated in the report. In the course of the project, 16 additional companies were added to the shortlist. EasyLink arranged meetings with seven potential partners. In May 2014, EasyLink arranged a follow-up market visit for the client. The company met again with previously visited prospects as well as new leads. The client’s quote after the first market visit: “…A true means of understanding and working in the Central and Eastern European market.” The client has already received an order after the first market visit and expects sales to generate once the distributor is appointed for the market.

Market research and retail price verification for a Polish floor toppings manufacturer

Completion: 2013 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A manufacturer of industrial floor toppings sought to verify whether it could compete in the Czech market. Our task was to provide and analyse the financial statements of four major Czech competitors and obtain their retail and distributor prices of selected competitive products.
Results: EasyLink consultant gathered financial statements from publicly available registers. The collected data included total assets, total liabilities, profit and loss accounts, sales margins, etc. Through interviews with relevant managers in the analysed companies, the consultant gathered retail prices, distributor prices and discounts (if applicable) of required pre-selected products. The consultant also analysed the distribution channels for industrial floor toppings.

Italian producer of window and door accessories returns to Poland in search of distributors

Completion: 2012 - 09
Target markets: PL
Objective: A well-established Italian company manufacturing plastic window and door accessories tasked EasyLink to refresh previously made contacts in the Polish market. Our in-market consultant was to contact chosen partners to enquire about potential interest in cooperation with the client.
Results: The consultant approached a total of 15 companies and recorded success with 6 prospective partners. Feedback collected from all of the contacted partners as well as a market insight of the windows&doors market were included in the final report to indicate the potential success of the client’s products in this particular market.

Czech Republic: UK manufacturer of ventilation systems meets prospective distributors

Completion: 2012 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was tasked to carry out a partner search for a leading UK manufacturer of innovative ventilation systems, such as window vents or efficient heat recovery ventilation systems. The client had already established presence in Poland and wished to identify, screen a meet prospective distributors in the Czech Republic, such as architects working with large developers, window manufacturers, mechanical engineers, trade companies supplying building materials to B2B customers and distributors of compatible products. Our services also included verifying the market size and structure.
Results: Our Prague office shortlisted, screened and contacted 40 companies within the client’s criteria and arranged meetings with 6 prospective companies, including the biggest purely Czech wholesale merchant with fans, air-conditioning and recovery systems. The final partner search report contained information on market structure, detailed profiles of prospective partners, directions to venues and information on arranged interpretation services to ensure a smooth visit in the Czech Republic.

British producer of garage doors explores the Czech market

Completion: 2012 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to carry out a partner search project for a manufacturer of roller and sectional garage doors for the residential and self-storage markets in order to scope out opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe. We were to identify and arrange meetings with partners among distributors of garage doors, gate automation and access systems or garage manufacturers. In addition, our task comprised identifying competitors in the Czech Republic, current trends in the market and potential barriers of entry.
Results: On behalf of our client, EasyLink contacted 36 distributors active within the garage door market, and identified, profiled and arranged meetings with 6 qualified prospects. Our research also shed light on the particularities of the Czech market – the fact that there are no regulations on garage door size and therefore most garage doors are made to measure, and that there is a distinctive popularity of sectional doors of roller doors.

US leading supplier in search of potential partners in the Czech Republic and Poland

Completion: 2012 - 05
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: A leading US company supplying power trowel replacement blades and floating pans in the concrete industry commissioned EasyLink to search for prospective distributors in both Central European countries.
Results: Based on the project brief, the consultants in the Czech Republic and Poland conducted market research into companies involved in the potential distribution of construction machinery, construction chemicals and companies specialised in the building of industrial floors. Information resources used to develop an initial list of contacts included business databases and directories, company profiles, interviews with potential customers, end users as well as experts in sector-specific associations, and the consultant’s own market knowledge and contacts. The consultants identified and approached 35 companies in Czechia out of which 6 companies were interested in a meeting. In Poland, 29 prospective partners were approached, 4 of which expressed interest in a meeting with the representative of the US company. Within just two months of the project's start, the client was able to hold personal meetings with a selection of interested partners.

Supplier of MDF mouldings evaluates the Polish market

Completion: 2012 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: The company is a market leader in the UK and Ireland and has already established export distribution channels in Belgium and the Netherlands. The client wished to confirm the route to market, if via builders merchants and/or wholesalers supplying independents (looking for a stocking distributor), and identify and target nationwide and other large distribution partners with a view of exploring interest in and qualification for cooperation.
Results: Easylink engaged in communication with over 50 companies. Unfortunately, the level of interest was not sufficiently positive early enough (a month before the planned market visit) to warrant a series of meetings for the client. The project was stopped before its completion.

Arranging meetings with the leading construction companies in Poland

Completion: 2012 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client specializes in the development of automatic testing systems for load testing, pile integrity, and dynamic load. EasyLink is asked to coordinate with the company’s representative in Poland in order to arrange meetings with technical directors or buyers at the leading construction companies.
Results: Our interviews with managers of 39 companies confirmed the most business potential would be generated by companies involved in ground engineering and deep foundation works, bridge and viaduct constructors and large general contractors. Amongst the 7 companies the client visited were e.g. Strabag (involved in the biggest road projects in Poland), Mosty-Lodz (one of the largest companies in the construction of bridges and viaducts), or Mostmarpal (one of the leaders in deep foundation works).

EasyLink assists a client in Poland and Romania

Completion: 2012 - 02
Target markets: PL, RO
Objective: A company active in the range of pipe/cable bushing sought to obtain sources of information on large-scale projects, free of charge or paid mailing lists or newsletters or service providers who offer information about planned building projects in the public or industrial sector in Poland. In addition, the client wished to identify Polish producers of pipe or cable bushing including information about their distribution channels and activities, and, if possible, about local market shares. Subsequently, the client ordered an additional project for Romania, where the task was to provide sources of information on large-scale projects.
Results: While working on this project the consultant in Poland recognized that this was rather a niche product which in many cases just supplemented the general offer of companies offering innovative technical solutions for construction. The client was provided with detailed profiles of 10 companies that produce or directly offer pipe and cable bushing solutions in the Polish market. The profiles included info on company activities, customers, ownership, and size (number of employees and turnover). The consultants also gathered data on relevant sources of information on building projects in Poland and Romania. In Poland for instance no paper magazine focuses only on industrial/commercial/infrastructure projects, thus we recommended three magazines for architects.

Analysing the Ukrainian market with modular buildings

Completion: 2011 - 5
Target markets: UA
Objective: A leading manufacturer of modular units considered further expansion in the markets of Central and Eastern Europe and approached EasyLink with a request for in-depth insight into the Ukrainian market and competitive intelligence on their major competitor.
Results: Our almost 60-page report served as one of the key documents the client used for their further actions/decision making regarding expansion in the CEE region. The areas discussed included market size, main applications, key products delivered and product characteristics, services provided with the products, price ranges prevailing in the market, market constraints and obstacles, legal regulation, and competitive landscape including detailed profiles of key players - both producers and importers - including their pricing and marketing tools, competitive intelligence on the leading competitor and basic customer analysis. Estimating market size was especially difficult! Although an article by a respected magazine estimated the 2008 market at USD 50-55 million, we found the data to be significantly overestimated and provided the client detailed with explanations for our reasoning. We then delivered our own market size estimates for 2010.

Ukraine: Partner search project

Completion: 2011 - 3
Target markets: UA
Objective: A multinational company with production facilities in the Czech Republic sought new customers for their thermal insulation materials. EasyLink was asked to introduce the client to companies in several market segments - manufacturers of heated water storage tanks, manufacturers of systems for energy generation from renewable resources (biomass/pellets boilers, solar collectors) and trading companies supplying entire heating systems.
Results: Using a multitude of resources such as production and foreign trade statistics, listing of exhibitors at sector-specific trade fairs, business directories, and market expert interviews, the consultant in Ukraine compiled an initial list of 19 potential partners. The consultant subsequently approached their managers to introduce the client and to assess their interest in sourcing insulation materials from the client.

Phone interviews with companies involved in the installation and assembly of elevators in Poland

Completion: 2011 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client sought to identify prospective Polish partners with experience in doing projects abroad and being able to communicate in the German language. The focus was on experts in installation and assembly, not manufacture or maintenance of elevators.
Results: During the initial phase we reviewed 150 companies from the elevator business and selected over 50 prospective partners. Since the desk research did not gather sufficient information to be able to estimate their experience in working abroad, or the ability to communicate in German, we proceeded to contact the companies over the phone. We identified 5 companies meeting the client’s requirements, and we prepared their detailed profiles including contact details and information on size, experience and language skills and capability to do projects abroad. We also prepared an overview of the non-qualified companies, together with their responses and contact information. Our findings showed that the Polish market was a very busy place itself and companies were not interested in expanding abroad, as they had enough or even too much work in their local market. The market was dominated by small companies, hiring not more than 3-5 people, which also limited their ability to také on jobs abroad.

Leading Polish producer of fabric roller shade systems meets partners in Hungary

Completion: 2011 - 11
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client, an experienced exporter to many European countries, sought to meet qualified and interested trading partners supplying small and mid-size assemblers and installation of sun-shade systems.
Results: The initial phase of the project focused on exploring the Hungarian shading technology market with an emphasis on current trends and product supply. Our initial listing of prospective partners included short profiles of 36 companies; all were subsequently contacted by the consultant. The market intelligence gathered during the project confirmed that doing business in Hungary would be rather difficult without having some kind of representation (office, showroom, warehouse) in Budapest. In a country like Hungary, where business is so capital-city-focused, distance from Budapest does matter! After returning from his in-market visit in November 2011 (containing 5 meetings) the client expressed great satisfaction with the fruits of EasyLink’s work.

Providing competitive intelligence

Completion: 2011 - 09
Target markets: RU
Objective: After submitting a study of the modular units market in Ukraine - the client, very pleased with our work, requested additional assistance. This time EasyLink was asked to compile competitive intelligence on 3 companies in Russia.
Results: The scope of information requested by the client (and delivered by EasyLink) included data on local presence including local manufacture and imports as well as company size (number of employees and revenues – this information is extremely difficult to obtain on Russian companies as it is not provided through publicly available resources). In the case of one of the companies, we made rough estimates based on turnovers of their European and Russian operations and the number of employees in Europe, and expenses on wages and salaries from official reports. We also mapped the ways the companies dealt with local dealers and customers. For one of the companies, which focused on rentals of units, we gathered information on its rental fleet and conditions.

Structured phone interviews with Czech producers

Completion: 2011 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client wishes to obtain detailed insight into the Czech concrete products industry via a series of structured interviews with the leading producers.
Results: We inquired with managers of 11 companies. We addressed areas such as past trends and future outlook of the market, market size data, structure of production by customer groups as well as product groups, and distribution channel structure.

EasyLink delivers in-depth competitive intelligence on the leading structural engineering companies in Poland

Completion: 2011 - 05
Target markets: PL
Objective: A structural engineering company seeks two-phase assistance. EasyLink is initially asked to deliver information based on which the client can select target countries, and in phase 2 to prepare a list of competitors (main local players and international players - providing company name, website, and latest turnover or number of employees figure) and prepare extended profiles of the three leading competitors (providing data on turnover, profit or EBIT, number of employees, key personnel, office locations, biggest executed and planned projects, key partners in the market, key customers, core competencies and capabilities, history of the company in the country, recent development and project wins, and analysis of key success factors.
Results: Our deliverables were an Excel file for a list of competitors, a 45-slide PowerPoint report, and interview transcripts in Word. Our findings were used by the client in reformulating their internationalisation strategy.

Poland: Partner search project requiring major analysis of key competitors and certification process

Completion: 2011 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: A U.S. company delivering a product used to join rebar in construction projects seeks a distributor in Poland. The company has already established distribution partners in other EU countries, e.g. France and Spain.
Results: Altogether 31 pre-selected prospects were approached and interviewed by the consultant. In addition to providing detailed profiles of top prospects – qualified and keen to engage in direct talks with the client, and other standard information such as short profiles of other companies contacted, we delivered in-depth information concerning the Polish market of industrial construction with special emphasis on concrete reinforcing systems as well as analysis of activities of the four key competitors. Based on our findings we then recommended the client to also include design offices as important players for their market entry efforts. Last but not least, we provided the client with information on certification bodies; in order to be accepted by construction engineers, each product needs to be certified, the certificates are expensive and usually take a few months to obtain.

U.S. manufacturer of unique seawalls eyeing the market in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2011 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The U.S. company has recently introduced a vinyl seawall made from extruded PVC and requested Easylink's assistance in identifying business opportunities in the Czech Republic. In response to the task, the consultant screened companies in the construction sector who trade with protective walls and anti-erosion barriers. 24 companies were pre-selected for the client's review.
Results: The client shortlisted three who were contacted on his behalf. The consultant introduced the company and the product, and sent additional materials via e-mail. Two prospective partners counting among the largest companies in the given industry sector expressed an interest in learning more about the product and the business opportunity. Currently, they are both in direct contact with the client discussing the future prospects of the envisioned partnership.

Swiss supplier of technologies for the construction industry screens the Slovak market

Completion: 2011 - 02
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to prepare an in-depth report on infrastructure in Slovakia that would aid the client in determining whether it is a go-to-market for its protective structures for roads and railways.
Results: The final report addressed road conditions in Slovakia and mapped the road and railroad network together with the largest investors in infrastructure projects and key players. We also interviewed 5 companies that make decisions or directly deal with protective structures. We asked them seven questions that were compiled by the client (addressing e.g. evaluation of risks of natural disasters, parties responsible for securing highways and railroads from falling rocks, or slope protection systems currently used).

Gathering information on the market with building detergents in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2011 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client, a manufacturer of cleaning solutions for the masonry, construction, and transportation industries wanted to gain a better understanding of the Czech market in the area of building and masonry detergents. Easylink was thus asked to carry out a market research analysis and provide an overview of the market.
Results: To map the situation on the Czech market, the Easylink consultant talked to importers, distributors and representatives of professional associations, as well as reviewed company websites and various business portals. The final report included an overview of key manufacturers, competing products, sample prices, and prospective customers.

U.S. company with a large inventory of used construction equipment exploring the markets in PL, CZ, and SK

Completion: 2011 -
Target markets: PL&CZ&SK
Objective: The U.S. client is a manufacturer of steel parts that also holds a multi-million dollar inventory of used and rental construction equipment. The client approached us with a request to assess whether there is demand for such equipment in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
Results: The consultants in each respective country interviewed distributors of construction equipment, consulted business databases and company websites, and drafted final reports summarizing what they had learned from the interviews, providing a market overview, describing sales channels, and identifying leading brands and prospective distributors.

Russia: Partner search project – distributors of insulation

Completion: 2010 - 12
Target markets: RU
Objective: U.S. manufacturer of fibre moving equipment for insulation applications was seeking qualified and keen distribution partners for its cellulose insulation blowing machines in Russia.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant for Russia approached 21 prospective partners. Information resources used to develop an initial list of contacts included company websites, online construction associations and magazines as well as the consultant’s own market knowledge and contacts. Following the initial phone conversation, managers were sent additional information about the client’s insulation-blowing machines. After having the opportunity to consider the offer, they were contacted again to obtain their final decision. We provided detailed profiles and contact information of 11 prospects, all keen to initiate direct communication with the client.

In-depth phone interviews with leading players in the Czech crane market

Completion: 2010 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was assigned to conduct in-depth semi-structured telephone interviews with product, sales, marketing and technical personnel amongst manufacturers and distributors of cranes - overhead travelling, gantry, suspension light and slewing jib cranes - hoists and travel components.
Results: Findings obtained from each of the interviews we conducted were recorded in an MS Excel spreadsheet. The experts were asked to provide their opinions on trends in total market demand, prices, customer segmentation, the proportion of cranes by type of cranes, structure of sales and other factors influencing the crane market.

Structured interviews with experts in roofing materials in Hungary

Completion: 2010 - 10
Target markets: HU
Objective: EasyLink was as part of a multi-country project on roofing materials asked to conduct structured expert interviews with roofing materials producers (specified and/or approved by the client) as well as desk research to obtain additional market insight pertaining to recent product launches of roofing materials (companies, products introduced, pricing levels, product segments and materials) and suppliers of integrated solar tiles, high-gloss painted tiles and pressed metal tiles and their pricing levels.
Results: During structured phone interviews with market experts we inquired into major trends and segmentation as well as trends in popularity of individual segments, market shares and innovations pertaining to the roofing market. The client was presented detailed interview notes as well as findings obtained from our additional desk research.

Irish supplier of aluminium access tower systems seeks a new partner

Completion: 2010 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is the world’s leading provider of aluminium scaffolding systems; its solutions are mainly bought by rental companies offering construction equipment as well as by power stations that use the systems for boiler maintenance. The company has been already working with a local distributor for the past few years. Since the current partner’s sales results have not been satisfactory in the long term, the client seeks assistance with identifying a new distributor in the Czech Republic.
Results: We identified, contacted and evaluated over 80 potential partners, i.e. companies involved in the sale, distribution and rental of scaffolding and construction equipment. During his 4-day visit in November 2010, the client held face-to-face meetings with top managers of 8 companies.

EasyLink assists in the exploration of opportunities in 4 CEE countries

Completion: 2010 - 08
Target markets:
Objective: Our U.S. client manufactures and delivers pre-engineered steel storage buildings for use in the agriculture and light commercial and residential markets. The company was looking to expand its activities in Central Europe and appoint proactive distribution partners in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.
Results: In all four countries, EasyLink introduced the client and its structures to pre-selected prospective partners and discussed partnership opportunities as well as their interest and readiness in face-to-face negotiation with the client. EasyLink prepared 4 detailed meeting itineraries for the client’s visits to all four markets in May 2009. Upon the client’s return home, EasyLink was asked to provide additional assistance (e.g. providing information on ad placement in Poland, requesting quotes for shipment of goods and background check of a prospective partner).

U.S. producer of dies for the brick industry targeting Russia

Completion: 2010 - 07
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink was asked to evaluate potential and identify prospective partners in the Russian brick manufacturing industry that includes 178 works (each servicing an area with a radius exceeding 100 km); the works can be classified into 4 groups depending on the „age“ of their equipment.
Results: We screened over 35 companies, and 23 brick works were approached by phone for an interview with their managers regarding their qualifications for and interest in partnership with our client. On average, 5 to 7 calls were made to every potential prospect all across the country (!) to establish contact with pre-selected companies, to establish the right contact person within those companies, to get in touch with the relevant manager for a preliminary interest check as well as to obtain their permission to send an e-mail with the client’s presentation materials, to confirm the person received our e-mail and was able to open the attachments and to obtain the contact person’s feedback. 14 companies expressed interest in further talks and/or receiving more information/details on the offered parts.

Hungarian producer of automatic toilet cabins for rest stops and public areas seeks distributors

Completion: 2010 - 03
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: Easylink was approached with an inquiry for finding suitable distribution and service partners in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in the Czech Republic introduced the client and its products to over 40 potential partners amongst distributors of street furniture, outdoor media companies and construction companies. We then provided the client detailed profiles of seven companies with confirmed interest in cooperation. In Poland, we approached over 30 potential partners - construction subcontractors involved in building parking lots and rest stops on Polish highways, and compiled profiles of three qualified and keen prospects.

Checking import regulations in the Czech Republic for a US log home manufacturer

Completion: 2009 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The U.S. client manufactures log homes from Eastern white pine. The company established a relationship with a company in Denmark that will be the point of contact in Europe for individuals who are interested in buying their log homes. EasyLink was requested to find out if there are any regulations concerning imports of log homes to Central Europe and whether import licenses apply as well as what the import duties are.
Results: The consultant carried out multiple phone calls with the leading local log home building companies and with the local Customs Office regarding any import duties or regulations concerning log homes. The consultant also checked local competition and inquired about prices of log frameworks and timber imported from countries where log homes are popular (Finland, Canada, USA).

U.S. producer of decorative concrete tools and consumables requests another partner search project, now in Ukraine

Completion: 2009 - 07
Target markets: UA
Objective: Distribution search
Results: EasyLink consultant identified 16 companies for the client’s review and then proceeded with contacting them to present the client’s line of urethane stamping tools and consumables and partnership proposal as well as to screen their qualification and interest. Three companies were recommended as qualified candidates for further talks with the client.

U.S. supplier of fabric wall and ceiling systems exploring distribution opportunities

Completion: 2009 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A supplier of fabric wall and ceiling systems for commercial and training facilities, e.g. law offices, corporate board rooms and auditoriums where the elegant upscale finish is desirable, enlisted EasyLink to identify local distributors or partners active in the field of interior finish and design.
Results: The consultant screened over 200 companies and pre-selected 35 entities - interior design studios, suppliers of equipment and materials for interiors and interior decoration as well as installation and interior decoration companies. The client was provided with detailed profiles of pre-selected partners together with contact details of their English-speaking decision-makers.

Matchmaking project for an architecture company from Ireland

Completion: 2009 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Screen, contact and evaluate prospective partners
Results: The consultant approached 15 pre-screened companies to present the client‘s offer and discuss partnership opportunities as well as evaluate their partnership interest. Meetings were scheduled with a total of 6 qualified companies with confirmed interest.

Irish fit-out and refurbishment specialist wishes to identify specific business opportunities in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Approach prospective customers pre-selected by the client to introduce the client and services provided
Results: EasyLink succeeded in opening the door for the client to the leading Czech retail and service sector companies.

EasyLink evaluates opportunities in Romania and Bulgaria

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: RO&BG
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a global firm of designers, engineers, planners and business consultants to evaluate opportunities in the urban and infrastructure development segments.
Results: We provided the client clear answers to a set of specific questions about the infrastructure and real estate development market, and specific opportunities, in Romania and Bulgaria.

Study of market potential and upcoming major construction projects in Slovakia

Completion: 2009 - 02
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to deliver a market study including macroeconomic and construction sector data in Slovakia with a key focus on planned projects - type of projects planned and investors and key contact personnel for potential product/service suppliers to meet with.
Results: The final over 30-page report addressed the key issues of interest to the client such as the construction sector situation and structure, construction works by type and region, construction materials production, import and export as well as detailed information on residential, commercial and infrastructure development projects and profiles of major investors and key construction companies.

Promoting an international fair held in Italy and finding Czech partners for Italian companies

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: We were requested to aid in the promotion of an international fair specializing in energy-efficient construction held in Italy to Czech and Slovak companies and entice them to visit the fair and meet with pre-selected Italian producers.
Results: Altogether we contacted 110 companies in the Czech Republic and 99 in Slovakia, plus multiple associations were requested to do website postings as well as mailings to their members.

Poland: Reconnecting with prospective partners the client met previously

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was requested by a U.K. supplier of indoor adventure play areas for children to reconnect with prospective distribution partners the client met during his business trip to Poland two years ago to reassess their interest in partnership and also to identify new prospective partners.
Results: The consultant identified and approached 17 companies (new and those he already met) to evaluate their qualification and interest in partnership.

Italian producer of gates and doors meeting prospective partners

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: An Italian producer of gates and doors requested EasyLink to identify prospective distribution partners and schedule meetings with parties interested and ready to make a commitment.
Results: The consultant in the Czech Republic identified and approached over 40 relevant companies involved in the sale and installation of gates and doors for industrial buildings as well as housing units. Their interest and business potential were evaluated, and meetings were scheduled with the top 5 prospects.

Key Czech producer of bitumen and concrete plants and components travels to Ukraine

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: UA
Objective: The client plans to exhibit at a major Ukrainian show for the bitumen and concrete industry. EasyLink is asked to support their efforts by conducting a targeted partner search prior to the event, and identifying and approaching prospective partners and customers, and where possible, securing their visit to and meeting at the client's stand.
Results: EasyLink scheduled 6 meetings with qualified and keen prospective partners.

Arranging meetings with potential partners

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: Easylink was contracted to conduct a customized partner search and identify prospective partners within companies dealing with under floor, wall and ceiling heating/cooling system.
Results: Easylink consultant approached 27 Czech and 30 Slovak companies and scheduled individual meetings with 11 parties that confirmed interest and qualification to facilitate the client’s market entry. EasyLink prepared a detailed itinerary for the 3-day visit to both countries.

Irish architecture studio explores opportunities in Slovakia

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink’s consultant in Slovakia was asked to contact the leading developers in the country to evaluate their interest in working with an Ireland-based architecture studio and schedule meetings with qualified/interested companies.
Results: The consultant identified and approached 12 leading developers involved in commercial and residential construction to present the client and its services as well as to evaluate their qualification and interest in cooperation. A total of 6 meetings were scheduled with the most qualified developers who confirmed interest in personal negotiations.

Czech manufacturer of mixers and bath accessories targets two Baltic countries

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: EE&LV
Objective: Identify and approach potential distributors among local companies involved in the distribution of bathroom accessories, DIYs and plumbing companies
Results: EasyLink’s consultants in Estonia and Latvia identified and approached nearly 40 prospective distributors meeting the client's requirements to present them with the partnership opportunity and provide them with detailed information on the company and its products. 10 prospects in both countries expressed interest in meeting the client and EasyLink prepared a detailed itinerary for the two-country visit.

Identifying and profiling relevant players for a producer of accessories for heavy material handling machinery

Completion: 2008 - 10
Target markets: SK&HU
Objective: After appointing a new sales representative based in Velky Krtis in Southern Slovakia near the Hungarian border our client requested EasyLink to identify sales leads in Slovakia and Hungary that the new rep could follow up with.
Results: In both countries, we identified and profiled all the relevant producers, importers, distributors and leasers of construction and material handling and mining machinery as well as producers, importers and distributors of hydraulic arms (e.g. for trucks and cranes) and truck superstructures. Altogether our list included 75 prospective customers.

Study of Zilina’s (Slovakia) real estate market

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: SK
Objective: A Switzerland-based company making specific residential property recommendations to their clients in the UK enlisted our services to provide detailed data and analysis on the real estate market in the city of Zilina.
Results: The analytical 40-page report prepared by EasyLink’s consultant in Slovakia provided the client with a detailed description of the real estate market in Zilina and among other items, it covered the following areas - statistical data (population breakdown by age, gender and income, affordability per capita, income per capita, migration rate, population growth rate), rental per sqm, purchase price per sqm, existing retail and commercial stock, proposed retail and commercial projects, proposed and ongoing infrastructure development and percentage of owners/occupiers with mortgages.

U.S. producer of stamps for decorative concrete seeking a distribution partner

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our services were enlisted by a U.S. producer of stamping tools and consumables to identify, approach and evaluate distribution partners in the Czech Republic.
Results: An initial list of 21 pre-selected companies was submitted to the client for evaluation. They were subsequently contacted by the consultant, and their potential and interest in becoming a local partner were evaluated. We then recommended the best prospect with whom the client started direct communication and later met at the BAU fair in Germany.

Identification of rebar fabrication businesses and construction companies in Hungary and the Czech Republic

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: CZ&HU
Objective: The consultant was asked to identify rebar fabrication businesses as well as large construction companies with annual income between USD 5 and 100 million and obtain their contact information.
Results: We provided the client with contact details and a brief description of activities as well as turnover and employment data of a total of five rebar fabrication businesses, 36 construction and 2 equipment rental companies meeting the specified criteria in Hungary and 9 rebar fabrication businesses and 44 construction companies in the Czech Republic.

U.S. construction equipment producer targeting Bulgaria

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: BG
Objective: Identify, contact and evaluate suitable distribution partners in Bulgaria
Results: In the first stage EasyLink pre-selected 21 local companies involved in the sale of equipment to the construction sector and contractors. After receiving the client’s feedback, the consultant approached 9 companies the client deemed the most appropriate. After interviewing and closely evaluating the companies, the consultant recommended 3 entities as the most suitable & interested prospective distribution partners for direct communication.

Czech manufacturer and distributor of fireplace inserts seeks distributors in Slovenia

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: SI
Objective: To identify and approach specialized distributors of fireplace inserts and other related equipment
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Slovenia conducted extensive market research into specialized distributors of fireplaces and other equipment. Managers of over 20 potential partners were approached with a partnership offer and provided detailed company/product information. Five companies expressed interest in meeting the Czech company’s representative. EasyLink prepared a 2-day itinerary for the client’s visit to Slovenia.

One of the leading producers of building chemicals looking for a distributor in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2008 - 04
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify potential distribution partners for one of the leading producers of construction chemicals in Italy and schedule meetings with companies qualified and interested in the proposed partnership.
Results: In the Czech Republic we screened over 150 active distributors of chemicals for the building industry as well as entities specializing in concrete reparation and waterproofing, flooring, restoration of humid walls and masonry. 25 companies were approached by the consultant and evaluated as potential partners. The consultant accompanied the client to all 7 one-to-one appointments the client held in the Czech Republic to provide translation as well as in-market support and consulting. The client then continued with a market visit to Slovakia to meet the top 5 candidates (out of 35 approached prospects); EasyLink’s consultant in Slovakia accompanied the client to all the meetings as well. In the Czech Republic, the client for instance met with a company that procures materials for Metrostav and Subterra, one of the largest construction companies, to present its special materials for ceiling construction in tunnels.

Mystery shopping in residential real estate project in Warsaw

Completion: 2008 - 03
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink’s consultant pretended to be a prospective house buyer seeking information on a new residential development project in Warsaw.
Results: The consultant gathered information on how sales systems were being put into place and provided his impressions of the physical sales room and staff - approach, welcome, as well as follow up and effectiveness of sales processes. Following our submission of a final report, EasyLink participated in a debriefing teleconference where our senior consultant (mystery shopper) provided additional insights and answers to the client’s questions.

Leading Irish manufacturer of aluminium access tower systems looking for partners in Slovakia

Completion: 2008 - 02
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink’s task was to identify prospective partners in Slovakia amongst construction equipment rental companies, power and heat plants operating boilers and maintenance providers for power plant boilers.
Results: The set up of a series of meetings with qualified companies that confirmed interest in direct talks with the client. Meetings took place with 6 potential distributors/dealers and 2 leading heating plants in Slovakia.

Large producer of demolition accessories asks EasyLink to identify customers in Slovakia

Completion: 2008 - 01
Target markets: SK
Objective: The client requested a database & analysis of construction companies, demolition specialists, building equipment distributors and competitors.
Results: EasyLink developed a detailed database with over 100 prospective customers, including insights on their current suppliers, need and desire for new purchases and recommended method of approach. Several specific business opportunities of an immediate nature were identified and presented to the client.

Russia – Market research for a leading Czech producer of plastic profiles

Completion: 2007 - 12
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to conduct in-depth research to outline the current situation in the Russian construction market as well as in the segment of plastic construction profiles. The final report had to be delivered in Czech, thus requiring translation of the report prepared by EasyLink’s consultant in Russia.
Results: Our close to 100-page report very thoroughly addressed the ongoing development of the construction market and provided details on the current supply of materials for the production of plastic profiles, share of profiles on total sales of construction materials, prices of competitive products and foreign trade data. We also analyzed the competitive environment by providing detailed company profiles of the key suppliers of competing products and construction profiles and potential partners for a Czech company. We also outlined how the products should be marketed in Russia. We provided the client with recommendations on how to approach the Russian plastic profiles market, which we estimated at EUR 50 to 70 million.

Czech manufacturer of interior doors and frames looking for distributors in Romania

Completion: 2007 - 11
Target markets: RO
Objective: We were asked to identify potential partners among local specialized distributors of doors as well as do-it-yourself (DIY) retail chains.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Romania introduced the Czech company to decision makers in charge of selecting new suppliers at 20 pre-screened companies and provided them with catalogues and other detailed information about the company's products. Seven companies including a major DIY retail chain Praktiker expressed interest in meeting representatives of the Czech company. EasyLink then prepared a detailed 2-day itinerary.

Distributor search for a manufacturer of bathtubs, whirlpools, shower cabins, steam saunas and mini-pools

Completion: 2007 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to recommend potential partners for the distribution of the client’s hydro-massage and steam products in the Czech Republic.
Results: The scope of work comprised a 3-step assistance. In Step 1, EasyLink provided the client with an initial list of 19 pre-selected companies; in Step 2, the consultant contacted all the 19 companies approved by the client which resulted in 4 positive responses and EasyLink provided detailed company profiles and meeting itinerary. In Step 3, EasyLink’s consultant provided in-market assistance accompanying the client to the meetings.

Major environmental consultancy looking for business opportunities in Poland

Completion: 2007 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was enlisted by a key provider of land decontamination services to identify and approach potential clients amongst project management as well as civil engineering and construction companies.
Results: EasyLink consultant initially reviewed 25 companies involved in construction project management and selected 15 entities for direct contact to evaluate their demand for land decontamination services. The client was provided with detailed profiles of 4 end users prepared to discuss particular business opportunities.

Real estate development and building company based in Brno explores opportunities in the Netherlands

Completion: 2007 - 10
Target markets: NL
Objective: We were asked to approach Dutch companies in the construction sector (i.e. private real estate developers, investors and building companies) to explore opportunities for mutual cooperation in the Czech Republic, Netherlands or other countries.
Results: Easylink identified and contacted 16 prospective partners meeting the client's requirements and arranged meetings (including a detailed itinerary and travel arrangements) with five companies that expressed interest in face-to-face discussions.

Major Czech manufacturer of ceramic products targets the Netherlands

Completion: 2007 - 10
Target markets: NL
Objective: The client requested EasyLink to identify prospective Dutch customers, buyers and/or distributors for its building and farming products (medium-size to large distributors delivering to building companies involved in water management and landscaping projects) as well as garden ceramics and earthenware (medium-size to large distributors supplying gardening centres).
Results: Easylink identified and contacted 47 potential partners in the Netherlands and scheduled meetings with four companies with confirmed readiness to discuss partnership opportunities. The detailed meeting itinerary EasyLink delivered also included travel arrangements.

Inventor of friction-free suspension sling for contractors in the electrical and HVAC fields seeking a distributor

Completion: 2007 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify, approach and evaluate prospective distribution partners for the client’s revolutionary product for electrical and HVAC installations and schedule meetings with the best-qualified companies with confirmed interest in becoming a local partner.
Results: Altogether 38 companies were approached to introduce the product, and their qualification and interest were screened. Meetings were scheduled with the top 6 candidates. The client was accompanied to the meetings to provide interpretation and in-market support.

Market research: Mechanical security technologies for construction

Completion: 2007 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was subcontracted for an extensive study of the Czech market for mechanical security technologies in the construction industry (locks, door closers, safes, etc.).
Results: The key areas this in-depth market report covered included among other items market segmentation, analysis of purchasing behaviour by customer group, decision-making criteria and processes, types of market influencers and projects, competitive landscape of the industry, analysis and recommendations of possible market-entry strategies and value propositions by customer segment.

Poland: Market research for a leading French producer of roofing systems and elements

Completion: 2007 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client wished to have an in-depth analysis of the roofing market in Eastern Europe to help them achieve their goal - to become the key player in the distribution of this product category in the region. The company therefore decided to start reviewing market opportunities in the countries where it currently operates – starting in Poland.
Results: The detailed study covered the two main areas of interest to the client – overall roofing market data and highlighting companies specialising in the distribution of roofing systems. Among other items, the report addressed the size of the market for roofing systems and elements, its various aspects including trends and forecasts, market segmentation by product type and by producer including market shares and other details and distribution structure in place, including various channels, key players and their respective market shares.

German company seeking partners to build exhibition booths

Completion: 2007 - 03
Target markets: SK
Objective: The client was seeking prospective subcontractors in Slovakia for building their exhibition booths in the EU.
Results: EasyLink identified a total of 23 (!) qualified and interested partners, and provided detailed profiles including a description of services, financial indicators (turnover, number of employees), ownership structure, and key management contacts for each of them.

In-depth analysis of the mortars market in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary

Completion: 2007 - 03
Target markets: CZ&SK&HU
Objective: Market research in the segment of mortars, tile adhesives, facade materials and other cement-based construction materials
Results: EasyLink provided an in-depth analysis of the mortars market in three countries based on desk research, expert interviews, store checks and other sources and methods. The reports covered market size estimation and forecast, price structure, market segmentation, competitors and market shares, market trends, driving factors and financial figures.

Leading Italian producer of high-end door handles seeking distributors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2007 - 03
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: We were requested to identify prospective distributors of high-end door handles and arrange business meetings for the client's planned market visit.
Results: Starting with a list of over 30 companies pre-selected in each market for interviews with their managers, we eventually arrived at 7 prospective partners – qualified with confirmed interest - in the Czech Republic, and a similar number in Slovakia. Secondly, a detailed meeting itinerary (including hotel, car rental and interpreting services arrangements) covering both markets was prepared for the client.

Manufacturer of indoor adventure play areas for children requests yet another matchmaking project

Completion: 2007 - 02
Target markets: RO
Objective: Following successful projects carried out for the client in the Czech Republic and Poland, EasyLink was commissioned to identify, contact and evaluate prospective distribution partners in Romania.
Results: We initially gathered a list of 23 companies specialised in the construction and production of outdoor play areas and producers, importers and distributors of toys. We then contacted them by phone in order to evaluate them as potential business partners and obtain feedback on their level of interest. Given the very positive response received, we recommended the client to immediately visit 7 companies we recommended as suitable distribution partners.

Detailed survey of Czech construction and demolition companies and suppliers of related equipment

Completion: 2007 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to carry out research into the demolition technology market in the Czech Republic and identify potential customers for the client’s demolition equipment and accessories as well as map competitor’s distribution channels. We were asked to present the findings in the form of a database of construction companies, demolition specialists and competitors.
Results: We identified and interviewed 4 groups of companies (70 leading construction companies, 60 other construction companies that also offer demolition works, 40 specialised demolition companies and 15 companies trading in products delivered by the competition). For each company, we prepared a detailed profile that contained information on the company activities, ownership, number of employees, annual turnover as well as key managers.

Distributor search in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2006 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identify, contact and screen prospective distribution partners for a supplier of equipment used in the manufacture of bonded panels
Results: For further contact and evaluation, the consultant pre-selected 10 distributors of adhesives and related materials for the production of bonded panels. 3 companies were identified as qualified & keen prospective partners.

Poland: Partner search project for a U.K. indoor adventure play specialist

Completion: 2006 - 12
Target markets: PL
Objective: As part of its CEE market entry strategy, U.K.-based designer and manufacturer of indoor adventure play areas for children - again (after a successful project in the Czech Republic) - enlisted EasyLink to identify an agent/distributor already active in the leisure industry in Poland.
Results: The consultant introduced the client and its indoor play installations to 17 pre-selected companies that met the client’s expectations and requirements. Six companies expressed interest in cooperation and readiness to meet the client; the client immediately acted upon the very positive findings by travelling to Poland to meet the prospects.

Identifying joint venture partners

Completion: 2006 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: U.K. manufacturer of vehicle-mounted concrete pumping systems and component parts commissioned EasyLink to identify a joint venture partner in the Czech Republic fitting a quite specific profile.
Results: The consultant carried out research into companies involved in the production of machinery for the building industry as well as construction pipes and metalworking. Out of 24 companies contacted and evaluated, 7 companies expressed interest in meeting the client to discuss potential cooperation.

Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary: In-depth study of the guard rails and noise barriers market

Completion: 2006 - 03
Target markets: CZ&SK&HU
Objective: EasyLink’s CEE consulting team was requested to thoroughly analyze the guard rails and noise barrier markets in their respective countries.
Results: Three separate reports, each close to 100 pages in length, were prepared. They addressed all the points of interest to the client such as market overview, technical analysis, key players, decision-making process and standards and regulations as well as trends and volumes of roads and railroads construction, funding, key road constructors and noise regulations. Due to a lack of official data, the consultants had to provide numerous estimates based on market expert opinions.

U.K. lighting design company targets the Czech market

Completion: 2006 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to carry out a partner search project amongst designers as well as wholesalers and distributors of lighting capable of providing full technical support and communicating in English.
Results: Managers of 16 pre-selected companies were interviewed regarding their qualification for and interest in partnership with the client. 6 entities were deemed qualified & keen & ready to discuss specific partnership opportunities.

Czech market targeted by a designer and manufacturer of fireplaces

Completion: 2005 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested by a U.K. manufacturer to find a distribution partner for its fire surrounds, back panels, hearths and complementary products in the Czech Republic.
Results: Altogether the consultant contacted 23 companies to introduce the client and its line of products. After evaluating their qualification and interest in partnership, 3 companies were identified as prospective partners.

Supplier of technology and software for the production of wooden structures participates in a trade mission to Bulgaria

Completion: 2005 - 10
Target markets: BG
Objective: Arranging one-to-one appointments
Results: The consultant identified and scheduled meetings with 5 prospective partners. In addition, the client’s itinerary included a series of presentations and activities arranged for all the mission participants.

Renowned theatre stage and TV studio equipment specialist joins a trade mission to Bulgaria

Completion: 2005 - 10
Target markets: BG
Objective: Our task was to schedule meetings with qualified and keen prospective partners.
Results: The consultant arranged a detailed 3-day itinerary which included meetings with 4 prospective partners as well as a common program for all 8 mission participants from the region of South Moravia.

Spanish manufacturer of clay borders targets partners in Poland

Completion: 2005 - 09
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our task was to interview selected Polish ceramic tile manufacturers to obtain answers to client’s specific questions pertaining to their technical and commercial capabilities.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Poland carried out face-to-face and phone interviews. The findings were presented via filled out questionnaires, as requested by the client.

Foreign producer of wall decorative products seeks partners in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2005 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client was looking to target DIY retail chain stores through partnering with agents or distributors in the Czech Republic meeting a number of criteria: nationwide coverage, experience and a strong presence in the DIY building materials sector and with staff capable of communicating in English.
Results: Per the client’s request, we compiled an Access database of 18 qualified prospective partners, which included verified contact details of relevant managers.

Monitoring the construction markets

Completion: 2005 - 04
Target markets: CZ+SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to monitor the construction and development market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia for newly announced projects published during March 2005.
Results: We obtained all the information requested by the client on the 8 and 12 newly announced projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia respectively. The client was provided with detailed data on the projects that included the projects’ starting and completion dates, investors, architects, contractors, and descriptions as well as information on the tender process.

Partner search in Hungary

Completion: 2005 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Partner search for a provider of engineering services
Results: The consultant conducted research into consulting and engineering companies engaged in the fields of oil, power, chemical, food processing and other industries to pre-select 17 prospective partners. 6 companies confirmed interest in discussing potential cooperation with the client.

Real estate market study for a Slovak developer

Completion: 2005 -
Target markets: SK
Objective: In-depth study of the real estate development market in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia
Results: The report thoroughly discussed market size, current apartment/housing stock, current real estate market situation, housing construction trends, prices, demand and key players, high-rise construction – top 10 high-rise projects and details of ongoing projects, market conditions, requirements and expectations, financing and investment.

U.K. producer of road building materials targets Poland

Completion: 2004 - 07
Target markets: PL
Objective: Easylink was commissioned by a manufacturer of speciality fibre for various industrial and construction applications to identify major players and their suppliers in the Polish road manufacturing/repairing and rebuilding market, introduce client’s products and ascertain their interest.
Results: The consultant conducted introductory research on the structure of the Polish road construction market, and contacted a selection of companies to gain a better understanding of the division of „roles“ in the market, and to evaluate the most appropriate route to market for the client. Telephone interviews with relevant managers were used to pre-qualify specific companies as potential partners and/or customers (end-users). We recommended the client to meet with 3 trading companies and 2 end users.

EasyLink follows up with prospective partners

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink had previously carried out a distributor search project for this U.K. producer of roofing and insulation materials, and the client travelled to the Czech Republic to meet the prospects. The client then closed a distributorship agreement with a company, which however terminated the contract several months later. EasyLink was thus requested to re-open the discussion with the other six companies the client met previously.
Results: As a result of our follow-up work, the largest distributor of roofing and isolation materials expressed interest in collaboration and moved to technical testing of our client’s products in regards to their resistance to radon penetration, which is an important issue subject to strict technical regulations in the Czech Republic.

Private property investment company with offices in several EU countries seeks residential housing market analysis

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ+SK
Objective: Our client requested EasyLink to carry in-depth analysis of two CEE markets.
Results: EasyLink carried out a thorough research of the Czech and Slovak markets and submitted all the data requested by the client (e.g. market size, new and past development projects, the impact of EU accession and 5-year forecasts). However, due to sudden changes on our client’s part, the project was stopped along the way.

Partner search for a leading U.K. producer of polyurethane thermal barrier systems for windows and doors

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink’s assistance was requested for finding qualified and interested partners - commission-only agents - in Slovakia.
Results: EasyLink identified and interviewed a group of pre-selected companies to evaluate their interest and qualification.

Manufacturer of geotextiles targeting the Czech market

Completion: 2003 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identify, approach and evaluate prospective distribution partners for a specialist manufacturer of geotextiles and other geosynthetics for civil engineering applications
Results: EasyLink carried out an initial research to ascertain the level of opportunity in the market and identify qualified prospects. Managers of pre-selected companies were interviewed and their qualification and interest in meeting the client evaluated. During the in-market visit, the client held a total of 6 meetings with companies selected and recommended by EasyLink.

Study of Prague’s real estate development market

Completion: 2003 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Analyze the real estate development market and projects in Prague
Results: The very detailed final report delivered by EasyLink addressed the size and structure of the real estate development market (office and housing projects), prices and revenues, trends and external market conditions. It also thoroughly analyzed and compared various real estate projects throughout Prague.

Identifying regional wholesalers in Hungary and Poland

Completion: 2003 - 05
Target markets: HU+PL
Objective: A leading Czech producer of high-quality paints for metals and wood requested EasyLink to execute a series of projects in Hungary and Poland (partner search, preparation of meeting itineraries for multiple in-market visits as well as provide very specific information on the prospective partners).
Results: In Hungary, the partner search project required very close cooperation and communication with the client in order to fine-tune the client’s presentation materials as well as promotional letters. The client was very detail-oriented, giving EasyLink an opportunity to shine by delivering results and report above and beyond the client’s expectations and paying attention to all details. Altogether 12 qualified and keen prospects were recommended for direct negotiations. A total of 4 in-market visits were scheduled for February and March 2003. We then carried an in-depth research to provide information on the companies and their distribution network, the number of sales reps, retail stores and corporate customers as well as financial indicators. We carried out a survey of the retail network in each of the counties in Hungary to identify 3 leading local wholesale suppliers (for each county) so the client could deliver to the entire Hungarian market by selecting appropriate wholesale partners (always being the top 3 in each county). We then prepared another set of meeting itineraries for a total of 5 (!) consecutive follow-up visits to Hungary - companies were grouped regionally, and the itineraries were prepared for sales representatives for their business meetings with selected wholesalers, as opposed to the previous project where meetings were prepared for the company director. In Poland, the consultant scheduled 7 meetings divided into two separate visits in March 2003. In June 2003, EasyLink carried out thorough market research to identify all relevant players in each of the voivodships and prepare profiles of purchasing and retail groups, which were found to hold a significant market position in Poland. The client was delivered a thorough over 80-page report.

Producer of roofing and insulation materials targets the Czech Republic

Completion: 2003 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client was keen to penetrate the Czech market as quickly and productively as possible, and requested EasyLink to assess business opportunities amongst distributors already selling radon barrier products and targeting the new house building sector via direct sales or through major builders merchants.
Results: Meetings with 7 prospective partners with confirmed interest and readiness for face-to-face discussion were scheduled, and a detailed travel itinerary including logistics and interpretation arrangements was prepared.

Multinational supplier of cable management products for the consumer and industrial markets targeting CEE

Completion: 2003 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to assist in the development of a distributor network in Central and Eastern Europe.
Results: The consultant pre-selected and contacted relevant prospects to assess their interest and qualification for partnership.

Research of distribution network of plumbing and heating pipe manufacturers

Completion: 2002 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to entangle what types of distribution structures are used by various pipe manufacturers.
Results: EasyLink provided a 17-page report with details on 14 foreign and 10 domestic manufacturers as well as their distribution partners and structures in place.

Arranging face-to-face meetings

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Arrange meeting itinerary, fact-finding and export potential assessment
Results: For his in-market visit, the client was interested in meeting owners and top managers of commercial property, especially those of modern post 80’s design where glass is a major decorative as well as structural feature, as well as large contractors and building services.

Preparing one-to-one appointments

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.K. architectural design, project management, building surveying and historic building consultancy requested EasyLink to arrange meetings for their in-market visit as part of an architecture and construction trade mission supported by the Welsh government.
Results: EasyLink scheduled meetings with conservation groups, government ministries responsible for cultural heritage sites and project managers of successful development of heritage sites.

Arranging face-to-face meetings

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client requested assistance in identifying conservation and heritage organisations, government bodies, private companies as well as schools and colleges interested in cultural exchange visits. Our task was to arrange meetings and provide an export potential assessment.
Results: Our client was prepared a detailed itinerary for his visit as part of an architecture and construction trade mission supported by the Welsh government.

Setting up a meeting itinerary

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to arrange a meeting itinerary and conduct fact-finding and export potential assessment for a U.K. structural and civil engineering consultancy.
Results: Our client requested a meeting with state owned or National Trust equivalent, private owners where buildings have come back into private ownership, hotel operators who might be involved in the refurbishment of old buildings and major owners of poorly maintained housing stock.

U.K. planning, environment and transportation consultancy visiting the Czech Republic

Completion: 2002 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Arranging meetings for an environment, planning, transportation, safety and resource conservation consultancy
Results: The client held meetings with appropriate local authorities, government agencies, developers, landowners in both the private and public sectors and environmental agencies.

Irish project management company with a focus on construction requests targeted meetings in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2001 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to identify, approach and evaluate prospective partners and set up a series of meetings with the best prospects.
Results: The Czech market of engineering and project management companies is considerably rich, and EasyLink conducted extensive research of potential partners - from over 200 companies, we developed an initial list of approximately 20 best prospects (selecting those with broader industrial experience, appropriate size, good references, and a scope of services similar or compatible to that of client). After contacting and evaluating the companies, the consultant prepared a detailed itinerary that included ten meetings taking place over three days.

Managing brochure printing

Completion: 2000 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to manage the production and printing of brochures.
Results: The brochures were prepared for a trade mission of Canadian companies to the Czech Republic; the companies were recruited from the construction materials, technologies and service sectors.

Sector analysis: Construction and building materials

Completion: 2000 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to analyze the Czech construction and building materials market.
Results: EasyLink provided information and data on the current market situation and key growth sectors as well as outlined the ownership structure, ongoing construction projects and role of government in housing market development. Last but not least, the study also provided information on the building materials market.

Indian producer of carpets targeting the Czech market

Completion: 1999 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identify and approach potential business partners
Results: EasyLink pre-selected and approached prospective buyers and scheduled meetings with 8 interested companies.

Distributor search for a producer of faux bricks

Completion: -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to identify and approach prospective distribution partners in the Czech Republic.
Results: We introduced the company to potential partners and discussed pricing as well as logistics arrangements with the prospects.