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Food & beverage

Partner search and market research for a premium Irish Whisky brand

Completion: 2024 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client wished to understand the opportunity for Irish Whisky and its brand in the on and off premise channel in the Czech Republic, gain an insight into the category performance, consumer demographics, understand trends post CV19, and understand the distributor landscape and identify a suitable partner to help launch and build their brand.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in the import and distribution of alcoholic beverages, notably spirits, in the Czech Republic. The key sources of information included company websites, store checks, and the consultant’s market knowledge and contacts. 21 companies were contacted to assess their qualification and interest in meeting the client to discuss the proposed business opportunity of importing and distributing this Irish Whisky brand at ProWein in Düsseldorf in March 2024. EasyLink also carried out store checks in four different retail formats – a hypermarket, a supermarket, two e-shops, and a specialized retailer with alcoholic beverages – to analyze the Irish whiskey offer within the country, including pricing.

Initial market scoping for a US company in Poland

Completion: 2023 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a US fast food doughnut chain to evaluate the Polish market as part of a similar multi-country survey. The scoping was to be used to decide on market prioritization and further research.
Results: We delivered a 4-page overview that addressed all key aspects of the Polish market, such as the local confectionery market potential, competitors, routes to market, barriers to entry, brand adaptation, local franchising market, etc. The market study was compiled based on desk research, interviews with experts, and existing market knowledge.

Leading supplier of infused dried fruit ingredients seeking support to strengthen sales in Poland

Completion: 2022 - 07
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client, a leading global supplier of infused dried fruit ingredients, used by the world’s most well-known consumer food brands and food ingredients companies worldwide, requested assistance in assessing sales potential with current/known customers as well as identifying additional customers as well as distributors/wholesalers.
Results: EasyLink interviewed 6 past/existing customers in Poland - including 4 largest processors, and provided a detailed summary of the interviews. EasyLink also identified 22 potential partners involved in import and distribution of dried fruits in Poland. As part of the project, EasyLink identified the key competitive supplier (Ocean Spray) and provided information on market size and structure.

French producer of cheese moulds seeking export opportunities in Russia

Completion: 2022 - 02
Target markets: RU
Objective: Search of prospective end-customers among dairy producers as well as prospective partners among importers and distributors in Russia operating in the cheese processing industry. The client approached our team after an earlier failed project with another provider.
Results: We identified and approached 10 cheese manufacturers and 24 trading companies as potential distributors. Three potential partners eventually expressed interest in the client, of which one proposed an online meeting, one requested communication via email and one submitted a request for quotation for 400 pieces of the client's mold.

Italian food company ready to expand their business to Central European markets

Completion: 2022 - 01
Target markets: HU,CZ,SK
Objective: An Italian pasta and olive oil producer commissioned a distributor search project from EasyLink in three Central European markets (HU, SK, CZ).
Results: EasyLink consultants carried out a thorough market research in all the countries concerned and proposed 18 companies in Hungary, 17 in Slovakia, and 23 in the Czech Republic as potential partners. All listed companies were approached with a business opportunity offer. EasyLink managed to arrange meetings (only virtual due to the Covid pandemic) with 4 distributors in Hungary and 5 distributors in Slovakia. In the Czech Republic, 2 companies agreed to discuss the offer with the Italian company in detail, including the largest distributor on the market

Italian coffee producer approaches another Central European market

Completion: 2021 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: Through a regional government's export development programme, a small Italian producer requests assistance in identifying potential distribution partners in Poland.
Results: A selection of prospective partners in Poland was shortlisted and approached to propose an opportunity of a personal meeting. However, due to the covid pandemic and subsequent travel restrictions, a market visit could not later be organized. With the hospitality industry hard hit by social distancing measures and lockdowns, the project was put on hold.

Foreign quail egg producer interested in information on European markets, including the Czech Republic

Completion: 2021 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client was interested in 3-4 interviews with market players and store checks to understand the size of the market, competition and business potential in the Czech Republic.
Results: We managed to arrange 4 interviews with the key players in the quail egg market and realized storechecks in the main retail stores. The interviews did not provide explicit figures on the size of the quail egg market, thus published market statistics were reviewed too. There are not many official statistics pertaining to the segment; quail egg is not an essential food and therefore it is not officially tracked in national statistics. The most accurate information is available via the International Poultry Testing. Approximate information on quail egg exports and imports is also available. The project deliverables were found very qualitative. Our client appreciated the significant depth of the interviews and the very high information level.

“Short and sweet” assessment for an Australian chain of coffee shops

Completion: 2020 - 11
Target markets: CZ,PL
Objective: The client wished EasyLink to answer eight specific questions; the client sought a report not more than three pages in length.
Results: The areas covered by the report included acceptance of specialty coffee cafes in Czech culture and opportunities for a new concept (a full range of store options from a kiosk to a full-service restaurant), places where people gather for social and business meetings, average customer demographics, competitors already in the market, entry barriers, differentiation assessment, and needs for client´s model adaptation. In the Czech Republic, people go to coffee shops for business meetings as well as social gatherings, usually those that take place during the day. Lunch is still considered the main meal of the day for a majority of Czech population. In this case, offering a wider range of dishes compared to what has traditionally been offered by cafés could be an attractive proposition of our client´s model; it would give the people an opportunity to eat well at lunch times. For evening meetings, restaurants and bars are preferred, giving more options what to eat as well as to be able to drink alcoholic beverages, especially beer and wine.

Lithuanian ice-cream producer seeks new business partners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2020 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify, approach, and arrange meetings with the largest market players in both target countries. First, a list of top 20 potential targets per country was to be developed; split half and half to include Top 10 largest retailers and Top 10 Importers/Wholesalers/Distributors.
Results: EasyLink outreach, which included approaching 25 companies in the Czech Republic and 19 in Slovakia, generated four sales leads. EasyLink also carried store checks to Albert and Billa supermarkets and a Penny discount store. Czechs buy ice cream about 15 times a year; on average, a household spends on ice cream about EUR 30 per year. The majority of annual consumption of ice cream purchased in retail stores is spent on branded ice cream and about one third on private label products of retail chains. The packaged ice-cream segment belongs to twenty largest food categories on the Slovak market. A decade ago, annual local production of ice-cream amounted to 1.5 liters per person. Nowadays, almost all ice-cream consumed in Slovakia is imported from other countries, two-thirds from the Czech Republic, one-tenth from Poland and Germany each, the rest from Hungary and Belgium. The Slovak ice cream market is dominated by two suppliers - Unilever and Bidfood; their offer is the same in both the Czech and Slovak markets.

Mystery shopping - inquiry into prices of meat cutting machinery

Completion: 2020 - 02
Target markets: PL
Objective: The objective of this small research was to determine pricing for meat cutting machinery offered by shortlisted companies in Poland.
Results: EasyLink obtained price quotations from targetted potential suppliers and submitted them to the client for further evaluation.

Quick review of the Czech ice cream market

Completion: 2019 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: US producer of ice cream sought a basic overview of the Czech ice-cream market.
Results: On average, a Czech person eats about four liters of ice cream per year, which is about two liters below the European average. Local production almost entirely covers local demand, some ice cream is also imported, mainly from Germany, Poland, and Hungary. Import duties apply for ice cream. We mapped the who-is-who in the market – profiling the leading suppliers of ice cream as well as franchise operators.

Four meetings arranged for BrauBeviale 2019

Completion: 2019 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client designs and manufactures beer related dispense equipment. Prior to exhibiting at BrauBeviale in Nürnberg (Germany), the key international capital goods exhibition for the beverage production process chain: raw materials, technologies, logistics, and marketing, the client requested EasyLink to identify and approach prospective distribution partners in Poland and arrange meetings with interested prospects for the trade show.
Results: EasyLink contacted 13 prospects preselected from an initial list prepared in October 2019. EasyLink´s outreach generated 4 potential partner leads and arranged meetings.

Recruiting Romanian buyers to visits confectionary trade fair in Ukraine

Completion: 2019 - 11
Target markets: RO
Objective: The organiser of Ukraine's 3rd International Food Expo in Kyiv was looking to attract buyers from four promising markets for confectionary producers: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Romania markets. A “buyer program” including pre-arranged meetings with Ukrainian confectionery producers and air travel sponshorship was offered to prospective participants. We have discussed this with our partner who would be coordinating this in 4 different countries within our broader group, Romania being one of them. We want to propose a fixed fee for a defined scope of work, rather than a fee for actual recruited/attending buyer. In other words, we do not want to take all the risk how many people will be interested etc. Our idea is to propose, for instance, that we would 1. compile a list of 100 relevant companies (potential buyers for confectionary products) 2. approach these companies by email + telephone, or via social networks, presenting the offer (sponsored travel to the Ukrainian Food Expo and B2B meetings pre-arranged for them) 3. report back on Romanian companies that are interested, so that the organizer can follow up with them directly.
Results: Taking up responsibility for recruitment in Romania, EasyLink compiled a long list of around 100 prospective buyers and launched a telemarketing campaign to promote the opportunity. In the end, we have delivered 7 confirmed buyers to the trade fair organizers.

The UK Distillery company part of trade mission to the Czech Republic

Completion: 2019 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A young company, launching the sale of three quality aged Blends, a Peated Single Malt and a Pure Pot Still whiskey, already established partnerships with distributors in many countries and expressed interest in being introduced to prospective distributors in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink carried out a market research in accordance with defined criteria and provided the client with a list of 18 potential distributors in the Czech Republic. All prospective partners were furthermore approached with a collaboration offer, 4 of which expressed interest in meeting our client and 3 were available at the time of the trade mission which took place in October 2019.

Indian exporter targets the Czech market

Completion: 2019 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client, an import and distribution house based in Prague hosting a vast variety of products under its umbrella such as ready to eat and ready to use food products as well as a collection of tea and other beverages and various aromatherapy products, requested EasyLink to identify and approach potential customers in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in import, distribution, wholesale, and retail of food, beverages, and aromatherapy products. Information resources included business directories, listing of participants at sector-specific fairs, and company websites. 41 potential partners were preselected and approached. Although our outreach generated one meeting for the Anuga trade fair in Germany and two companies requesting additional information, the rest of company responses were not very encouraging. Due to the limited demand for Indian cuisine in the Czech market, the companies were not interested in widening their existing offer with additional products.

Young company and the only independent producer of Irish whiskey seeking for distributors in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2019 - 10
Target markets: PL,CZ
Objective: The company wishes to identify distributors of spirits and alcoholic drinks, which are currently not involved with competitors´ brands.
Results: We provided background information on the food service market and whiskey consumption, identified competititve brands on the local market and carried out a comprehensive research of the prospective distributors. We targeted prioritised companies by telephone forwarding them the partnership proposal. Within a short period of time business meetings were scheduled and our client was able to hold personal meetings with a selection of 7 companies interested in the collaboration offer.

Developing export opportunities for UK meat and food in Turkey

Completion: 2019 - 09
Target markets: TR
Objective: The EasyLink consultant in Turkey was tasked to conduct market research into and prepare a meeting schedule with qualified Turkish companies involved in import and distribution of fresh/chilled and frozen meat products, alcoholic beverages, ambient and food service products.
Results: A 4-day meeting schedule with a total of 10 highly targetted meetings was organized in and around Istanbul Turkey for early September 2019. The client later commented on the value we provided as follows: "I wish to mention that the project in Turkey was managed extremely professionally. Please congratulate the team on a very well targeted meeting schedule and great service. I am sure we will be looking to going back into the market and will not hesitate to use your services again."

Non-alcoholic beverages market overview

Completion: 2019 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: US manufacturer and marketer of all-natural food products wished to analyze potential of the Czech beverages market.
Results: In 2018, the per capita annual consumption of non-alcoholic beverages and mineral waters reached 241.9 liters (down by 2.4% year-on-year) and alcoholic beverages 170.6 liters (down by 1.6%). EasyLink mapped the retail structure for non-alcoholic beverages in the Czech Republic and profiled key players. In 2018, the share of organic products in total consumption of food and beverages accounted for 1.17%. After a rapid growth enjoyed between 2005 and 2008, consumption of organic food stagnated during 2009 and 2010 and began to grow again in 2011. The per capita annual consumption of organic food and beverages reached CZK 314 (USD 14) in 2018. EasyLink also provided an insight into requirements and expectations related to pushing a new product into a retail chain. Last but not least, EasyLink outlined legal aspects related to import of client´s products, food packaging and product labelling as well as taxes and customs.

UK leader in super sour children's candy looking for a distributor in Russia

Completion: 2019 - 07
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to find a distribution partner in Russia for a leading UK producer of super sour children's candies. The company currently has a partner in the country but is not satisfied with their results and approach and thus wises to find a new partner.
Results: The initial list of companies included 26 potential partners. Some of the contacted companies were aware of the existence of the client's brand, some have tried selling the brand’s products purchasing them via the current distributor from Yekaterinburg. Approximately half of the companies took time to thoroughly study the offer and consider cooperation opportunities. 2 companies showed interest in discussing cooperation opportunities and provided contact details for the client to approach them. Both positive companies are quite interesting and have profiles differing from that of the current distributor. While the current partner targets primarily specialized candies stores, these two companies might offer alternative distribution channels and therefore present an interesting opportunity for the client in Russia.

Major European producer of pickled vegetables meets the leading players in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2019 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our Swiss client wished to enter the Czech market; possible route to market options included partnership with local importers or direct supplies to retail chains.
Results: EasyLink initially identified and prepared short profiles of 48 prospects for review and comments by the client. 27 companies pre-screened by the client were contacted. Our outreach landed meetings with the number one distributor of food products in the Czech Republic as well as one of the largest importers of pickled vegetables in the country

Italian cluster of Grappa producers evaluating Croatia and Slovenia

Completion: 2019 - 01
Target markets: HR&SI
Objective: EasyLink was requested to conduct market research into importers and distributors of grappa, liquors and wine in Croatia and Slovenia for a group of Italian producers of these alcoholic beverages.
Results: Slovenia proved to be quite challenging and not very open to Grappa, with other liquors being trendier (e.g. rum and tequilla). Also, due to the small size of the market and limited number of relevant distributors, one company expressed interest in further talks with Italian Grappa producers. In Croatia we approached 21 prospects of whom 4 expressed interest in further communication and/or meeting the Italian producers.

Market entry strategy recommendations

Completion: 2018 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client manufactures equipment for sanitary applications; their clients include end users as well as OEMs in the pharmaceutical, industrial, and food and beverage sectors. As part of their European market development strategy the client wished to target potential manufacturer representatives in multiple EU countries at the same time.
Results: EasyLink recommended the client to reconsider their plan by dividing market entry efforts into several phases, i.e. developing two or three new export markets per year, as handling eight European markets at the same time would be difficult to manage unless the company has a team of people to execute the strategy. Also, the client was advised that the most appropriate route to market is via local distributors and service companies for whom the client´s business proposition could be of interest. EasyLink further expressed doubts that the strategy for identifying sales agents could generate the right result in the CEE region where economies are doing quite well and commission-only agents are not a very common concept. People normally expect regular jobs, or at least a combination of fixed salary plus sales bonuses. There are enough opportunities for such regular jobs (unemployment rate is the lowest ever and companies are on search for qualified individuals), and so people have little reason to go into a commission-only arrangement.

Fruit degreening company from Virginia, USA, seeks to learn about two CEE markets it considers to penetrate.

Completion: 2018 - 08
Target markets: CZ,RO
Objective: Company that specializes on fruit degreening (ripening) asked for brief market reports from Romania and the Czech Republic on how the local markets work, what are the technolgies used and who are the key players in fruit storage.
Results: EasyLink consultants from both countries prepared reports well informative for the client, with information on the local fruit production, consumption, the overall market size, ripening / degreening products used and allowed by the local norms, all backed by interviews with experts and representatives of the largest fruit importers / distributors.

Market study: Indian food, spices, tea, and aromatherapy products

Completion: 2018 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Indian exporter of premium products wished to assess potential of the Czech market. The feasibility study was to guide the client in selecting products particularly suitable for the Czech market and plan its route to market strategy.
Results: Our 114-page report defined the size of the Czech market of spices, tea, ready-to-eat Indian food products, and aromatherapy products – in terms of local consumption, production and foreign trade, identified potential customers across various channels (production, import, distribution, retail, foodservice, and food production), and provided insight into how spices, tea, aromatherapy products, and Indian food are sourced. The report also mapped quality requirements and interest in buying organic food. EasyLink described the process of supplying FMCG retail chains and provided insight into applicable legislation, regulation, certification, and a number of other areas. In addition to the research of secondary resources EasyLink conducted phone interviews with over 20 leading producers and importers to assess their purchasing procedures as well as potential for collaboration with a new supplier. EasyLink carried store checks in selected hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount stores, drugstores as well as analyzed e-shop offers of retailers of Indian and Asian food. EasyLink estimates that approximately USD 280 million is spent in the Czech Republic on spices annually; of which about 25% is sold in retail, while 75% is consumed by the foodservice and food production sectors. The annual average per capita consumption of tea amounts to 0.25 kg; Czechs belong to average consumers of tea compared to other Europeans. Czech households indeed consume eight times more coffee than tea annually.

Moldovan wine and cognac target the Czech market

Completion: 2018 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A Moldovan producer of wine and cognac wished to meet potential distribution partners in the Czech Republic and commissioned a partner search project from EasyLink.
Results: We identified and contacted 31 potential partners, out of which 5 companies expressed interest in meeting the client and discussing potential cooperation. 4 meetings were organized for June 2018.

Leading UK supplier of lamb searches meat distributors in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary

Completion: 2018 - 05
Target markets: CZ,HU,SK
Objective: We were commissioned to help the largest UK supplier of quality lamb identify and approach top Czech, Slovak and Hungarian distributors and importers of meat, and organize a business visit to meet interested and qualified companies.
Results: 64 companies were aproached in the three markets, after which 11 meetings were arranged in the Czech Republic and in Hungary with several key players, including the No. 1 Czech hyper+ supermarket chain operator AHOLD and Czech meat distributor BIDFOOD.

Emulsified sausages: customer perception survey in Poland

Completion: 2017 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was tasked to conduct a customer perception survey of emulsified sausages in Poland from publicly available data and interviews with key Polish meat associations and unions.
Results: Within an extremely short deadline (1 week!) EasyLink managed to collect intreresting data concerning consumer behaviour in the sausages/hotdogs category using a mix of sources such as internet portals, food-related magazines and reports, consumer internet forums, lifestyle forums/blogs/vlogs "According to a consumer survey conducted by Skilltelligence for trade magazine “Wiadomosci Handlowe” in October 2017, Poland is ahead of all other European countries - per capita consumption of hotdogs/parowki is the largest in EU." EasyLink managed to dig data concerning the purchasing factors (product content, type of meat, brand, price, product origin etc.). EasyLink also managed to identify the favourite brands, place and frequency of purchase. The client gained a good understanding of recent trends and consumer behaviour in Poland.

A traditional coffee producer from the Sudtirol region looking for a new distributor in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2017 - 06
Target markets: HU&CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by an Italian coffee company to identify and approach potential business partners - distributors to the HoReCa sector, and to arrange business meetings with interested prospects.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research in both CZ and HU into companies involved in wholesale and distribution of coffee products, especially to the HoReCa market. Approximately 25 prospect companies in each country were approached by the consultant, which resulted in 6 meetings in both countries. In the Czech Republic, the client's representative met with high-profile coffee distributors in the two main cities - Brno and Prague.

Supplier of frozen and chilled meat products from N. Ireland meets category buyers in FMCG retailers

Completion: 2017 - 06
Target markets: PL&CZ
Objective: EasyLink was to help the client assess and access the retail opportunity for their products in the Czech market and Poland. The aim was to identify gaps or niches where their added value products, notably chilled sous-vide meat and frozen meat, could fit.
Results: EasyLink arranged face-to-face meetings with category buyers at Tesco Stores, AHOLD Czech Republic , Auchan Poland, as well as with leading importers of frozen and chilled meat and other products. During the course of the project EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in import, wholesale, and retail of chilled and frozen meat products in the Czech Republic and Poland. Altogether we approached a total of 24 companies, including the leading supermarket chains where the consultant identified and approached category managers and buyers. EasyLink also carried store checks in retail chains to map their offer as well as pricing of value added meat products, plus pictures were also taken. Information obtained during store checks was compiled into a comprehensive report, which also contained demographics as well as processed meat consumption statistics and detailed profiles of the largest food retail chains in the 2 markets.

Mauritian rum & tea producer looking for partners in Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 05
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client has been growing sugar canes since 1819.The Group started in the sugar industry then expanded in the production of tea, agricultural rum, special sugar and quality country products. Following a successful trade mission to Prague in 2016, the company now wishes to explore opportunities in Hungary.
Results: EasyLink team in Hungary performed an extensive phone and email campaign and organized 11 meetings at a central location in Budapest and also arranged several store checks for the client.

Partner search in Hungary for a Mauritian producer of premium rums

Completion: 2017 - 05
Target markets: HU
Objective: From the 17th century on Mauritius has a long tradition of growing sugar cane and producing rum. Our client produces and distributes a wide range of premium rums and spirits and wishes to expand its export to the CEE starting with Hungary.
Results: EasyLink developed a list of over 40 companies fitting the client's distributor profile and approached them with the opportunity to meet the client during their visit to Budapest within the Buyers-Sellers Meetings organized by Enterprise Mauritius and EasyLink, a first-ever event of this kind in Hungary. EasyLink arranged 9 meetings and also organized various store checks to help the client get an insight on the range and price level of competitive brands sold in Hungary.

Mauritian rum producer visiting Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 05
Target markets: HU
Objective: The client is a producer of genuine Mauritian rum and wishes to expand its export opportunities by looking at the Hungarian market. The company takes part in the Buyers-Sellers Meeting, a first opf the kind trade event organized by Enteroprise Mauritius, the trade development agency, and EasyLink in Budapest, Hungary.
Results: EasyLink performed an extensive phone and email campaign to identify suitable distribution partners. We managed to organize 9 meetings with top Hungarian companies in the sector and provided all the necessary in-market support.

Mauritian rum producer eyeing Hungary

Completion: 2017 - 05
Target markets: HU
Objective: Our client is a rum producer and the pioneer of distillation in Mauritius. The company's annual production is 7 million litres of pure alcohol, daily production is 30.000 litres. The company exports worldwide and wishes to gradually expand to the CEE starting with Hungary and taking part in the Buyers-Sellers Meeting, a multi-sector trade event organized by Enterprise Mauritius and EasyLink in Budapest.
Results: EasyLink screened and approached over 40 companies meeting the client's distribution partner criteria. Communication included multiple phone calls and emails with the company's presentation and product literature. EasyLink then followed up with all of the approached companies to assess their level of interest in meeting the client in Sofitel Hotel in Budapest during the trade mission. We organized 9 meetings and provided all the necessary support.

Producer of famous Mauritian baby ananas joins trade mission to meet Czech counterparts

Completion: 2017 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Traditional and one of the largest Mauritian pineapple producers joined trade mission to the Czech Republic together with their export partner company, to meet Czech exotic fruits distributors. The client uses modern and eco-friendly methods of production, and their annual production for export is more than 2 thousand tons.
Results: After contacting over 30 Czech wholesalers and distributors of exotic fruits, some of most important companies sent their purchasing managers to meet with the client. Among those big name companies were, for example: Hortim, Abasto, OZ Simek, and even the largest distributor ČEROZ.

Famous producer of instant noodles searches distributors in Czechia

Completion: 2017 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: One of the most respected and known Mauritian companies, producer of popular instant noodles, which already exports to many Asian as well as European countries, seeks a strong distributor in the Czech Republic. The company joined a trade mission of 11 Mauritian exporters to Prague with the aim to present their products and meet potential business partners.
Results: We contacted nearly 50 companies across categories such as distributors, retailers, wholesalers as well as trade consultants, resulting in 8 face-to-face meetings over the course of two days, all held centrally in the Hilton Hotel Prague. Part of the event was a networking lunch where the client had the opportunity to meet other interesting people from the Czech food industry.

Health food from Mauritius in Prague

Completion: 2017 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client is the pioneer of Moringa Infusion in Mauritius and is one of the few vertically integrated organisations that grow their own Moringa plants and also manufacture products from them. The company joined the trade mission of 11 Mauritian exporters to introduce its unique products and find businee partners.
Results: We contacted nearly 50 companies across various food product categories (health food, tea, dry food, food supplements etc.). The product proved to be new in the market, thus creating interesting opportunities for the client. We arranged 12 face-to-face meetings over the course of two days, all held centrally in the Hilton Hotel Prague. Part of the event was a networking lunch where our client had yet additional opportunities to talk to interesting companies.

Mauritian producer of pickles and condiments to find distributors in CZ

Completion: 2017 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Following a successful mission to Budapest, the company traveled with the group to Prague to meet with Czech buyers. EasyLink was intrusted with the overall organization and arrangement of meetings with potential buyerst at the central venue (Hilton Hotel).
Results: As a result of contacting tens of potential buyers among the good wholesale and distribution sector, the client met with 6 respected companies that focus on import and distribution of specialty food products.

General overview of the snack food market in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2017 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our U.S. client had recently started exporting flavored pretzels to the United Kingdom and wished to determine which EU market to consider next. EasyLink was requested to deliver a brief overview of the Czech snack food market to help the client assess its potential.
Results: Approximately USD 184 million are annually spent on salted snacks in the Czech Republic; 12,400 tons of chips and 24,000 tons of salted snacks are consumed. The total annual consumption of pretzels, sticks, or pizza/bread chips equals to USD 24 million. On average, the annual per capita consumption of chips in the Czech Republic equals to one kilogram. The two leaders are Lays (PepsiCo) and Bohemia Chips (Intersnack); Intersnack holds a 23% market share in the snack segment and 44% share in the potato chips segment. Lay´s holds a 23% share in the potato chips segment. The report also mapped the leading FMCG retailers and identified potential importers for our client´s products.

Market insight: rock sugar in Russia

Completion: 2017 - 03
Target markets: RO
Objective: Our German client wished EasyLink to collect information about rock sugar in Russia, particularly in regard to usage, importance/value, production, price structure, turnover/sales of rock sugar in Russia (houshold and industry).
Results: With 48 mln tons of sugar beet produced in Russia in 2016, Russia is the largest producer of beet sugar in the world. There are 70 functioning mills and processing plants. Production capacity of some of them is more than 10,000 tons a day. Our PPT report included information about usage and preferences, a list of available products with prices and pictures and a list of sugar manufacturers in Russia. In just 3 weeks the client has built up a good understanding of the (rock) sugar market in Russia and used the information provided to further develop its business strategies in the region.

Identify top 5 distributors of dairy products in Bulgaria

Completion: 2017 - 01
Target markets: BG
Objective: The client requested that we make field research (visit a selection of key retail chains) to identify top 5 importers/wholesalers/distributors of dairy products in Bulgaria.
Results: The deliverable of this project was an Excel spreadsheet with the top 5 dairy distributors, with company information including their territorial coverage (national vs. Regional), number and location of warehouses and other.

Irish whiskey catching interest in the Czech Republic and Hungary

Completion: 2016 - 10
Target markets: HU,CZ
Objective: Our client, a new producer of Irish whiskey, previously used our services to explore the Czech Republic and Poland. Having successfully established partnership in Poland, the client wished to re-approach selected Czech contacts and present them with new marketing materials as well as explore new potential leads in both the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Results: EasyLink shortlisted and contacted 20 distributors of spirits in the Czech Republic and 34 in Hungary and arranged a meeting itinerary with 10 companies in autumn 2016. The client was able to meet an interesting mix of companies including some of the largest specialized importers and wholesalers and a previous distributor of Bushmills. Our client received first orders from both the Czech Republic and Hungary at the beginning of the next year and established a partnership with high-quality distributors in both countries.

Customer search in Slovenia for an Irish IT company

Completion: 2016 - 07
Target markets: SI,HR
Objective: Our client provides a cloud solution for refrigeration equipment management which they supply to food retail chains. They are also targeting petrol stations, Café chains and pharmacies with refrigeration. Their major client is LIDL Ireland. The company is meeting LIDL Slovenia and asked EasyLink to arrange additional meetings with retail chains in Slovenia and Croatia to make the market visit more productive.
Results: EasyLink's consultants in Slovenia and Croatia approached technical managers in LIDL Croatia, Konzum, Tuš and Mercator - major retail chains in the region. While LIDL Croatia and Tuš already use competitive systems and do not wish to change the technology, EasyLink managed to arrange meeting with Konzum, Croatia's largest supermarket chain, with just over 700 stores open in Croatia. EasyLink also approached Mercator, and though the response was not overly positive, the company wished to be contacted directly by the client during his visit, so that a meeting could be arranged at a short notice.

Qualified list of food wholesalers in 6 CEE countries

Completion: 2016 - 06
Target markets: PL,CZ,SK,HU,HR,SI
Objective: The client is a food/bakery producer in Germany who requested a selection of wholesalers/distributors in 6 CEE countries.
Results: EasyLink consultants in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia conducted market research into wholesalers/distributors to the food/HoReCa sector. The output was a list of 15-25 biggest nationwide suppliers to the HoReCa sector in each country containing contact details of purchasing managers, brief company profiles and data on turnover for the last known period.

Meat & fish processing market in Romania

Completion: 2016 - 06
Target markets: RO
Objective: A German client commissioned EasyLink to prepare an overview of top 10 in pork meat, beef, poultry meat and fish processing in Romania, their turnovers, main products and where these top players deliver to national retail trade, national industry, Asia, Germany etc.
Results: Within a short deadline the Romanian consultant compiled profiles of top 20 companies in the target industry detailing the main products, turnover figures, export activities and customers.

UK producer of dairy desserts wishes to meet with purchasing managers of major Czech retail chains at the PLMA fair

Completion: 2016 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A UK producer of cheesecake and other dairy desserts tasked EasyLink with approaching purchasing managers of major grocery retail chains, enquiring about their possible attendance at the major Private Label trade fair - PLMA - in Amsterdam, where the client exhibits, and inviting them to the company booth.
Results: EasyLink contacted 9 major retail chains and 2 most important importers/distributors of chilled & frozen dairy products. As a result, 4 purchasing managers confirmed their attendance of the fair and promised to visit the client’s booth. All contacted companies were provided with a Czech company profile translated by the consultant and invitation to the client’s booth. The client received a report with detailed company profiles of all the prospects approached, including contacts’ comments about the client’s products’ matching potential with their portfolios.

Gluten-free products: targeting prospective distribution partners in Poland

Completion: 2016 - 05
Target markets: PL
Objective: U.S. manufacturer of gluten free products such as bulk flour, cake mixes, pancake mixes, and brownies wished to identify a distributor in Poland.
Results: Altogether, 26 companies were contacted. Following the initial call company managers were provided detailed information via email. The mailing included an introductory email and catalogue. The Polish gluten-free market is already very competitive and highly saturated; the companies contacted during the course of the project explained that they currently sought products that were both gluten-free and with organic certification.

Irish whiskey looking for distributors in the Czech Rep. and Poland

Completion: 2015 - 10
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: An independently owned and operated alcoholic drinks manufacturer would like to meet with independent drinks distributors and appoint one of them to be their agent in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink indentified, screened and approached 26 companies in the Czech Republic and 24 in Poland and arranged meetings with 10 highly qualified partners. The client was able to establish partnership with a Polish distributor within 6 months after the mission.

Major UK poultry supplier looking for opportunities in the Czech Republic and Poland

Completion: 2015 - 10
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: The client is one of the biggest UK food product companies. It now wishes to evaluate export potential and identify potential distribution partners in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink consultants in Poland and the Czech Republic researched companies experienced with import, distribution and wholesale of frozen poultry meat. In the course of the project they approached 51 prospects in Poland and 27 in CZ. Though the Polish market proved to be extremely competitive (with local production accounting for nearly 14% of total EU), EasyLink managed to arrange 4 meetings. A more favourable competitive environment on the Czech poultry meat market allowed EasyLink to organize 7 face-to-face meetings with major importers and distributors in the sector. We also provided the client with all the necessary on-site assistance including accommodation, logistics and interpretation services. “…Market advisors in both Czech Republic & Poland were extremely helpful and knowledgeable. They understood the brief and tried to match meetings as closely as possible. Where meetings were unable to be scheduled, they gave me contact details to follow up myself. Potential sales as a result of market visit amount to EUR 150,000.”

U.S. manufacturer of gluten free products evaluates potential of the Polish market

Completion: 2015 - 10
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client wished to pursue the Polish market with their gluten free bulk flour, cake mixes, pancake mixes, and brownies.
Results: EasyLink delivered figures for the size and value of the gluten free sector in Poland as well as information on certification and labeling, identified key suppliers, and mapped the distribution channels and consumer preferences. EasyLink also conducted store checks (in various retail venues: a drug store, health products store, supermarket and hypermarket) to provide pricing and packaging information. The current value of the gluten free food sector in Poland is estimated at around USD 40 million, up from USD 29.5 million in 2008. Over the last five years the value of the gluten free products sector rose by 18%. The growth should continue in the near future; its dynamics are forecasted to reach 3 to 5% annually. The annual consumption of gluten free products in Poland reaches 6,000 tons. Compared to the U.S. market the offer on store shelves in Poland remains modest and many categories within the gluten free sector are still missing e.g. frozen ready meals.

EasyLink investigates multiple parties involved in the registration of their baby formula product in Ukraine

Completion: 2015 - 07
Target markets: UA
Objective: Over a period of six-months EasyLink provided support to a U.S. supplier of wholesome products via a series of projects such as background checks and investigation of the validity of notices and official documents.
Results: EasyLink carried background checks on two companies involved in the registration of our client’s baby food product in Ukraine. Additionally, the validity of documents presented by the companies as official documents had to be screened. Upon EasyLink’s detailed assessment and review, the documents were believed to be indeed counterfeits. Additionally, EasyLink evaluated the validity of a tax withholding notice sent to the client, again EasyLink found the notice a fraud. Last but not least, EasyLink was asked to find answers to three specific questions of the client related to the import of baby formula to Ukraine. Due to the complexity of steps involved in the import and certification of products in Ukraine EasyLink recommended the client to partner up with a specialized local company.

Latvian producer of unique long chips wishes to explore the Czech market

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: With exports to Estonia, Lithuania, Norway, Spain, Greece, Germany, Bulgaria, Japan and the United States, the client, an innovative Latvian producer of unique long chips now wishes to evaluate its potential in the Czech Republic. The company requested EasyLink to identify suitable distribution partners and introduce the client’s products and strategies (private label production).
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in distribution or wholesale of chips/snacks and into major retail chains and compiled a list of 49 potential partners. All companies were subsequently approached and provided with information and company and product literature. We also provided the client’s pricelists to interested parties for evaluation. 7 companies expressed interest in meeting the client to discuss potential cooperation. We prepared a report and detailed profiles of the positive companies. We also listed all the other approached companies and provided their short profiles and feedbacks, which were valuable for the client’s understanding of the local market. Prior the client’s arrival we delivered a detailed meeting itinerary for the client’s convenience during their business trip to the Czech Republic.

British pet food producer finds distribution partner in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client, a leading producer of pet food in Northern Ireland and Ireland, wished to assess potential for their premium brand natural pet food and to find potential import, wholesale or retail partners in the area. The client opted to go for our extended programme, which includes a market study containing information on market size, structure and trends, competitor landscape and detailed profiles of potential partners. Furthermore, EasyLink would set up meetings with interested parties, provide in-market support in the form of accompaniment, interpretation services and travel arrangement assistance and provide follow-up support for a few months after the completion of the programme.
Results: The nearly 50-page market report provided information on size of the market, premium pet food market, route to market incl. information on the largest pet food retailers, competition in the Czech Republic, including price levels of similar products and 38 profiles of potential partners – 17 retailers and 21 importers and wholesalers of pet food. The client selected 25 companies, which EasyLink approached with an offer of meeting – 8 companies expressed interest and 7 meetings were organized for a trade visit in June, incl. with the largest pet food retail chain in the country. A follow-up visit with selected parties was arranged two months later and the client was able to appoint a distributor shortly after the visit.

Distributor search for a Latvian producer of frozen food products in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client produces a range of ready-made frozen food products and wishes to explore export opportunities in the Czech Republic. EasyLink was commissioned to identify and approach suitable distribution partners.
Results: The EasyLink consultant researched the market of frozen food products and compiled an initial list of 42 potential partners. The companies included food distributors, wholesalers with their own logistics, large retail chains (own and private label) and ethnic retail chains. EasyLink produced a report containing detailed profiles of companies interested in meeting as well as short profiles of negative companies including their feedback. We arranged 4 meetings with major wholesalers/distributors of frozen food products and provided the client with a detailed meeting itinerary including travel instructions and maps.

Leading Latvian producer of chips eyeing the Czech market

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is the No. 1 potato chips producer in Latvia. Having successfully penetrated the markets of the UK, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Belarus etc., the company chose the Czech Republic as the first CEE market to explore. EasyLink was asked to conduct market research into companies involved in distribution of food products with focus on snacks and dry groceries, wholesalers with their own logistics and large retail chains (own and private label).
Results: Per the client’s project brief the EasyLink consultant shortlisted and subsequently approached 49 companies. We translated all company and product literature and prepared a PDF profile to be disseminated to interested prospects. We subsequently collected feedbacks from all approached companies and compiled a report containing detailed profiles of positive companies (including their business description, data on the number of employees, turnover, year of establishment, ownership structure, distribution channels and feedback to the client’s products) and short profiles of the remaining contacts. We arranged meetings with 6 companies and delivered a detailed meeting itinerary to the client including travel instructions and maps. The market visit and scheduled meetings with major local players in the sector provided the client with a clear insight of the Czech chips&snacks market and helped them to evaluate their export potential.

Latvian producer of dairy products looking for a distributor in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is one of the oldest diaries in Latvia focusing on production of genuine semi-hard cheese of various flavours, quark and sour cream. EasyLink was entrusted with identification of suitable partners for distribution on the Czech market.
Results: We shortlisted 44 companies from among food distributors, wholesalers working with general or ethnic product groups, retailers and HoReCa distributors of quark and sour cream. Having translated all company and product literature we produced a high quality PDF profile and disseminated it to interested prospects. Having allowed some time for review and consideration, we re-contacted all approached companies and collected their feedback concerning potential cooperation and meeting with the client during their visit in the Czech Republic in June 2015. We provided a comprehensive market report with detailed profiles of positive companies and short profiles of all other approached prospects. We arranged 8 face-face-meetings, provided a detailed meeting itinerary with exact travel instructions and maps. We also provided interpretation where necessary. This comprehensive package of services provided the client with a clear overview of the Czech market and helped them to identify and evaluate their export opportunities in the Czech Republic.

Irish whiskey producer eyeing the Czech market

Completion: 2015 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to provide background information on the whisk(e)y market in the Czech Republic with focus on the premium market – single malt and premium whiskey blends. As the Czech Republic belongs among to the few countries with a notable preference towards Irish whiskey, the client also wished to target selected distribution partners and discuss potential cooperation with them.
Results: Our Prague-based team compiled a 47-page report with information on consumption of alcohol, consumption of whiskey, import patterns, legislation and taxes, and competition – presence of Czech, Scotch, American and Irish whiskey, including price levels of the most popular Irish whiskeys. The report also contained profiles and contact information for 30 companies active in distribution of relevant spirits and information on relevant trade shows, association and press. EasyLink approached selected 15 companies with the product information – out of which 8 companies expressed interest in meeting and discussing potential cooperation.

UK producer of dairy desserts wishing to meet with purchasing managers of major Czech retail chains at the PLMA fair

Completion: 2015 - 05
Target markets: DE,CZ
Objective: A UK producer of cheesecake and other dairy desserts tasked EasyLink with approaching purchasing managers of major retail chains such as Tesco, Ahold or Rewe, enquiring about their possible attendance of the major Private Label fair in Amsterdam, where the client exhibited, and inviting them to the company booth.
Results: EasyLink contacted all shortlisted retail chains and spoke to the relevant managers. Despite the short notice the EasyLink consultant managed to reach relevant purchasing managers at 12 of 14 major retailers, out of which 4 confirmed their attendance of the fair. All attendees were provided with a Czech company profile translated by the consultant from an English document and invited to the client’s booth. The client received a report with detailed company profiles of all the prospects approached, including contacts’ comments about the fair attendance and potential of the client’s products with their companies.

Updating a sector analysis for the Canadian Embassy in Prague: Food & Beverage

Completion: 2015 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Following the various sector analyses successfully updated in the previous years (aerospace, medical devices and education), EasyLink was again commissioned to revise and considerably expand the existing analysis of the food & beverage sector initially prepared in 2012. The main focus was on opportunities for Canadian food and beverage exporters in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink updated and all data in the analysis part of the report achieving more than a double of the original length. Our 36 page report provided a clear insight into the Czech food and beverage sector. The food processing and beverage sector remains an important segment in the Czech Republic’s manufacturing industry and accounts for 2.44% of the country’s total GDP. Key subsectors include meat processing, fruit and vegetables processing, dairy products production, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks production. Canada ranks among the most significant importers of food and drinks to the EU, ranking as the 18th most significant supplier of food, drinks and tobacco reaching almost CAD 3 billion in 2014. The Czech Republic holds a rather small share and accounts for only 1% of Canada’s exports to the EU. However, exports to the Czech Republic are on the rise, with food preparation ingredients, lentils, mineral/still water, soya beans and maple syrup accounting for most of the exports. Organic food, fish and seafood and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages were identified as sectors which should stay on Canadian exporters’ radar.

Italian grappa producer wishing to enter the Polish market

Completion: 2015 - 03
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client is a leading producer of award-winning grappa. The company assigned EasyLink with a distributor search in Poland. The ideal partner profile for representing the client should be a nationally licensed beverage alcohol importer and distributor with required import license & distribution license for distilled spirits.
Results: Based on the project brief prepared for the client, the EasyLink consultant in Poland conducted market research into companies involved in the sector of alcohol beverages (prospective buyers –distributors / wholesalers of wine / alcoholic beverages). Information resources used to develop the initial list of contacts included business and electronic databases, company websites and the consultant’s own market knowledge. The EasyLink consultant approached 26 companies meeting the client’s criteria. EasyLink provided the client with market insight including information on low awareness and consumption of grappa in Poland. Since consumption of grappa in Poland is very marginal, only one company expressed interest in further discussion of potential partnership.

Slovak producer of home-made potato pancakes looking for a distributor in Poland

Completion: 2015 - 02
Target markets: PL
Objective: The aim of the project was to identify a suitable distributor and obtain basic information on the conditions and structure of the Polish bakery market.
Results: The EasyLink consultant in Poland conducted market research into companies involved in the food distribution sector and approached 40 prospects. The consultant discussed the opportunity with senior managers and provided them with company materials and product catalogues for their review. In the next stage EasyLink collected feedbacks from all prospects and arranged meetings with 4 positive companies during the client’s visit in Poland in February 2015. We also provided comments from negative companies, which helped the client to evaluate overall potential and focus on potential drawbacks when entering the Polish market

UK producer of cottage cheese evaluating the German market

Completion: 2015 - 01
Target markets: DE
Objective: The objective of this project was to develop an understanding of the German market in terms of chilled desserts and more particularly in chilled American style cheese cake desserts. The second objective was to assist new business development in Germany by identifying retail and distribution partners involved in chilled dairy products. EasyLink’s tasks included to provide an overview of main chilled (branded and PL) ‘tub desserts’ from stores with photos, packaging, price points and shelf life. Another task was to identify the importance of Private Labels versus brands in chilled desserts, give an overview of main supermarkets, their profile, number of stores and their market shares, provide an overview of logistics and fresh depots within these retailers, create a table indicating the different ‘formulas’ for the different retail chains, identify potential buyers of private label and branded chilled desserts at the supermarkets including names, functions, contact number and email address and identify suitable (potential) partners for chilled distribution - importers of chilled yoghurts, dairy products, convenience products . The last task was to identify prospective buyers attending the PLMA trade show in Amsterdam in May 2015.
Results: EasyLink identified 11 potential buyers of private label and branded chilled desserts. The list contained profiles (incl. contact details of relevant Purchase Managers) of 11 major retail chains and EasyLink provided them with information and samples of the client’s products for tasting. EasyLink then re-contacted the leads to collect their feedback and information about participation at the PLMA trade show where the client wished to meet prospective buyers.

UK craft brewery eyeing the Czech and Polish beer markets

Completion: 2014 - 06
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: A family owned microbrewery offering a wide range of craft beers covering the full spectrum of tastes including a lager, stout, pale ales, amber ales and red ales asked EasyLink to look for suitable partners in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink approached 21 prospects in the Czech Republic and 24 in Poland. The target group included distributors and wholesalers of beer, alcoholic beverages, and suppliers to the HoReCa sector. We arranged 8 meetings in the Czech Republic and 7 meetings in Poland. We also provided all in-market support (arranged accommodation, car rental, interpretation and accompanied the client to meetings). In a follow-up communication 6 months after the visit the client confirmed to have signed a distribution contract with the leading beverage distributor in the Czech Republic. The client spoke very highly of the visit and overall organization of the event as well as quality of the meetings.

In-depth study of the processed meat products market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2014 - 05
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: The work on this project carried simultaneously in both countries was divided into three consecutive stages – desk research, qualitative interviews with top industry players, and store checks.
Results: Desk research findings formed close to a 90-page report for each country. We provided insight into the meat and processed meat products production, export, import, and consumption (over the past decade the annual per capita meat consumption has ranged from 77 to 81 kg in the Czech Republic, while in Slovakia it has reached just 53 to 58 kg), key competitors in the processed meat products market (including profiles of key players; the Czech meat and processed meat products market is highly fragmented with close to 2,000 producers and the number of companies involved in the production and processing of meat has been steadily growing since 2007), key production capacities, sourcing and supply of raw meat (data on slaughtering and supplying farms), size of livestock, technologies and assets used in the industry, governmental support/subsidies to meat producers, and distribution of processed meat products (traditional and modern trade, specialized retailers, open-air markets etc.). The report also tackled the issue of state regulation of the meat-processing industry and state policy and regulations for FDI. Structured in-depth interviews carried with major meat and meat-processed products manufacturers and major buyers (retail chains) provided additional insight into areas not covered well by secondary resources, e.g. major trends in the industry, market size and structure, buying criteria, distribution trends and sourcing practice, evaluation of meat suppliers etc. In each country EasyLink team performed checks in 10 stores (of various format - discounts, hypermarkets, supermarkets, delicatessen and in various locations in order to avoid regional specifics) to record information on prices, type of packaging, brands, and product placement of the most popular processed meat products.

Background check in Ukraine

Completion: 2014 -
Target markets: UA
Objective: A US exporter of a wide variety of food products for the retail, food service, catering & P/L sectors needed EasyLink to immediately conduct a background check of an entity in Ukraine, from which the client received an order for delivery.
Results: A quick search performed by EasyLink consulting team in Ukraine immediately raised a red flag; the order looked like a fraud at the very first glance! The team then continued with additional search of all entities mentioned in email communication between the client and the Ukrainian business using the Official Registry database of Ukraine as well as several business, telephone and address databases in Ukraine and the Internet. Given the findings all we could recommend was a 100% pre-payment!

Microbrew beer producer targeting Slovakia

Completion: 2013 - 11
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify, research and arrange meetings with potential distributors, to assess market potential for craft beer from NI in retail or HoReCa and collect pricing information.
Results: EasyLink in Slovakia conducted market research into distributors and wholesalers of beer, alcoholic beverages, and suppliers to the HoReCa sector possibly interested in foreign brands of beer. The consultant approached and spoke with 26 companies at managerial level to assess the level of interest. 6 meetings were arranged with potential partners.

Supplier of grape juice and grape must concentrates looking for customers in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2013 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is an Italian-based supplier of grape juice and grape must concentrates. The concentrates retain the aromatic and organoleptic properties of the original grapes, which are from CII and CIII wine growing zones. They are low in sulphur, which makes them suitable for making grape juice, wine, fruit juices, fruit syrups and yogurt. The client seeks customers who use grape concentrates in manufacture of their products (fruit juices, sparkling wines, flavoured beer etc.)
Results: The consultant wrote up a list of 41 companies, which were subsequently approached on the managerial level. 11 companies have confirmed interest in cooperation with the client and meetings were arranged with 5 of the companies.

Store check in Germany for a U.K. chilled dairy products manufacturer

Completion: 2013 - 09
Target markets: DE
Objective: The task was to visit an Edeka supermarket with the widest selection, purchase the individual dessert products, photograph them and put together a small report containing data on weight, price, date on pack, manufacturer or private label etc.
Results: The consultant in Germany conducted a store check of an Edeka supermarket and provided a detailed report on the range of chilled dessert products (including the required data on weight, price, number of servings, price per pack/serving/kg and manufacturer). The report included pictures of all analyzed products.

How often do Czechs go to restaurants?

Completion: 2013 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: This time, EasyLink was tasked by a US client to provide insight into Czech consumer behaviour with focus on frequency of restaurant visits.
Results: As we only had one day to complete the task, we screened secondary resources and used statistic data of two opinion research centres. We provided the client with a spreadsheet extracting data from opinion polls from 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2011. The supplied data included tables and graphs on the favourite type of catering establishment, average number of visits per favourite restaurant, visit frequency by age, main dish price, genre and other useful information.

Latvian producer of smoked-meat products targets the Czech market

Completion: 2013 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client wished to enter the Czech meat market and find suitable partners for expansion. Suitable partners consisted of wholesalers, importers and distributors of processed/smoked meat products, as well as retail chains, which would also be interested in private labels.
Results: With regard to the client’s criteria, our Prague office created a shortlist of 35 companies, which were then approached on managerial level. 8 qualified candidates expressed interest in further talks with the client with 5 meetings taking place at the time of the client’s visit in June 2013. Final report contained detailed profiles of interested parties including responses and opinions of the parties towards the proposed partnership, a market overview of the current state of the smoked meat sector, Czech consumer habits and an overview of competition. EasyLink also supplied a very detailed meeting itinerary, including detailed travel and accommodation arrangements, as well as arranged interpretation services wherever required.

Irish whiskey producer seeking sales in Poland

Completion: 2013 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client is an independent producer of Irish whiskey. In order to assist expansion into the Central and Eastern European region the Client seeks contact with reliable local distribution partners. The objective is to identify potential local Polish partners who would typically be distributors of spirits (not only whisky but also e.g. vodka or bourbon, preferably not working with big names in whiskey production such as Tullamore or Grants (e.g. distributors of small Scottish distilleries). Client is not interested in working with retail chains, which usually require large volumes.
Results: The EasyLink consultant in Poland conducted market research into local companies involved in spirits import and distribution. The consultant approached 24 companies with this unique offer of partnership and arranged meetings with 8 prospects.

Latvian chocolate manufacturer targets the Czech market

Completion: 2013 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client is a manufacturer of high quality handmade chocolate products. After successfully penetrating the markets of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Japan the company is now looking at the CEE region and wishes to start with the Czech Republic. We were asked to identify and profile suitable distribution partners. Czechs are average consumers of chocolate and confectionery. While an average Swiss consumes over 12 kg of cocoa products, an average Czech consumes less than 7 kg, although the consumption is slightly increasing. Latvian chocolate has been positively perceived by Czech consumers in recent years.
Results: EasyLink prepared a thorough 30-page report for the client containing general information about the market, advice on how to conduct business meetings with Czech companies, details on pricing and profiles of prospective partners. EasyLink approached the total of 30 prospects and arranged meetings with nine potential partners.

Irish supplier targeting the Czech market

Completion: 2013 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is a manufacturer of a range of flavoured fudges, nine of which have gold Great Taste Awards. Products are free of artificial preservatives, flavouring or trans fats. The client wishes to explore export opportunities into the Czech Republic. The client wishes to identify and meet distributors and/or wholesalers who could represent him, meet operators of chains of stores and selected top-end stores in confectionary, gifts, souvenirs, tea/coffee shops, deli shops, fresh/bio food and to visit a sample of stores in Prague to better understand the market.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in distribution of confectionery & delicatessen. We identified and approached 29 prospects. Out of the total number of 29 potential partners meetings were arranged with 7 companies. As a result of the mission the client already achieved sales in the amount of GBP 4,000.

U.S. family owned food supplier targeting Russia and Ukraine

Completion: 2013 - 03
Target markets: UA&RU
Objective: The EasyLink consultants in Russia and Ukraine conducted market research into companies involved in imports and distribution of food and drinks for the food service sector (restaurants, fast-food chains, cafés, and catering services etc.) as well as retail, operations of food service establishments and retail (leading chains of hypermarkets and supermarkets).
Results: In both countries, the consultants identified and approached the total of over 70 potential partners and arranged meetings with 5 (in Ukraine) and 6 (in Russia) companies.

A client returns to commission another two partners search projects in CEE countries

Completion: 2012 - 11
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: Our client, a U.S. coffee producer, was highly satisfied with the professional delivery of previous projects in Russia and the Ukraine and entrusted EasyLink with two more distributor search projects, this time in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink consultants in the Czech Republic and Poland approached 45 and 26 companies, respectively, and screened 5 interested prospects keen on starting the collaboration with the client in Poland and 7 in the Czech Republic. Final reports contained detailed profiles of the positive companies, including their feedback and comments on the proposed partnership, meticulously planned meeting itineraries, travel and hotel arrangements, overview of the market gathered from the interviews conducted during the project and short profiles of other contacted companies.

British meat processor eyes clients in Romania and Bulgaria

Completion: 2012 - 11
Target markets: RO&BG
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by the client, a leading British meat processor, to carry out an exploratory project in Romania and Bulgaria. For the most part, our client’ sales focus on his home market; however the client wished to establish contact with prospective partners in two countries to create potential sales leads and expand their export territories. The client was primarily keen on meeting meat importers and wholesales, larger catering companies as well as meat processors, all with possible interest in truckload quantities of beef, lamb meat and offal in frozen form.
Results: Our in-market consultants identified and contacted a total of 44 prospective partners, which were all approached on managerial level with on offer of personal meeting with the client. Meetings with organized with 8 companies in Romania and 7 in Bulgaria, all valuable contacts which the client plans to explore soon due to ongoing changes in the domestic market – namely lower sales of offal. Despite the exploratory nature of the visit the client received an order shortly after the visit.

Leading U.S. coffee producer targets distributors in Russia and Ukraine

Completion: 2012 - 09
Target markets: RU, UA
Objective: EasyLink was tasked to identify, screen and arrange meetings with potential distributors in Russia and the Ukraine for a producer of coffee products with ties in Italy. In addition, our Russian consultant was to establish what certifications/licencing must be respected to import coffee to the country, and to scope out sales, pricing, and marketing policies of a specific competitor.
Results: Our locally based consultants contacted 26 prospects in Russia and 19 in the Ukraine. The Russian report was almost 40 pages long and contained information on import regulations in Russia, information on the client’s competitor’s activities incl. the local distributor, previous marketing campaigns incl. photos, retail points of sales, store-check photos, prices, and other), competitor landscape overview, incl. prices of selected brands, and last but not least a meeting itinerary with 6 highly qualified prospects, who met the client at the World Food Trade in Moscow. The Ukrainian report brought 8 prospective distributors keen on starting cooperation.

Recruiting qualified visitors for yet another edition of Sapore

Completion: 2012 - 01
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: Organizers of Sapore, one of the Italian leading fairs for the beverage, food and seafood markets, held in Rimini, Italy, commissioned EasyLink to recruit qualified participants in the Czech Republic and this time also in Slovakia for the 2012 edition.
Results: The 2012 edition was attended by 5 Czech and 7 Slovak companies. During the course of the project EasyLink consultant in Prague identified prospective business partners for the fair’s exhibitors, introduced the fair and conditions of sponsored participation, arranged face-to-face meetings with the exhibitors and assisted with logistics and accommodation arrangements.

European producer of potato processing technology evaluates the market in China

Completion: 2011 - 12
Target markets: CN
Objective: The client sought to thoroughly analyse market opportunities for its technology in China and obtain information necessary to develop strategy to exploiting these opportunities.
Results: The results of our work were presented in a 160-page in-depth MS Word report and a 25-slide MS PowerPoint presentation. The key resources included telephone interviews with major potato processors and distributors of processing technology as well as other primary and extensive secondary research. We held a 2.5-hour teleconference with the client to present and discuss the results and market entry strategy.

Distribution partner search for a major Baltic grain processor

Completion: 2011 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client wished to meet qualified distribution partners during his business trip to the Czech Republic in November 2011.
Results: For the three-day visit EasyLink scheduled five one-on-one appointments with qualified distributors and wholesalers of food products. The key competitors for the client include local companies Emco and Pragosoja as well as foreign brands such as Dr. Oetker and Nestle.

Structured customer interviews with the leading suppliers and retailers in Slovakia

Completion: 2011 - 09
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our client, a dried fruit and nuts supplier, wishes to better understand customer demands and key market trends, and enlists EasyLink to conduct five structured interviews.
Results: Our respondents included a mixture of the leading suppliers and multinational retail chains (e.g. Tesco and Lidl). The areas of interest the interviews focused on involved current market trends, buyer’s criteria, evaluation of suppliers of packaged products, and how to gain access as a new supplier.

Korean supplier of water purification systems seeks Czech partners

Completion: 2011 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to arrange meetings with prospective distribution partners.
Results: The Easylink consultant in the Czech Republic identified, approached and evaluated 46 distributors of water coolers, water filtration systems and vending and coffee machines. During his one-day visit to Prague the client met with top 5 prospects with confirmed interest in the proposed partnership.

Slovak winegrowing and winemaking company targets Poland

Completion: 2011 - 06
Target markets: PL
Objective: The company wishes to identify prospective wine distributors, HORECA suppliers and wine wholesalers. The leading varieties of grapes grown by the client include Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Palava, Traminers and Rhine Rieslings, while from red wine grapes, the client offers the traditional Blaufrankisch variety and the increasingly popular Pinot Noir.
Results: The EasyLink consultant in Poland approached 31 companies to introduce the client, present its wine and collect their feedback regarding potential cooperation/meeting. During his three-day trip the client met managers of 4 companies.

EasyLink helps to assess the demand for cut cheese in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2011 - 06
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: A Dutch supplier of cut, sliced and grated cheese for the food and food service industries wishes to increase its export volumes, and requests EasyLink to interview industrial food processors to determine whether the Czech and Slovak markets offer potential for its products.
Results: EasyLink researchers screened companies involved in production of frozen food, salads and delicatessen, sandwiches as well as bakeries and companies importing cheese with strong relationship to industrial producers. Altogether we approached 31 Czech and 17 Slovak entities, our initial list of prospects was pre-approved by the client. In the Czech Republic we arranged 5 meetings; among other prospects the client met the leading manufacturer of fresh baguettes and sandwiches and the largest bakery group in the country. The Slovak part of the trip included 3 meetings, one of them was held with the biggest manufacturer and distributor of baguettes, sandwiches and bakery products in Slovakia. The findings confirmed this was the right time for the client to enter the markets, as most companies were looking for alternatives. EasyLink’s assistance was highly praised by the client, “The program was well organized, meetings superbly selected & the Czech & Slovak counterparts were well prepared for the meetings!”

U.S. manufacturer of organic food products assessing its potential to succeed on the Czech market

Completion: 2011 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client approached Easylink with a request to provide assistance in searching for new partners among traders with organic foods interested in expanding their product portfolio to new organic teas, herbs, and beauty products. The Czech market has seen a boom in sale of organic products and there may very well be space for even greater diversity of products.
Results: The consultant identified and contacted 21 companies to introduce the client and probe the contact's qualifications and interest in the partnership opportunity. Three companies expressed an interest in additional information and direct talks with the client.

A large Latvian coffee company seeking to expand its coffee sales to the Czech Republic

Completion: 2011 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identify prospective partners and probe their interest to represent the client's coffee brands or build their own private brand.
Results: The consultant compiled an initial list of 35 companies including the largest food and drink distributors in the country. All companies on the list were contacted via phone and subsequently via e-mail. The consultant introduced the client's company and also sent information in writing. In the end, four companies expressed an interest in pursuing direct talks with the client.

Our client orders three more in-depth sector studies to be completed between December 2010 and March 2011

Completion: 2011 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Following our completion of two market research reports the Embassy of India has requested three more projects – in-depth analyses of the food, pharmaceutical and chemical sectors in the Czech Republic. We were asked to follow the same structure and provide detailed information on market size and structure, key players (buyers, competitors, partners), market trends, opportunities and challenges as well as to analyse market potential and suggest market entry strategies.
Results: The 142-page long food market report focused on three areas – fruit and vegetables, non-alcoholic beverages and spices and ingredients- where India’s exports to the Czech Republic, and their shares on total Czech imports are still relatively low, yet with potential for further growth. India currently ranks as the 6th largest exporter of tea and 10th of spices to the Czech Republic.

EasyLink recruits Czech companies for the world’s leading gelato and confectionery fair held in Rimini, Italy

Completion: 2011 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Organizers of SIGEP, which is the world's leading fair in the artisan gelato sector and a primary European showcase for artisan Italian confectionery, sought to widen the audience from Central Europe and commissioned EasyLink to recruit qualified buyers from the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink pre-selected and approached over 90 companies to introduce the fair and conditions of sponsored participation. The core of the prospective visitor pool consisted of suppliers of technologies for the HORECA sector. We also arranged one-on-one meetings with the fair’s exhibitors and assisted the Czech participants with logistics and accommodation arrangements.

Wine producer from South Tyrol meets prospective partners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2010 - 12
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: Our client wishes to introduce its wine to Czech and Slovak consumers, and seeks EasyLink’s assistance with identification and screening of distribution partners in the two countries.
Results: For our client’s 4-day 2-country visit, EasyLink consultants scheduled meetings with 8 partners qualified and keen to engage in collaboration.

Recruiting qualified visitors for a major hospitality fair in Italy

Completion: 2010 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink’s team in the Czech Republic was commissioned to recruit qualified companies for SiaGuest - International Hospitality Exhibition, which has been for over 60 years the only international event for the hotel and hospitality sector. Our tasks included, but were not limited to, identifying prospective business partners for the fair’s exhibitors, introducing the fair and conditions of sponsored participation, arranging face-to-face meetings with the exhibitors and assisting with logistics and accommodation arrangements.
Results: We identified and approached managers of over 130 companies involved in all areas of the hospitality sector. We evaluated whether they qualify for a special participation package.

Store checks: Baby food in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2010 - 07
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink’s task was to carry three store checks (in a hypermarket, supermarket and pharmacy/drugstore) to record information on baby food offered in the Czech Republic.
Results: The focus was on food for babies from 0 to 1+ year old, i.e. milks, ready soups, ready meals, ready desserts, cereals, drinks and biscuits. We were asked to record all the products offered and complete store check sheets (in MS Excel) delivered by the client. The type of information recorded included name and type of the store, product category, name and brief description of the product, age group, manufacturer, brand, country of origin, price in the local currency, pack type, pack size and number of pack fronts (facings) that a potential customer can see at the front of the shelf.

Russia: Two-stage project for a U.S. supplier of tea bags

Completion: 2010 - 06
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink was asked to map the Russian tea packaging industry and identify and interview the key players to ascertain their procurement needs and practices related to tea packaging.
Results: In absence of publicly available reliable information pertaining to this sector, more than 10 direct phone calls were necessary to map out the situation. We provided profiles of all important companies active on the Russian market at the moment - each company usually functions in both production and distribution, there are very few or no wholesalers; trading companies identified usually act as retailers. In stage two, the consultant approached all potential customers identified in the project’s first phase, and inquired into their procurement practices. We then recommended the client to provide samples and additional technical and price information to 4 companies and to visit at least one of the food & beverages exhibitions we identified to help establish direct contact with potential buyers.

Verified database of distributors of frozen products in Germany

Completion: 2010 - 06
Target markets: DE
Objective: A Slovak-based producer of healthy non-meat frozen products requested EasyLink to develop a tailor-made database of potential new clients - smaller regional distributors of frozen products as well as larger/large German companies with nationwide coverage; however, the client wished not to include large international (multi-national) players.
Results: EasyLink identified relevant targets and compiled a database including company name + address, contact person's name and contact details, very short description, indication of size and responses to three questions (In which region(s) of the country are you active? How many active customers (restaurants/companies) do you have? Whom in your company should our client contact and how?)

Irish supplier targeting the Czech and Slovak markets

Completion: 2010 - 04
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was requested by an Irish supplier of nutritional products to schedule meetings with qualified and keen distribution partners.
Results: EasyLink’s consultants in the Czech Republic and Slovakia identified, approached and evaluated 42 Czech and 20 Slovak distributors of sports nutrition, health shops, retailers and e-shops carrying nutritional supplements. During his 3-day visit to both markets the client held 7 face-to-face meetings with the top candidates identified by EasyLink.

U.S. specialty food supplier exploring opportunities in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2010 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client offers an eclectic assortment of more than 130 specialty and gourmet products, everything from a varied selection of New York products such as wines and pancake, cake, cookie, brownie, and muffin mixes, and jams and jellies, to Virginia peanuts. The company requested assistance to identify potential pro-active distributors in the Czech Republic.
Results: An initial list of 22 pre-selected companies was submitted to the client for review. Upon receiving his positive feedback, all 22 companies were contacted by the consultant, and their potential and interest in becoming a local partner were evaluated. 3 companies expressed interest in further discussions.

Identifying prospective distributors in Russia for two products

Completion: 2009 - 09
Target markets: RU
Objective: A U.S. marketing services firm was looking to export two different lines of products to Russia – non-alcoholic beer and dried fruits. The company’s manager was travelling to Russia to participate in the World Food show in Moscow on September 15-18, 2009 and prior to the show, she requested our help in identifying distributors for both product lines.
Results: We pre-selected and profiled 17 and 16 entities in the beer and dried fruits segments respectively. The initial overview was not qualified in terms of companies’ interest in a new supplier. In our report, we strongly recommended the client to use our follow-up services to approach the selected companies and screen and profile them further, since business communication in Russia is complex and requires local language command. Initial approach has to be done by phone, and getting answers and achieving correct evaluation of companies’ interest requires good knowledge of the local business customs and environment. Approaching companies via email-only does not work in Russia! If a company requests receiving an e-mail initially, a phone call must always follow to confirm the e-mail was received by the appropriate manager, and later another call has to be made to obtain feedback.

Traditional U.S. producer of potatoe chips targeting the Czech market

Completion: 2009 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client travelled to the Czech Republic as part of a trade mission of a group of 8 companies led by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. EasyLink was contracted to facilitate meetings with potential distribution partners within the Czech retail network.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant screened the market and selected a pool of potential partners. These companies were approached and their managers were sent an introductory letter together with samples of potatoe chips. A total of 6 companies agreed on meeting the client. EasyLink provided detailed description of prospective partners and a project report summarizing all the steps taken. The client was accompanied by EasyLink’s consultant to all meetings to provide in-market support.

Welsh premium whisky producer seeking a distribution partner

Completion: 2009 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink’s consultant was asked to recommend qualified and keen potential distribution partners and prepare a series of meetings with the top prospects.
Results: A total of 25 companies were approached, interviewed and evaluated, and appointments were scheduled with five companies meeting our client’s specific criteria.

U.S. fast food chain evaluating the Czech market

Completion: 2009 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A well-known U.S. fast food chain, a competitor to McDonald's and Burger King, made a strategic decision to enter the Czech market. EasyLink was hired to identify and screen qualified and relevant partners who can become area developers for the whole local market, and to arrange a series of personal meetings with the best candidates.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant selected over 50 companies with relevant experience & background and approached them with an offer to become an area developer for a major U.S. chain. Despite a gloomy state of the national economy and pessimistic expectations due to impacts of the global economic crisis EasyLink managed to arrange 7 meetings with potential partners.

U.S. producer of energy drinks seeking a distribution partner

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A leading U.S. supplier of energy drinks requested EasyLink's assistance to identify, interview, evaluate and recommend distribution partners for direct talks.
Results: An initial list of 28 pre-selected companies was submitted to the client for comments. After receiving feedback 26 companies were contacted by the consultant, and their potential and interest in becoming a local partner were evaluated. The client was provided with detailed profiles and contact details of interested/best qualified prospects.

Italian producer of premium mineral water seeking a local partner

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink’s services were enlisted by an Italian supplier of premium mineral water seeking to enter the Czech market via partnership with a strong local distributor. Our task included identifying, interviewing and evaluating prospective partners, and scheduling meetings with the best prospects interested and ready to discuss details of the proposed partnership.
Results: A total of 35 companies were approached and evaluated as potential distribution partners in the Czech Republic; meetings with the best prospects were scheduled. The consultant provided in-market support during the client's visit to Prague. Our client’s premium water is now available in selected restaurants in the Czech Republic!

Leading U.S. cheesecake producer seeking a distributor in Russia

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: RU
Objective: A U.S. cheesecake producer contracted our services to identify and evaluate prospective distributors with a solid customer base in the food service sector (hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, well-known bakeries).
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Russia identified 20 potential partners and submitted their profiles to the client for comments. All prospective partners were then approached and evaluated by the consultant. Eventually, eight meetings were set up with companies interested in cooperation.

U.S. supplier of packaged food, crackers, candy and condiments travels to the Czech Republic

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: CZ&HU
Objective: EasyLink was requested to schedule meetings with qualified prospects involved in import and distribution of grocery products and general merchandise.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant screened the market and pre-selected potential partners. Their managers were interviewed over the phone and provided with product catalogues and a distributor’s price list. The consultant accompanied the client to his meetings to interpret and provide in-market support.

Italian supplier of apples and pears targeting the Czech and Slovak markets

Completion: 2008 - 04
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to conduct a partner search and prepare itineraries for the client’s visit to the Czech Republic and Slovakia in spring 2008. The client wished to meet local companies involved in import, wholesale and processing of fruit products as well as retail chains open to sourcing fruits from our client.
Results: The scope of work included customized market research and partner search. The client was accompanied to all his meetings by EasyLink’s consultants to provide in-market support.

Italian wine exporter looks for sales to Slovakia

Completion: 2008 - 02
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to introduce the client to major Slovak wine distributors.
Results: The consultant identified almost 30 potential partners meeting the client's specifications and requirements and approached them with a proposal for cooperation. Subsequently, eight meetings were set up with companies that expressed interest in discussing potential cooperation.

Leading Czech manufacturer of vegetable oil eyes the Netherlands

Completion: 2007 - 10
Target markets: NL
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify potential customers for the client's refined, virgin and recycled vegetable oils amongst suppliers to retail and food manufacturing industries as well as potential suppliers of crude and refined linseed and palm oil.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant identified and contacted 29 potential business partners in the Netherlands and scheduled meetings with 4 prospects qualified & ready to meet the client. Our work also included preparation of travel arrangements.

Czech vodka market: Market study and consumer research

Completion: 2007 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A company desiring to obtain distribution rights for import of premium vodka into the Czech Republic contracted EasyLink to provide assessment of the alcoholic beverages and vodka market in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink delivered an in-depth analysis of distribution structure, key customers in the HORECA and retail sector, key vodka brands sold, price structure, sales seasonality, sales and marketing support as well as requirements and expectations of wholesalers, restaurants, bars, clubs, and retailers to carry a new brand of vodka. The study was based on desk research, store checks, and interviews with numerous market players and experts.

EasyLink selects potential franchise producers for a major Maltese producer of soft drinks in Poland and Russia

Completion: 2007 - 09
Target markets: PL&RU
Objective: A producer of assorted beers and soft drinks requested EasyLink to identify, evaluate and arrange meetings with prospective license/franchise producers and distributors in Poland and Russia.
Results: EasyLink evaluated 20 to 40 companies in each country, held detailed discussions with each prospective partner and eventually arranged 6 + 6 meetings in and around Warsaw and Moscow. We also made travel arrangements and selected and booked interpreters to assist the client during visits.

Almond Board of California hires EasyLink to conduct major study of the trade environment in Central & Eastern Europe

Completion: 2007 - 08
Target markets: CZ&HU&PL
Objective: Our client sought clear recommendations on how to increase almond exports to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland based on a comprehensive analysis of the market situation and outlook for almonds in each country. The goal of the study was to fully assess the relative growth prospects among the target countries as well as identify key target segments and trade customers that should be of focus to client's market initiatives. EasyLink was also requested to provide a regional comparison of all three markets as well as PowerPoint presentation.
Results: EasyLink delivered over a 100-page in-depth business report for each of the three markets that included market size estimates and trends, analysis of selected user sectors of the food industry including sector size, key producers as well as almond supply into each of the sectors. EasyLink provided information on legal and technical aspects of almond imports and analysed key market players amongst the importers, distributors, wholesalers and processors. EasyLink further conducted consumer surveys in all three markets and carried a thorough evaluation of obstacles, challenges, and opportunities for almond exporters to the target countries as well as provided recommendations. Last but not least, EasyLink prepared a regional summary covering similarities as well as differences amongst the three countries.

Northern Ireland's producer and exporter of fresh water fish developing sales in the Baltic region

Completion: 2007 - 05
Target markets: EE&LV&RU
Objective: A fish producer located on the largest freshwater lake in the British Isles - where eel fishing has been a major industry for centuries and supplier of a range of fresh water fish to processors for further drying or smoking and to import / export companies requested assistance to identify and contact fish processors and importers in Estonia, Latvia and Western Russia.
Results: EasyLink’s consultants conducted a search for potential partners in the selected countries, identified over 70 companies matching the client's requirements and approached them with a proposal for cooperation. 15 companies were interested in doing business with the client.

Spanish meat and frozen food producer looking for M&A targets in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Completion: 2007 - 02
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: To identify potential acquisition targets for a leading Spanish producer of meat with focus on meat and frozen food distributors. The choice was limited by specific criteria spanning from current turnover volume to logistics.
Results: Following research and targeting and discussions with various company managers (not disclosing the client's name), EasyLink identified 7 Czech and 2 Slovak companies seriously interested in engaging in negotiation on a takeover or joint venture project with our client.

Czech Republic: High-end water bottling company seeking partners

Completion: 2006 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A U.S. start-up water bottling company wished to find a quality distributor, selling to high-end hotels, restaurants, or health food stores in the Czech Republic. In addition, we were asked to provide an overview of high-end products currently available in the market and their pricing.
Results: EasyLink exceeded the client’s expectations by identifying 24 potential distributors as opposed to the expected 10-20 prospective partners. The client was supplied profiles in tabular format, including company name, contact details and short description. In addition, we compiled a list of competitive/comparable products with prices as well as general overview of the pricing structure of the Czech water market that is known to have an exceptionally high consumption of flavoured mineral water as well as mineral water with high content of salt; and where the HORECA sector accounts for approximately 40% of consumption of non-alcoholic beverages.

Analysis of the meat market in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2006 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our task was to prepare a detailed study of the meat market in the Czech Republic addressing consumption, production, foreign trade and distribution of meat as well as identifying the largest players.
Results: EasyLink provided in-depth analysis of the Czech meat market based on desk research, expert interviews, store checks and other sources and methods. The report covered market size estimation and forecast, market segmentation, leading producers, market trends, driving factors, financial figures, meat distribution channels and other aspects.

German supplier of nutritional products for children looking for IT partners to establish a support lab

Completion: 2006 - 08
Target markets: SK
Objective: A German company was looking for IT companies in Slovakia that would establish and operate a “support lab” for PLM software. The client’s requirements for potential partners included having at least 10 engineers with JAVA, SQL, XML, HTML, Pro/Engineer and CATIA V5 experience.
Results: We identified a total of 21 IT companies in Slovakia fulfilling the client’s criteria. Our report included detailed information on all prospective partners such as data on the number of employees and engineers, annual turnover and contact person as well as PC infrastructure of the company, experience with PLM, CAD, ERP and company references.

Exploring opportunities for a bagel specialist in the Czech market

Completion: 2006 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our U.S. client wished to explore opportunities and conditions of exporting bagel producing know-how, frozen bagels and/or cream cheese into the Czech Republic, specifically looking at the operator of Bohemia Bagel stores in Prague as a prospective partner and customer. EasyLink was requested to identify tariffs and duties, calculate landed cost for client’s products and provide information on documentation used. We were also asked to screen and carry out interviews with distributors and representatives as well as due diligence.
Results: The consultant met with the prospective partner and customer to discuss the bagel business, pricing structures, procurement of bagels and specific opportunities for partnership. The client was provided with meeting notes as well as summary of perceived potential. Further, the consultant communicated with shipping companies to obtain their quotes to be able to calculate the landed cost for sea (20-foot refrigerated container) and air shipment. The client was also provided with import duties and VAT. The landed cost we calculated (purchasing cost for local distributor/industrial buyer) was actually higher than even the top end of the current range of retail prices, and the client was informed that unless their ex-work price can be significantly reduced, business potential is probably rather limited for direct exports. Therefore, we recommended exploring other alternatives of cooperation, such as sale or lease of know-how, i.e. local production under a license agreement or providing a professional training package on commercial basis to help local firms improve their own production quality.

Leading pizza chain evaluates the Czech market

Completion: 2006 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink assisted one of the largest pizza franchises in the United States and around the world by identifying prospective franchisees in the Czech Republic and scheduling meetings with the top candidates. The client specified three particular criteria (related to the number of units to be open, financial requirements and proven restaurant and/or retail management experience) that the prospective partners had to meet.
Results: In June 2006, their international business development manager travelled to the Czech Republic from overseas to meet three prospective franchisees on two consecutive days. EasyLink not only pre-selected the targets, but also closely screened the companies to confirm they meet all the given criteria and are interested and capable to open pizza delivery outlets and possibly a small number of sit-down restaurants with table service. In the initial screening process EasyLink reviewed close to 40 companies, out of which 21 pre-qualified targets were approached. EasyLink consultant also met the client before his one-to-one meetings with the prospective franchisees in order to provide background information about the targets as well as market insight.

Seafood supplier from Iceland targeting the Czech and Slovak markets

Completion: 2005 - 04
Target markets: CZ+SK
Objective: Our task was to carry out customized market research for this seafood supplier that visited as part of a trade mission to the Czech Republic and Slovakia headed by the Trade Council of Iceland. We were also asked to set up one-to-one meetings and prepare detailed itineraries.
Results: Our client’s 3-day program included appointments with 6 Czech and 5 Slovak leading importers and distributors of frozen food and seafood.

Study of the Czech fruits and vegetables market

Completion: 2005 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to prepare an in-depth market study.
Results: Our report provided a clear insight into the Czech fruits and vegetables markets characterized by a relatively high share of self-suppliers and steadily growing annual per capita consumption that at the time of writing this report reached 72.5 kg of fresh fruit, 79.4 kg of fresh vegetables and 76 kg of potatoes. The study also addressed various points of interest to the client – market size, latest development pertaining to e.g. legal aspects, competition and trends in consumption as well as future development and forecasts.

Multiple market entry assistance tasks carried for a Portuguese supplier of fruit juices

Completion: 2005 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to carry out a series of tasks (market research, distributor assessment, matchmaking, focus group and additional “smaller” market studies) to assist the client in entering the Czech market.
Results: Our almost 50-page report provided a very detailed description of the Czech juice market (which had been the fastest growing food product category in hypermarkets, supermarkets and independent retail stores, as the consumption of juices and nectars doubled from mid-1990s to mid-2000s, reaching 260 litters per capita in 2004). This report addressed for instance behaviour of Czech customers, juice market structure and trends, competitive analysis of brands, product assortment (in the Czech Republic, orange juices enjoy more popularity than apple juices, whereas most EU countries show a more balanced relationship between these two types), packaging and price positioning, distribution structure including price structure along the distribution chain, and marketing activities. Moreover, we prepared detailed profiles of the top seven suppliers. During the work on this project EasyLink’s consulting team carried out a number of thorough checks in selected stores to analyse placement and extent of promotion of juices and to analyse prices and product packaging and their size. As another step in the market assistance process we run a focus group where selected juices were tasted and evaluated by respondents. In addition, we prepared two shorter, yet detailed studies, of the mineral water and canned vegetable products and ketchups markets (addressing e.g. leading brands, shelf display structure space, packaging types and volumes). The studies were followed by selection of prospective distribution partners and preparation of a distributor scorecard that ranked the leading 6 prospects according to preset criteria (compatible product portfolio, interest in partnership with the client, presence in the HORECA sector, and market power).

U.K. supplier of honey targeting the Czech market

Completion: 2005 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A small family-owned business that has expanded rapidly in recent years sees the Czech Republic as a potential market for its speciality ranges of honey and honey spreads that account for 20% of their sales. The company would like EasyLink to identify opportunities and recommend qualified partners in the Czech Republic.
Results: The consultant pre-selected and approached 17 prospects already distributing complementary products such as jams, sweet specialties, delicacies, preserved fruit etc. During the in-market visit (which the client was extremely satisfied with as well as the work on his behalf), the client met with 4 potential distribution partners – highly qualified and ready to discuss partnership terms and opportunities.

Taking over distribution of cranberry juice

Completion: 2004 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink temporarily took over distribution of cranberry juice from a U.S.-Hungarian producer, after one of the top three retail chains in the Czech Republic, Tesco, showed strong interest in having the product on their shelves.
Results: EasyLink took an extensive role in determining the impact of import duties, taxes, and logistic costs and proposed, and negotiated with Tesco, an appropriate wholesale price. We contracted and controlled a specialized distribution company providing physical delivery of requested quantities directly to individual Tesco stores throughout the Czech Republic. We also monitored the entire sales process and results. Additionally, EasyLink also approached a number of independent wholesalers and distributors for the horeca sector and independent food stores to further develop nationwide distribution coverage.

Identifying and profiling producers of mineral water in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2004 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our Dutch client requested a list of producers of mineral water.
Results: We prepared profiles of ten producers of mineral water (the total production volume amounted to 811 million litters of mineral water in the Czech Republic in 2003).

Spanish supplier of onion and garlic visiting Slovakia

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify and approach prospective partners and prepare a detailed itinerary.
Results: Altogether 16 importers and traders with vegetables and fruits were approached and their qualification and interest in importing our client’ produce assessed. During his one-day visit to Slovakia in December 2004 the client met with 3 leading distributors of fruits and vegetables to discuss specific business opportunities identified by EasyLink; all the companies were particularly strong in stocking multinational chains of hypermarkets and supermarkets as well as specialized retailers of fruit and vegetables.

Preparing an overview of the Czech and Slovak food retail sectors

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our repeat-business client requested an overview of the food retail sector that could be used as promotional material for SIAL Paris, the biggest food industry trade fair in Europe in 2004.
Results: Our analysis highlighted that the structure of the Czech and Slovak food retail market has changed dramatically since mid –1990’s (in 1996, there were only two hypermarkets in the Czech Republic!), small and independent stores have lost their market shares, and the market had become dominated by international hypermarket chains that offer lower prices, wider selection, longer hours of operation etc. In 2003, hypermarkets were the main shopping place for FMCG for 37% of Czech shoppers (compared to Hungary – 29% of shoppers, Poland – 15% and Slovakia – 14%). In 2004, shoppers in Slovakia were still more likely to shop for groceries at their local store with 1 or 2 cash registers or supermarket (29% and 28% of shoppers respectively) rather than a hypermarket (14%) due to the lack of larger stores in many parts of the country.

Overview of the Czech beer industry

Completion: 2002 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: We were asked to provide an overview of the Czech beer industry.
Results: EasyLink prepared an over 30-page overview of the 18-million hectolitre Czech beer industry where top 10 producers account for 76% of total production. Each of the leading producers were profiled in detail to present information on their history, privatisation and current ownership. Our report also addressed political and technical aspects of privatisation of breweries and media coverage of the beer market.

Feasibility study - demographic and marketing analysis

Completion: 2002 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was approached with a request for statistical & marketing analysis focused on the population of Prague and assessment of market potential for a coffeehouse.
Results: EasyLink’s study gathered detailed data and analysed the population in Prague including economic activity and income characteristics, administrative, demographic and traffic structure by district (among other items we identified the busiest stations on each of the three metro lines). We also recommended prospective locations for a new coffeehouse (we identified the key locations and supplied their maps and detailed location description). We also analysed coffee consumption and Prague’s coffeehouse market (identifying competitors in individual city districts – Prague 1-10).

Researching opportunities on the Czech wine market

Completion: 1999 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to research the wine market in the Czech Republic, focusing on import and distribution of foreign wines. Special attention was to be paid to imports of French and Moldavian wines.
Results: EasyLink identified and approached 26 prospective partners and evaluated their interest in working with a new supplier of wine. Our research showed that the prospective partners tend to import French wines directly from producers and distribute them both directly to important clients (hotels, restaurants) and through local wholesalers.

Identifying distributors for high quality cranberry juice in the Czech Republic and Poland

Completion: 1999 - 06
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: U.S.-Hungarian venture producing quality cranberry juice in Hungary from imported U.S. cranberries contracted EasyLink to identify prospective distribution/wholesale partners in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Results: EasyLink identified, screened and scheduled meetings with prospective partners. The client’s itinerary for the Czech Republic included 8 meetings arranged for three consecutive days in June 1999.

Identifying distributors for a U.S. producer of baking powders

Completion: 1999 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify prospective distribution partners and schedule meetings with companies with confirmed interest in one-to-one discussion with the client.
Results: The client, represented by an exclusive distributor for Central and Eastern Europe, visited the Czech Republic in May 1999 to meet the top 5 prospects EasyLink recommended.

Co-organizing a festival of Czech beer in South Africa

Completion: 1998 - 12
Target markets: South Africa
Objective: Co-organizing a festival of Czech beer in South Africa
Results: Together with a Czech-African association, EasyLink organized a festival of Czech beer in Cape Town, South Africa, with the participation of several leading breweries from the Czech Republic.

Study of the Czech almond market for a member of the Almond Board of California

Completion: 1998 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to ascertain the availability of almonds in the retail sector as home baking ingredients and snack food by carrying out interviews with food processing companies and retailers.
Results: Our report mapped where and how almonds are sold throughout the country (e.g. street kiosks and small specialized shops sell loose almonds –mainly natural, blanched salted or smoked as well as in brown sugar while in retail stores 100 g packs prevail), type of packaging used and type of almonds demanded.