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Automobilový průmysl

Benchmarking and lean design consultants take an interest in Turkey

Completion: 2023 - 05
Target markets: TR
Objective: A consulting company with a proven track record in design and manufacturing optimization, benchmarking, reverse engineering, and supply chain management, primarily in the automotive industry, asked EasyLink to research the Turkish market and provide a shortlist of the large-volume electric car, scooter, and motorbike manufacturers or their Tier 1 suppliers.
Results: The Easylink consultant in Turkey researched the market and drew up a list of 12 potential E-vehicle partners. After developing a tailored offer for each company, the consultant approached all of them and presented them with the client’s offer of cooperation. Two companies were immediately interested in hearing more information about the offer, one of which being a key Turkish OEM exporter. Virtual meetings were arranged shortly, with the client appreciating such great contacts.

A long-term client orders new countries for the yearly automotive costs project

Completion: 2023 - 02
Target markets:

Czech software developer seeks off-shoring partners in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary

Completion: 2022 - 10
Target markets: PL,SK,HU
Objective: Our client, a member of the VW Group, who previously requested off-shoring studies for other CEE countries, requested that we identify, contact and profile potential future project partners based on predetermined set of parameters and requirements, which included specific skill knowledge, company size, team composition, etc. The markets of interest were Slovakia, Hungary, and the south of Poland.
Results: Firstly, EasyLink in-market consultants compiled a list of 66 potential partners that fully or partially fit the requirements set forth by the client. Then, all best-fitting potential partners were contacted at the top-level management level and requested to fill out a questionnaire modeled after the client’s criteria and as well to indicate their project capacity in the near future. The project yielded a total of 17 interested companies in the 3 countries, all of which fit the client’s criteria. Additional 8 companies were presented to the client as runner-ups as they only partially fit the requirements.

Interviews with car workshops and battery resellers in Romania

Completion: 2022 - 04
Target markets: RO
Objective: The client was interested in the B2B survey along the value chain in the Romanian aftermarket of starter batteries to evaluate the decision-making process at the retail and workshop level.
Results: EasyLink consultant conducted a total of 16 in-depth interviews with wholesalers, distributors, battery specialists and workshops and collected valuable information on the aftermarket and the client's brand awareness in the market.

A long-term client orders new countries for the yearly automotive costs project

Completion: 2022 - 02
Target markets:

German company requests specific data pertaining to freight transport by road in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary

Completion: 2021 - 03
Target markets: CZ,SK,HU
Objective: The client was researching the road transport market in selected countries and was unable to find all the required information in public sources and turned to EasyLink for help. They were particularly interested in the following information: the number of road transport companies (by number of employees), a list of top vehicle leasing companies, information on the share/level of leased vehicles and vehicle stock by ownership.
Results: Our in-market consultants were able to gather almost all of the required information, in many cases officially engaging the local Ministry of Transport, the National Statistical Offices and relevant associations. Where information was not available, our consultants at least provided estimates based on newly registered vehicle statistics and other supplementary data.

A long-term client orders new countries for the yearly automotive costs project

Completion: 2021 - 02
Target markets:

Japanese company tasked EasyLink to identify prospective dealers in 3 CEE markets

Completion: 2020 - 12
Target markets: PL,RO,UA
Objective: A Japanese company specializing in the worldwide export of motorcycles from Japan was interested in expanding its export scope to Poland, Ukraine and Romania. The company guarantees delivery, shipping preparations, packing containers, documentation and customs clearance of exported motorbikes. EasyLink was commissioned to help them identify suitable dealers in target markets.
Results: EasyLink consultants in Polonia, Romania and Ukraine conducted market research focused on resellers of used motorbikes. All identified companies were approached with a collaboration proposal. In Poland, 7 out of 8 companies were interested in the business opportunity. In Romania, 3 out of 8 companies agreed to proceed to further negotiation, and in Ukraine, our consultant found 3 companies interested in cooperation. Almost all of the companies who had previous experience with used motorcycles imported from Japan expressed satisfaction with Japanese brands and quality.

General assistance report from Turkey for a US company

Completion: 2020 - 09
Target markets: TR
Objective: EasyLink was approached with an interesting task to carry out a short report on custom fees in Turkey related to the one-off import of a US car. The car was to be imported with a suite of sensors installed on a customer´s specific request. The car was supposed to be also used for research purposes.
Results: EasyLink provided information on general import as well as vehicle import procedures. However, to gather or confirm the needed information, it was necessary to interview experts from companies specialized in Custom consulting and/or car imports. It turned out that the US car model can be bought and modified in the US and shipped to Turkey only if the car is new and was not registered in the US yet. If the car was already registered in the US, it could generally not be imported into Turkey, as it is counted as a second-hand car. EasyLink provided the client with a useful set of recommendations on how to facilitate the import or even avoid high import taxes.

Finnish windscreen producer seeks partners in the Czech and Slovak markets

Completion: 2020 - 07
Target markets: CZ,SL
Objective: To contact pre-selected potential partners using telephone interviews in order to introduce the Finnish windscreens manufacturer for commercial vehicles and heavy-duty machinery and to identify their interest in a new supplier.
Results: Out of the 8 listed companies 3 showed interest in further discussion of the proposed cooperation opportunity.

Swedish automotive engineering company screens Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia for potential suppliers

Completion: 2020 - 03
Target markets: CZ,SK,PL
Objective: A Swedish engineering company with clients in the Swedish automotive industry wished to establish contact with automotive parts and SW development companies in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to find partners (suppliers/contractors) for its existing and new business. As the client wished to learn fairly specific information about the potential partners, we suggested developing a questionnaire that would eventually prove to be very helpful in selecting the best-suited prospects for future projects.
Results: As part of the first phase of the project, the client was presented with a list of potential partners in the 3 countries - emphasis was put on known capabilities (CAD projects for automotive clients, embedded SW development, etc.), references and size. Out of the 21 companies on the initial list in Poland, the client selected 14 for targeting and in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, 12 companies were chosen from the initial list of 22 prospects. The project generated 15 interested and highly eligible leads, all of whom filled out the questionnaire. The client commented: "Thank you for the successful outcome with a high number of qualified contacts. Your skilled team have done a great job. I am sure there will be many of interest."

A long-term client orders new countries for the yearly automotive costs project

Completion: 2020 - 02
Target markets:

Annual research on salaries and energy costs in the automotive industry in selected markets of Europe and Asia

Completion: 2020 - 02
Target markets: SI&PL&RU&RO&ES&TR&KR&JP…
Objective: A leading global car manufacturer has commissioned yearly research into labor costs (salaries, taxes, fringes, benefits, etc.) and other production (e.g., energy) costs in several European countries and Russia. In Russia, the research has an additional regional focus, studying 7 different parts of the country. An update is required annually. Further countries in Western Europe and Asia were later also commissioned to our team, thus gradually expanding the project into one with nearly global reach.
Results: EasyLink conducted annual research updates on automotive and general industry labor and energy costs in Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania) and Russia. After several years of consistently reliable, high-quality delivery to the client's satisfaction, the client gradually extended our responsibilities to also cover markets in Western Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, UK) and Asia (Turkey, South Korea, Japan) - a total of 16 countries.

Identifying producers of electric motorcycles in the Czech Republic and Poland

Completion: 2019 - 12
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a US company that recently developed a new braking system for motorcycles as well as military vehicles to identify potential customers.
Results: EasyLink identified and profiled seven potential customers – companies developing and producing electric motorcycles.

German company assessing market opportunities for independent heating in CZE, SVK, HUN, RO and SLO

Completion: 2019 - 07
Target markets: CZ, RO, HU, SK, SI
Objective: German company whose product portfolio consists of heating systems (FOH) for special-purpose vehicles, air conditioning and cooling systems for the vehicle segments or retrofitting of independent heaters, expressed interest in a targeted market survey.
Results: For each country, the report included detailed data on the current vehicle stock and predictions on its development, overview of the largest spare parts dealers, profiles of new potential customers as well as specific information related to the product provided by interviewed stakeholders. We also met the client´s wishes to receive information on technical, economic, cultural and legal requirements in targeted countries, all in a timely manner.

Targeting producers and service providers for planes and helicopters for commercial aviation

Completion: 2018 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify, approach, and arrange face-to-face meetings with potential business partners and customers from the Czech Republic. Our U.S. client was attending the Helitech International show in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) in October 2018.
Results: 17 companies pre-selected by the client from our unqualified list were approached. Three sales leads were identified and direct communication with the companies was encouraged.

UK exhausts manufacturer targets top car parts distributors in Hungary and Slovakia

Completion: 2018 - 09
Target markets: HU&SK
Objective: Our client, a UK producer of exhausts, became interested in the CEE market because of the older car fleet in this region, which may present an opportunity to sell their ‘surplus to UK requirements’. Having already targeted the Czech Republic and Poland through a previous project, the client now wished to explore opportunities in Slovakia and Hungary and organize meetings with interested parties at the Automechanika fair in Germany.
Results: EasyLink approached the top 10 car parts and exhausts distributors in Slovakia (Czech Republic-based companies were excluded) and 27 distributors in Hungary. 4 companies in Slovakia and 6 companies in Hungary were interested in further talks with the client. In total, 7 meetings were arranged to také place at the Automechanika fair in Frankfurt.

Completion: 2018 - 08
Target markets: Skor,Jap

Italian supplier of high-tech electronic equipment for aeronautics and automotive evaluating 4 markets

Completion: 2018 - 08
Target markets: DR,BG,SI,HU
Objective: The client requested an initial market overview of the automotive components sector to help them understand current trends and business potential in several target countries which were identified by previous research. The objective of this research, as the next step in longer support in cooperation with our lead partner, is to help the company understand the level of potential for their exports to short-listed target markets in more detail, and to recommend the best route(s) to market and steps to také to pursue this potential. The client selected Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Hungary for this initial study.
Results: EasyLink prepared comprehensive reports with a focus on automotive & electric vehicle production, the automotive component market incl. import data for relevant products (powertrain, energy management), overview of competitors and target groups. Based on our reports the client will be able to target its export activities and choose the market(s) with the highest potential for its products.

A Czech embedded systems developer assesses off-shoring opportunities in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Ukraine

Completion: 2018 - 05
Target markets: BG,RO,RS,UA
Objective: The client, an embedded systems HW/SW developer for the automotive industry and an intra-group engineering partner for the VW Group, wished to study countries with presumed lower costs as potential off-shore locations. EasyLink was to suggest regions/cities in pre-selected countries (Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria) with a high concentration of IT graduates and provide data for each of these regions as well as country-wide information on the countries’ economic performance, costs of establishing business, labor code information, etc. The criteria studied for each location included average and IT specialist salaries, availability of IT-educated workforce, average monthly office rent and quality of local Universities with IT programes. EasyLink was also tasked to provide profiles of qualified potential partners with their own HW/SW capabilities the client could potentially use for outsourcing.
Results: EasyLink selected 4-5 cities in each country of interest and provided highly comparable data for all the required criteria. We also compiled a comprehensive one-pager with information on all the selected regions and criteria and interviewed Czech companies with established branches in the respective countries to gain more information on success factors and potential obstacles to establishing a local office.

U.S. manufacturer of lubricants and fluids for the automotive aftermarket sector screens the Polish market

Completion: 2018 - 01
Target markets: PL
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify and approach prospective distribution partners in Poland and evaluate their interest in cooperation.
Results: We contacted 18 prospects preselected by the client from the initial list we prepared in February 2017. Our efforts generated three leads among potential distribution partners as well as one potential customer who expressed interest in selected products and wished to be contacted directly once the distribution partner in Poland was appointed. We instructed the client to contact the potential distribution partners immediately to initiate direct communication with them; we also provided hints on how to effectively establish direct communication with the companies.

UK exhausts manufacturer targets top car parts distributors in Poland and the Czech Republic

Completion: 2017 - 09
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: A manufacturer & distributor of exhaust systems for the automotive market sought to find distributors/importers in the automotive replacement market in both Poland and the Czech Republic. The project was a follow-up phase of a partner search carried out in 2015. In addition to re-approaching and meeting interesting parties, the client also wished to gain more understanding of the particularities of the local markets, notably the age and composition of the car fleets.
Results: EasyLink focused on approaching car parts distributors and exhaust manufacturers with the potential to order container-loads of exhaust systems. Altogether, 52 companies were approached in the 2 markets and 7 meetings were arranged for a visit in September 2017, including with the largest exhausts producer and the 2nd largest car parts distributor in the Czech Republic and also with Intercars, the biggest distributor of automotive parts not only in Poland but in the whole Central and Eastern Europe.

Another project for a Polish injection moulds producer and service provider, this time in Slovakia

Completion: 2017 - 06
Target markets: SK
Objective: After completing a successful project in the Czech Republic, our client, a Polish producer and service provider for large moulds for plastics injection moulding and aluminium pressure die-casting, sets for Slovakia.
Results: EasyLink carried out a project of similar scope as in the Czech Republic. We submitted a database of 38 car parts producers involved in injection moulding and aluminium pressure die-casting for the client’s review. 27 top leads were contacted by our Bratislava-based consultant and 6 companies expressed interest in meeting, 4 from the injection moulding and 2 from the high-pressure die-casting industry. EasyLink arranged 6 meetings during two visits in autumn 2017.

Polish injection moulds catch the eye of Czech car parts producers

Completion: 2017 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Polish branch of a European producer and service provider for large moulds for plastics injection moulding and aluminium pressure die-casting wished to gain more contacts in the Czech automotive industry. Already cooperating with 2 local blue chip automotive parts producers, they wished to offer their competitive services for large moulds to new potential partners involved in injection moulding and pressure die-casting of large car parts.
Results: The automotive industry, including the manufacture of components, is a crucial part of the Czech economy accounting for 23% of the manufacturing output. It was thus no wonder that EasyLink initially gathered an impressive pool of 80 potential clients known to have large moulds. A database of top 50 potential partners with details on their machinery or manufactured products was presented to the client for comments and review. As the entire list was approved, our Prague-based consultant proceeded to contact top leads with the largest moulds as that is where the client's capabilities are known to be most competitive. Out of the 29 contacted companies, 8 agreed to meet the client, including Plakor (supplier of bumpers and spoilers to Kia and Hyundai), IAC Group (one of the largest producers of large interior car parts) and Aisin Europe Manufacturing (alu castings for large car makers). Easylink arranged 7 meetings in the spring of 2017 and assisted the client with travel and interpreter arrangements when required.

Set up meetings with key automotive producers in Poland and Romania

Completion: 2016 - 11
Target markets: PL,RO
Objective: The consultants will identify and contact leading automotive component manufacturers and other suitable targets in Poland and Romania to discuss the client's capability and assess interest in meeting with the company in November.
Results: EasyLink consultants in Poland and Romania approached a total of 7 leading automotive manufacturers in Poland and 22 in Romania. 3 companies were positive in Poland and EasyLink arranged a personal meeting with 1 (FIAT) while the client was advised to start direct email communication with the remaining two companies. In Romania, EasyLink arranged 6 meetings (e.g. Ford, Johnson Controls, Federal Moguls Autoparts, etc.) and provided in-market support in both countries.

U.S. manufacturer of chemicals for modifying the surface of fluoropolymers seeks partners in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2016 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to approach potential customers in the Czech Republic to arrange meetings at the „K 2016“ fair held in Dusseldorf, Germany in October 2016; it is the world’s number one trade fair for plastics and rubber.
Results: We approached 14 companies in the Czech Republic. Potential customers were selected as follows: we reviewed the list of exhibitors at the K 2016 fair from the Czech Republic and approached those that work with fluoropolymers, we re-approached companies that the client met during their visit to the Czech Republic in 2011, and we identified other prospective partners such as producers of wiring cables, tapes, automotive parts, seals and gaskets, and those involved in the chemical transfer and high-temperature chemical processing.

Approaching potential customers in Russia

Completion: 2016 - 04
Target markets: RU
Objective: The client designs and manufactures machinery to build and repair large motors in more than 60 countries around the world. Their customers include virtually all of the world’s major railroads, mining equipment companies and electrical equipment manufacturers.
Results: We approached three companies (a shipyard, gold mining company, and steel works) pre-selected by the client to set up appointments for the client for their trip to Russia in April 2016. During our communication with managers of these companies we inquired into their procurement and maintenance practices pertaining to large electric motors.

Poland: Assisting with the recruitment of staff for a local branch

Completion: 2016 - 03
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client provides technical documentation services to large car manufacturers. After learning of a new business opportunity with one of their main customers the client requested our assistance with hiring of professionals for a shop they would need to set up in Poland (with potential to hire up to 15 employees).
Results: We worked with the client on the content of a job ad. We placed the job ad on behalf of the client on the two most popular job portals in Poland. We further prepared lists of candidates by salary and explained the key rules pertaining to employment in Poland.

Completion: 2015 - 10
Target markets: CZ&PL
Objective: Project cancelled

Arranging meetings for a U.S. producer of automotive components

Completion: 2015 - 07
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client produces battery cables, wiring harnesses, panel assemblies and related components for some of the most respected OEMs around the world. EasyLink was requested to identify qualified and keen distribution partners and schedule appointments for a July 2015 market visit to Poland.
Results: In stage one EasyLink prepared short profiles of 25 prospective partners. The client selected the top 18 candidates to be approached in stage two. Following initial calls company managers were provided detailed information via email. Meetings were arranged with the top three candidates. Due to extensive travel, the client (this visit was undertaken by the Global Sales Manager based in the Netherlands) requested EasyLink to schedule just one meeting per day. The client praised the high quality of all three selected companies! Within a few weeks after the visit the client appointed one of the companies as their official distributor in Poland; the key positive factors that led to the selection of this company were their best customer base and interest to invest in their sales organization.

Customer search for a Czech manufacturer of heat exchangers in Poland

Completion: 2015 - 07
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client produces heat exchangers that are used in diesel-engine-powered construction, agricultural, material moving, recreational (all-terrain four-wheel / ATV) and other vehicles, and even in diesel-powered generators and production machinery. EasyLink was commissioned to deliver a list of manufacturers of vehicles and machinery with diesel engines (any machinery/vehicles: agriculture, construction, recreational (ATV), material handling, generators, production machinery etc.); Diesel engines from 0 to 50 kW, with water cooling. Size – producing above 500 units annually.
Results: EasyLink consultant in Poland compiled a list of manufacturers of vehicles and machinery with diesel engines based on the client’s specifications. The delivered database included all contact details (company name, address, website, phone number, name of contact person (purchasing/procurement/executive manager), company description, specification of vehicles manufactured and diesel engines used, volume of manufactured vehicles, ownership structure).

Company background check and gathering information on certification requirements in Romania

Completion: 2015 - 03
Target markets: RO
Objective: U.S. supplier of liquids for the automotive sector requested a confidential background check on a prospective distribution partner and wished to confirm whether certification was indeed required for the client’s products in Romania.
Results: A number of secondary resources such as business directories, websites of the prospective partner and the Romanian Automotive Register were researched during the course of the project. EasyLink also interviewed a specialist from the Homologation Department of the Romanian Automotive Register in order to assess whether product certification was indeed required and to provide an insight into the certification process.

Swiss Association of Electrical and mechanical engineering companies evaluating the potential of the Czech market

Completion: 2015 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The Association wished to evaluate the market potential in several industrial sub-segments and identify key clients for its members among leading local OEM automotive suppliers.
Results: EasyLink provided summaries of the targeted industrial sub-segments including the number of companies, total revenues, market leaders and opportunities for exporters. Furthermore, the consultant drafted detailed profiles of 10 leading Tier-1/2 automotive suppliers, including personal contact details of procurement managers and information on procurement procedures gathered through short interviews.

Identifying prospective distribution partners in Poland

Completion: 2014 - 12
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client had recently obtained global distribution rights for a biodegradable, non-flammable penetrating lubricant. In the fall of 2014, the client was ready to expand internationally and commissioned EasyLink to identify prospective partners in Poland.
Results: We delivered short profiles of 15 prospective partners. The pool of candidates included companies dealing with various products for a wide range of industrial sectors such as automotive, mechanical, repairs, and many more as well as importers of products in bulk packaging that they repack in smaller bottles and cans (including aerosol type).

Customized market overview of the Czech automotive industry

Completion: 2014 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client would like to better understand the automotive industry in the Czech Republic, focusing on market structure and size, recent development and prospects for growth, cluster regions, number of automotive companies and major players, and potential customer base - producers of plastic automotive parts, and competitive situation. As an additional question, the client would like to identify a specific EU regulation regarding Emissions.
Results: The output of the project was a customized report detailing the structure and size of the automotive sector (volume of production), geographical location of automotive manufacturers, major players, major components producers, suppliers of plastic components and major competitors to the client’s products.

Completion: 2014 - 08
Target markets: Hu,BG,RO

Compiling a long list of automotive trade partners in Poland for a Swiss distributor of electric drives

Completion: 2014 - 04
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client wished to research and identify suitable trade partners (distributors/industrial resellers) in Poland currently importing or distributing electric industrial actuators for valves and industrial dampers, control valves, pneumatic actuators, process automation equipment, etc.
Results: EasyLink compiled an initial list of 26 companies based on criteria defined by the client. The database included the name, contact details, website and profile of all prospects for review and further selection by the client.

Searching customers in China for a UK manufacturer of felt components for sealing insulation

Completion: 2014 - 04
Target markets: China
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify and profile potential customers among automotive companies focusing notably on seating and interior products, procuring products such as non-wovens for use in the moulding of foam seat backs and cushions, cut and sewn headrest covers, cut and sewn door panels/armrests/gear shifter covers focusing on seating and interiors, automotive companies focusing on air-conditioning and filtration, manufacturers of white goods (washing machines, tumble dryers), etc.
Results: We produced a 35-page report including market insight into the target market sectors, a summary of responses from contacted prospects (40 companies) and a detailed meeting itinerary. We managed to arrange meetings with 3 major automotive manufacturers (Yanfeng Johnson Controls Automotive Seating, Delphi Automotive Air-Conditioning Systém and Changshu branch of Yanfeng Johnson Controls).

Development of a contact database for automotive paint shops

Completion: 2014 - 03
Target markets: SK
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to compile a database of 400-600 medium to large car repair shops and car painting shops.
Results: The required data, which included name, address and contact details, were entered in an MS Access/Excel database. The comprehensive database gave the client a good understanding of the number and locations of car repair shops. The client used the database for their further sales activities in Slovakia.

U.S. powder metal parts manufacturer seeking customers in CZ

Completion: 2014 - 02
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client commissioned EasyLink to compile a list of major Czech automotive manufacturers and investigate their sourcing needs related to powder metal parts.
Results: We provided the client with a spreadsheet file with detailed statements of 20 companies we approached in the Czech Republic to inquire into their sourcing practices related to PM parts. Initially, the consultant in the Czech Republic contacted the companies over the phone to very briefly introduce the client and their products. The managers were asked whether they already source (or plan to do so in the future) PM parts and whether they are open to being contacted directly by the client. Their statements were provided in a spreadsheet together with names and contact details of relevant managers and their ability to communicate in English. Our work generated 10 prospective leads - 4 companies were classified as high-priority prospects with the most potential plus 6 companies wished to be provided additional information. We recommended the client to approach managers of those 10 companies as soon as possible - they had confirmed interest in direct communication. Three additional companies needed more information before making a decision. They expressed interest in receiving more information, but by the way they responded, the consultant did not believe immediate business potential existed.

U.S. manufacturer of medium-sized truck bodies wishes to attend trade shows in the CEE

Completion: 2013 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The company owners have expressed an interest in exploring the European markets, and recently attended the IAA show in Hanover, Germany and are planning on visiting the CVS (Commercial Vehicles Show) in Birmingham in April 2013. The Authorized Trade Representative was requested to identify relevant trade shows in the CEE region.
Results: 16 fairs were identified in 7 CEE countries and we prepared short profiles of the relevant fairs.

U.K. manufacturer of trailers expanding on the Czech market

Completion: 2013 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The client is a manufacturer and supplier of commercial, industrial and agricultural trailers. The company has received product inquiries from the Czech Republic and wishes to explore the market’s potential by undertaking targeted research and a market visit. Our task was to identify Czech distributors: commercial vehicle dealers who sell trucks and trailers, construction equipment such as excavators, road making equipment, forestry equipment, waste removal/recycling equipment and agricultural dealers - supplying tractors, excavators and larger wheeled or agricultural machines. Another task was to gain information on competitors selling similar products in the market
Results: In the course of this project, we approached a total of 40 companies and arranged 7 meetings with potential partners.

U.S. custom motorcycle manufacturer assessing its potential in Russia and Ukraine

Completion: 2013 - 03
Target markets: UA&RU
Objective: Having successfully added two new distributors in Europe in 2012 (France and Norway), our client wished to expand eastward and eyed the markets of Russia and Ukraine. We were asked to identify suitable distribution partners, approach them with the offer and compile profiles of positive companies.
Results: EasyLink carried out research of the respective markets to identify prospective partners and approached relevant managers within the companies with the partnership proposal. EasyLink then prepared detailed travel itineraries together with profiles of all the prospects interested and ready to meet the client. EasyLink arranged 7 quality meetings.

Partner search in Russia and Ukraine for a U.S. truck manufacturer

Completion: 2013 - 03
Target markets: UA&RU
Objective: The client remanufactures and builds trucks and spare parts for trucks (rears, transmissions and many crash parts) and asks EasyLink to identify suitable distribution partners in Russian and Ukraine.
Results: The consultants in Russia and Ukraine shortlisted and profiled 26 potential partners in Russia and 28 in Ukraine. They verified the relevant contacts at managerial level within the companies and approached them with the opportunity to assess partnership with the U.S. client. After collecting their final decisions the consultants set up 5 meetings in each country and provided the client with a detailed itinerary and in-market support where necessary.

Completion: 2012 - 11
Target markets: CZ,SK,PL,HU,RO,SI

Completion: 2012 - 08
Target markets: PL&RU

Quick information search in Slovenia and Slovakia

Completion: 2012 - 06
Target markets: SI&SK
Objective: The client requested verification of legal requirements for labelling of car tire repair kits in Slovenia and Slovakia, including language issues.
Results: EasyLink delivered the required responses within 72 hrs of project confirmation in the form of a short powerpoint presentation, following desk research complemented with an interview with a responsible authority in each country.

Research and analysis of statistics on salaries in automotive industry in Slovenia, Poland and Russia

Completion: 2012 - 05
Target markets: SI&PL&RU

Gathering data on re-registrations of buses in Poland

Completion: 2011 - 12
Target markets: PL
Objective: Our client wished to obtain information on the market volume of second-hand buses. EasyLink was commissioned to contact the administration in charge of keeping such statistics to request such data and to prepare a short summary of officially available data together with an explanation of why data are (or are not) available, and find other sources to give the client at least a rough market estimate.
Results: In 2010, the total number of sold buses (new and used) amounted to 21,500 vehicles, of which used buses accounted for an 83% share. The body responsible for primary data collection concerning the vehicle fleet in Poland is the Central Office of Car Registration (COCR) operated by the Ministry of Interior and Administration. Additional information is available on the websites of the Polish Association of Automotive Industry and the Central Statistical Office.

U.S. manufacturer of components for disc and drum brake hardware kits seeks distributors in Russia

Completion: 2011 - 07
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink is asked to assist the client by identifying distributors for brakes and automotive products experienced in deliveries to chain stores and retailers of auto parts and brake systems.
Results: We identified and approached key decision makers of a total of 25 pre-selected prospects to confirm their qualification and evaluate their interest in collaboration with the client.

Market research and partner search for a Czech supplier for automotive window foils

Completion: 2011 -
Target markets: SK,PL,HU
Objective: The Prague-based client sought assistance with the identification of prospective distribution partners in Hungary and Poland, while for Slovakia the aim was to interview prospective customers.
Results: During his three-day trips to Poland and Hungary, the client met with the top four companies in each country. In Slovakia, the consultant carried out structured interviews with owners or top managers of 18 companies involved in the application of film on cars. The interviews delivered valuable insight into purchasing practices, supplier expectations and consumption volumes pertaining to films.

U.K. producer of felt materials requests additional partner search projects

Completion: 2010 - 10
Target markets: SK&PL
Objective: This time our client sought assistance in Slovakia and Poland. We were asked to introduce the client to companies involved in the automotive, consumer electronics and HVAC industries.
Results: EasyLink consultants identified, approached and evaluated 23 companies in Slovakia and 21 in Poland. During the first week of February 2011, the client met 10 companies in Poland. The following week he travelled to Slovakia for 4 more appointments. The consultants accompanied the client for the entire 8-day trip providing logistics, interpretation and in-market assistance. The client met with representatives of the leading players in the sectors of interest such as Foxconn, Johnson Controls, Emerson, LG Electronics, Toshiba, Electrolux, and Funai.

In-depth market study: Two-wheeler tyre market in Poland

Completion: 2010 - 09
Target markets: PL
Objective: Several months after delivering a report on the Czech two-wheeler tyre market, the same client requested EasyLink to conduct another in-depth market analysis, this time in Poland.
Results: This study’s initial chapter addresses the market as per the breakdown of brands by segment, while the market overview section discusses the market size, historical and estimated growth, supply-demand situation, market segmentation, and key market trends in sales as well as rebates. The section on distribution maps the distribution structure of key players and discusses retail channels, shipping of tyres and warehousing. The study also analyses the competitive landscape in the market, focusing on key suppliers and dealers in Poland, plus regulatory framework and market opportunities. As the availability of authentic and reliable official data on the two-wheeler tyre market is minimal, we had to rely on information obtained during a significant number of phone and face-to-face interviews and relevant indirect secondary data. The two-wheeler (motorcycles, scooters and mopeds) fleet in Poland amounts to 1.8 million units. In 2009, over 163,000 two-wheelers were newly registered, of which almost 67% were brand-new vehicles.

Strategic analysis of the Czech automotive industry and market

Completion: 2010 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to deliver an in-depth assessment of the Czech automotive industry and market that has been built around three passenger cars manufacturers (Skoda, TPCA, Hyundai), two truck manufacturers (Tatra, Avia), four bus producers (Iveco, SOR, Tedom, KH Motor Centrum) and over 850 suppliers of automotive components. With over 975,000 vehicles manufactured in the Czech Republic in 2009, the country is the biggest producer of cars per capita in the world (100 vehicles per 1,000 people).
Results: Our in-depth research combined primary resources such as direct contact with market players and experts, field research and store checks as well as secondary resources (specialized publications, legislation, official reports, official trade registries, third-party reports, subscription-based company directories and media archives). The over 60-page market research report EasyLink prepared addressed many aspects such as market size and potential, structure and trends, competitive landscape (domestic producers, foreign suppliers and their distribution structure and structure of the aftermarket), end-user analysis, and legal and technical factors influencing the market.

U.S. producer of motorcycles exploring the Czech market

Completion: 2009 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was first asked to map the market and provide data on the size of the Czech motorcycle market, its demographics and import requirements as well as other market information. At the beginning of 2009, altogether 892,796 motorcycles were registered in the Czech Republic, with their average age approaching 32 years. The high number of old motorcycles is attributed to the fact that their owners almost never cancelled their registration after they stopped using them.
Results: After evaluating our market analysis, the client wished to identify prospective distribution partners in the Czech Republic. The consultant approached 14 pre-selected companies to introduce the client and present its motorcycles and to discuss potential partnership as well as their interest in further talks. The client was provided detailed profiles of qualified and keen entities.

U.K. producer of cut-out components of felt, rubber or textiles wishes to deliver to Czech manufacturers

Completion: 2009 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to identify prospective customers across three sectors of interest and evaluate their readiness to source from the client. EasyLink was asked to schedule meetings with businesses offering the most potential for our U.K. client.
Results: We approached 44 prospective customers involved in the automotive industry and production of consumer electronics and HVAC equipment to present the client’s products and collect feedback regarding potential cooperation. During his very successful in-market visit in February 2010, the client held face-to-face meetings with 8 companies.

Market study: Two-wheeler tyre market in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2009 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to deliver an in-depth study of the Czech two-wheeler tyre market to deliver the client a clear insight into the size of the market, growth trends, pricing, trends in distribution and sales channels as well as competitive environment including strategies of the key local players and major operational/infrastructural challenges and governmental regulations.
Results: Our research was based on a mixture of desk research (secondary resources included official statistics, car importers association, trade-specific fairs and magazines, company websites and various business databases and directories) and a significant number of phone and face-to-face unstructured and ad-hoc interviews with tyre manufacturers, distributors, dealers, store managers and other experts. We also carried out multiple store checks. We estimated that the annual demand for about 160,000 two-wheeler tyres is primarily generated by vehicles up to 15 years of age, which account for about 27% of the total two-wheeler fleet in the Czech Republic.

Russia: Market analysis and partner search for a Czech supplier of aluminium truck tanks for bulk materials

Completion: 2009 - 01
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink was enlisted by a leading Czech producer of environmental equipment to thoroughly analyze Russia’s aluminium tanks market and identify, approach, evaluate and recommend qualified and keen distribution partners.
Results: The consultant delivered an in-depth market report that addressed issues such as the production and sale of trucks and trailers, aluminium truck tanks market structure and market prices as well as market entry recommendations. Further, 20 pre-selected companies were approached and presented the client’s offer, of which 12 qualified entities confirmed interest in meeting the client to discuss partnership opportunities.

Manufacturer of truck extensions, container carriers, skips and containers targets two Baltic countries

Completion: 2008 - 11
Target markets: EE&LV
Objective: Our Czech client wished to identify potential customers in Estonia and Latvia for its containers, container carriers, and specially adjusted trucks. We were asked to target local construction companies, municipal utilities (technical services), waste collection companies and truck vendors.
Results: Local EasyLink consultants identified 39 potential partners, interviewed their decision makers in charge of selecting new business partners and presented them the client’s proposal and promotional materials. We then arranged face-to-face appointments with nine companies with confirmed interest & readiness in negotiating partnership terms and conditions.

Global supplier of braking products and components for agriculture and construction machinery seeks distributors

Completion: 2008 - 10
Target markets: RU
Objective: Identify, approach, evaluate and schedule meetings with qualified & interested aftermarket distribution partners as well as suppliers of agricultural and off-road vehicles in Russia
Results: The consultant approached and evaluated over 20 pre-selected companies and scheduled meetings with 5 aftermarket suppliers that expressed interest & readiness to discuss partnership opportunities with the client. The final report included not only a detailed meeting itinerary but also profiles of all prospective partners and market insight information.

Evaluating the Czech & Slovak markets for a British producer of sliding storage systems for special vehicles

Completion: 2008 - 10
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify and approach potential partners among local companies converting standard vehicles into special-purpose vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances or military armoured vehicles.
Results: EasyLink’s consultants identified and approached 25 companies in each country (50 in total) to present them with details on the scope of the partnership as well as the company and its products. A total of 10 Czech and 6 Slovak companies expressed interest in meeting the client.

Another partner search for a U.S. supplier of automotive wipers

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: RU
Objective: Identify, interview, evaluate and recommend prospective distribution partners for direct communication with the client
Results: We successfully introduced the client and its line of wipers to 21 pre-selected companies in Russia. After submitting detailed information, we evaluated the companies’ readiness and qualification in becoming a local distribution partner. We recommended the client a total of nine companies for further talks.

U.S. supplier of seals and gaskets looking for distribution in Poland

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: PL
Objective: Following a successful project previously done on behalf of this client in Russia, our services were again enlisted to identify, interview, evaluate and present a list of qualified distributors interested in becoming the client's partner in Poland.
Results: We approached 24 pre-selected entities to evaluate whether they constitute prospective business partners. We recommended the client to proceed with contacting four companies whose managers expressed readiness for further talks.

Identifying master importers of cars and confirming their presence at a trade fair

Completion: 2008 - 09
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink consulting team was requested to identify master importers of cars and small trucks to the Czech Republic and contact parts and accessories managers of a group of selected importers to establish their participation at AutoMechanika trade fair in Germany.
Results: The team identified master importers of cars and small trucks and conducted phone calls with parts managers of 5 car manufacturers selected by the client.

Czech manufacturer of automotive cold-formed metal components targets Slovenia

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: SI
Objective: To identify and approach end customers amongst Slovenian automotive Tier 1 and Tier 2 automotive suppliers
Results: EasyLink consultant in Slovenia identified and approached over 20 potential partners to present their senior managers with a partnership opportunity proposal. Four companies expressed interest in meeting the Czech company. EasyLink prepared a detailed two-day appointment itinerary for the client.

U.K.-based specialist in packaging for the automotive industry seeking sourcing partners in Slovakia and Romania

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: SK&RO
Objective: The U.K. manufacturer of steel cages for the automotive industry wished to cut production costs by selecting sourcing partners in Slovakia and Romania capable of producing quality products at a competitive cost and meeting specific criteria.
Results: EasyLink conducted market research into companies involved in steel construction and metal welding to identify over 50 prospective partners for further contact and evaluation of their qualifications and interest. The consultants prepared a short list of qualified companies (8 in Slovakia and 9 in Romania) whom the client should send designs for price quotation.

Global supplier of brake products for the agriculture and construction sectors seeks OEM customers in Russia

Completion: 2008 - 06
Target markets: RU
Objective: EasyLink’s assistance was enlisted to identify and approach potential customers amongst Russian OEMs of vehicles for off-highway applications, agricultural use, light construction and material handling.
Results: The EasyLink consultant identified 31 companies for further screening and direct approach and assessment of qualification and interest in sourcing from the client.

Supplier of seals and gaskets looking for a local partner in Russia

Completion: 2008 - 05
Target markets: RU
Objective: U.S. supplier of seals and gaskets enlisted our services to identify, interview, evaluate and present a list of qualified distributors interested in becoming the client's partner in Russia.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in Russia conducted market research into companies involved in the distribution of seals and gaskets and prepared an initial list of 27 pre-selected companies for the client’s review. After receiving his feedback, the consultant approached a total of 13 companies. Four companies with confirmed interest were recommended to the client for direct communication.

Foreign car accessories retail chain requesting strategic market analysis and consumer research

Completion: 2008 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: A car accessories retailer enlisted EasyLink to carry out a strategic analysis of the Czech car accessories and repair market together with consumer research. The study was to address the latest market trends and popular products, key market players together with information on their financials, number of stores, store sizes, key product categories sold as well as price analysis of three product segments (tires, batteries and oil). The consumer survey part was to focus on customer behavior and insights such as the impression of other players on customers, differentiation points as well as why, where and what the customer wants.
Results: As part of the strategic market entry analysis, EasyLink’s consultant carried out over 20 interviews with key players and experts in the automotive retail and service market, including existing competitors, and more than 10 store visits to selected retail stores and car repair shops. EasyLink delivered an over 100-page report that thoroughly described the automotive accessories retail and service market and provided clear recommendations on store locations. The consumer survey part of the project included a quantitative survey among 1,000 drivers throughout the country and 7 focus groups to deepen and refine the results received as part of the quantitative survey. The final report and consumer survey outputs were prepared in both Czech and English. Our findings were further discussed with the client during a 3-hour presentation session.

U.S. manufacturer of wipers seeking to enter the Czech market

Completion: 2008 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify local distributors of automotive products.
Results: Over 150 entities selling automotive aftermarket products and/or selling to OEM manufacturers were considered. A total of 35 companies were approached by the consultant and evaluated as potential partners. Eight companies confirmed their interest in further talks with the client.

Manufacturer of components for electric vehicles targets new customers in Poland

Completion: 2007 - 11
Target markets: PL
Objective: The client’s core activity is the manufacture, distribution and repair of electrical components for industrial applications, in particular for the electric vehicles industry.
Results: The consulting team conducted market research into companies involved in replacement parts for the materials handling industry and in-plant industrial vehicles. A total of 25 pre-selected companies were interviewed regarding their qualification for and interest in the partnership. EasyLink recommended the client to meet 8 prospective partners. In late November 2007, the client visited Poland, and with accompaniment by our in-market consultant, visited 7 companies.

Manufacturer of truck extensions, container carriers, skips and containers targets Romania

Completion: 2007 - 11
Target markets: RO
Objective: To identify potential customers among local construction companies, municipal utilities (technical services), waste collection companies, and truck vendors
Results: EasyLink identified 22 potential partners across the sectors of interest and approached their decision makers in charge of selecting new business partners to present the client’s offer for cooperation and promotional materials. During the in-market visit organized by EasyLink, the client met 7 companies with a confirmed interest in the partnership. The quality and business potential of the prospects identified by EasyLink were soon confirmed by a contract worth approx. EUR 100,000 concluded within one week after the client’s return from Romania.

British producer of sliding storage systems for special vehicles eyes the Polish market

Completion: 2007 - 10
Target markets: PL
Objective: Assisting the client in finding a distributor of components and equipment strong in deliveries to businesses involved in converting vehicles into special vehicles and assessing the level of potential in Poland
Results: The consultant contacted and interviewed 18 pre-selected companies and recommended the client follow up with a market visit to meet 5 qualified entities with a confirmed interest in negotiations. EasyLink also prepared a detailed meeting itinerary and provided assistance with hotel, transportation and interpretation arrangements.

Czech Republic: Targeting Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers for a manufacturer of fasteners for the automotive industry

Completion: 2007 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: To identify potential customers for the client's proprietary and non-proprietary products (fasteners) among Czech automotive Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers
Results: EasyLink identified over 30 potential customers and eventually short-listed and interviewed 21 companies.

Study of the Slovak automotive market + general information on filter producers in CEE countries

Completion: 2007 - 09
Target markets: CZ&SK&HU&PL
Objective: Our client planning a green field investment in Slovakia and building a production plant for oil, air, fuel and water filters for passenger cars and agricultural machines requested EasyLink to supply a detailed market analysis of the Slovak automotive and engineering market and provide information on filter producers already present (with a production capacity) in the CEE region.
Results: The client received a complete statistical overview of the Slovak automotive and engineering market and data on main growth factors, development trends, major investments and market players. We also provided a general market overview on manufacturers of oil, air, fuel and water filters for passenger cars and agricultural machines based in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, including detailed profiles of all the manufacturers.

Supplier of car heating and ventilation systems to major vehicle manufacturers eyes potential in Ukraine

Completion: 2007 - 07
Target markets: UA
Objective: A leading international designer and manufacturer of cab climate control systems for commercial trucks, off-road machines, and specialty vehicles commissioned EasyLink to identify and approach prospective customers - manufacturers of heavy-duty trucks, off-road vehicles, machines, buses, and specialty vehicles in Ukraine to assess their interest in partnership and find out whether a suitable vehicle project is likely to be coming up in the future.
Results: EasyLink approached a total of 14 pre-selected companies to evaluate their interest in further talks with the client, out of which 6 companies expressed interest. We also inquired with the companies regarding their annual production volumes.

Sourcing opportunities for parts for agricultural tractors, machinery and trailers

Completion: 2007 - 05
Target markets: CZ
Objective: To identify, screen and approach potential suppliers of a list of specific parts and subsystems for agricultural tractors, machinery and trailers, including filters, track rod ends, ball joints, exhausters, silencers, mudguards, fittings, and other products.
Results: EasyLink’s consultant in the Czech Republic identified potential business partners - producers of OE and components for tractors - and submitted an initial long list of pre-screened prospects to the client to shortlist companies of interest. The consultant then contacted managers of all 6 short-listed companies over the phone to outline the prospective export opportunity for Czech partners and later followed with sending additional details via email and another round of calls to obtain feedback. Meetings were scheduled with 3 companies.

Supplier of electrical components into industrial applications looking for a local partner

Completion: 2007 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: The project assignment required EasyLink to identify local partners amongst companies involved in the distribution/wholesale of electric components and repair of handling technology and fork-lift trucks as well as supply of spare parts for fork-lift trucks and other electric vehicles.
Results: EasyLink identified local companies interested and ready to discuss specific partnership opportunities in the Czech market. Based on the positive results obtained by the consulting team in the research and contact phase the client followed up with an in-country visit to meet potential partners.

Compiling a database of prospective buyers for a Czech supplier of automotive protective and color changing foils

Completion: 2006 - 03
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identifying potential customers and preparing a database, selective survey and interviews with companies
Results: Based on client’s criteria, EasyLink compiled a database of 103 potential buyers across 6 target segments: leasing companies, large companies with their own vehicle fleet (ownership), car rental agencies, importers and resellers of cars, logistics companies/forwarders and others (taxi services, contractors, etc.). The client was provided with detailed profiles of all the companies, e.g. contact information and relevant manager’s contact details, an overview of activities, ownership and financial information, etc. Further, phone interviews were carried out with 43 selected companies to assess their awareness of the client’s products; for the interviewed companies the database record also included the statement/response of the manager.

Investigating brownfield properties in the Czech Republic

Completion: 2005 - 12
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Our client, a British re-manufacturer of automotive drive train components, was looking to reduce its costs by transferring part of operations, in particular high-labor manufacture, to Central and Eastern Europe. Due to its proximity to the German market, the Czech Republic constituted quite a desirable market. EasyLink was entrusted with the investigation of suitable brownfield investment locations.
Results: In the course of the project the consultant focused on regions bordering Germany as well as on Central Bohemia and the Prague region, given their excellent accessibility from the German border. We inquired with around 300 real estate agencies asking them to provide suitable offers within a set time period. The consultant also placed a request on the real estate portal. We then evaluated individual facilities to ascertain they meet the key client’s requirements (e.g. size of manufacturing hall, multiple floors, size of warehouse and/or external space, etc.). We recommended the client 18 all-criteria meeting properties and provided their detailed description together with other relevant data.

Romania: Compiling a database of potential partners for a multinational producer of machines and tools

Completion: 2005 - 12
Target markets: RO
Objective: Our task was to compile a database of potential partners, with entries including company overview and verified contact details of English-speaking managers.
Results: The database prepared by EasyLink's consultant in Romania included a total of 37 relevant companies.

2002-2005: Series of projects carried out for a British automotive supply chain management specialist

Completion: 2005 - 12
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: Based on their high satisfaction with the quality and value of EasyLink's services, the client has used our assistance at several stages of their business endeavors over three years.
Results: Between 2003 and 2005, EasyLink prepared a comprehensive overview of the Czech Republic's automotive OEM and component producers (including personal vehicle, truck, bus and motorcycle manufacturers as well as 128 component suppliers) and a similar study in Slovakia (including in-depth information on 3 OEM personal vehicle manufacturers and 70 component suppliers). In addition, we run a background check on an existing competitor in the Czech market. Last but not least, we assisted by providing legal information on taxation, labor legislation and costs and coordinated the process of hiring a country manager via a specialized HR agency.

Ukraine: Yet another partner search for a U.K. producer of heavy-duty trailer and semi-trailer axles

Completion: 2005 - 11
Target markets: UA
Objective: Identify, contact and evaluate prospective distribution partners with experience in delivery into the OEM manufacturing as well as aftermarket segments
Results: Out of 20 pre-selected companies approached, seven companies (well-qualified and with a confirmed interest in the partnership) were recommended for further contact with the client. The client immediately proceeded and requested EasyLink to schedule meetings with the prospects and prepare a detailed itinerary for his in-market visit.

Partner search, meeting itinerary and follow-up projects for a producer of branded vehicle lubricants for retail

Completion: 2005 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned to carry out multiple projects to aid the client in the selection of a suitable vehicle hard-parts distributor.
Results: In the first stage, the consultant identified and interviewed potential distributors to ascertain the level of interest and qualification within targeted companies. Sales meetings and a detailed itinerary (incorporating 7 meetings over 3 days) were prepared for the client. During the in-market visit, EasyLink was responsible for logistics arrangements and accompanied the client to provide continuity, translation & sales and marketing support where required. Upon the client’s return home, the consultant provided additional support – e.g. market data and intelligence about the Czech vehicle lubricant market, and continued to assist the client in follow-up communication with selected local partners from the time of the initial personal meetings, including a second visit with selected targets, again with our personal accompaniment to all meetings and even helping the client with meeting notes, etc., up to negotiating first actual orders.

Survey of the Czech and Slovak tires markets

Completion: 2005 - 07
Target markets: CZ&SK
Objective: EasyLink was requested to research the tire market and conduct phone and personal interviews on behalf of a Scandinavian manufacturer of tires for personal and light utility vehicles.
Results: The Czech and Slovak consulting team conducted over 60 telephone & face-to-face interviews with customers, distributors, retailers and competitors. Also, the client was supplied with market size data, information on the structure and key players as well as buyer behavior, car sales and registrations, all compiled during desk research.

Targeted meetings with prospective distribution partners

Completion: 2005 - 06
Target markets: CZ
Objective: U.S. producer of a revolutionary line of tire sealants that prevent flats caused by punctures, help with pressure maintenance programs and aid in the balancing of truck tires requested meetings with qualified and interested prospects.
Results: EasyLink conducted close to 40 telephone interviews with managers of pre-selected companies in the Czech Republic, including chains of tire repair shops, importers and distributors of car parts and car care products, tire dealers, haulers and public transport providers and provided them with details on the proposed partnership. Nine companies expressed interest and confirmed their capabilities to represent the client. The consultant prepared a detailed 4-day itinerary.

Identifying companies meeting client’s criteria

Completion: 2004 - 01
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was requested to identify prospective distribution partners for a British supplier of indicators and equipment for inspecting, monitoring and documentation of the status of safety critical nuts, bolts and other fixings used in commercial and rail vehicles, agricultural vehicles and machinery as well as in industrial and engineering machinery and equipment.
Results: As requested specifically for this project, EasyLink delivered database entries with verified contact details for a total of 25 qualified automotive component distributors.

Moscow International Car Salon: Compiling an invitation list

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: RU
Objective: Our task was to compile an invitation list of companies currently involved in the distribution and trading of spare parts for Land Rover vehicles. Our client, a producer of spare parts for Land Rover, wished to invite the companies to visit their stand at the automotive exhibition in Moscow in late August 2004.
Results: The consultant searched multiple business databases and catalogues as well as consulted with several industry experts and identified a total of 41 relevant targets. Telephone interviews were conducted with their representatives to assess which companies were ready to accept the client’s invitation to the Moscow International Car Salon. Last but not least, short profiles were provided for all the interested parties.

Czech Republic – Partner search project

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: CZ
Objective: In connection with the outsourcing of the production of appliances to Central and Eastern Europe, the client (producer of process and test systems for appliances) was interested in strengthening its local presence.
Results: Based on our client’s requirements for a suitable appliance and automotive partner EasyLink compiled a list of 17 prospects to be contacted and further evaluated. Altogether 6 companies were deemed qualified & interested to meet the client. The final report included their detailed profiles as well as specific responses obtained during interviews with the prospects.

Another partner search for a U.K. producer of heavy-duty trailer and semi-trailer axles

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: SK
Objective: Our task was to identify and contact relevant distribution partners on behalf of our client, a multinational supplier of axles for trailers, in order to assess their qualifications and interest in representing the client on the Slovak market.
Results: EasyLink consultant identified and contacted 9 distributors of truck and trailer parts and components with experience in delivering to the aftermarket and to original equipment manufacturers. We recommended the client proceed with a market visit to meet 5 qualified & interested prospects for partnership.

Worldwide leading engines and transmissions manufacturer targeting Romania

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: RO
Objective: A worldwide leader and total solutions provider in diesel engines, gas engines, generating sets and heavy-duty automatic transmissions commissioned EasyLink to identify and contact relevant distribution companies in Romania and ascertain their interest and qualification in partnership with the client.
Results: The consultant approached and closely evaluated 22 pre-qualified partners and recommended 8 companies for further negotiation. The client was provided with detailed profiles of the top candidates as well as an in-depth overview of the Romanian engines and generators market.

Distributor and customer search project in Hungary

Completion: 2004 -
Target markets: HU
Objective: Identify, approach and evaluate prospective distribution partners and customers
Results: EasyLink consultant conducted research into the segment of axles, braking systems and related components to identify potential partners and customers for a U.K. producer of ABS sensors. Out of 16 contacted companies, meetings were scheduled with three qualified entities with a confirmed interest in partnership with the client.

Multi-country in-depth market study

Completion: 2003 - 12
Target markets: CZ + SK
Objective: EasyLink was asked to prepare a comprehensive study of the Czech and Slovak truck and construction machinery markets.
Results: Our consulting team reported on the Czech and Slovak trucks and construction machinery markets (in the Czech Republic, 7,012 new trucks were sold in 2002) and trends as well as profiled domestic manufacturers and key foreign distributors.

Hungary: U.K. producer of heavy-duty trailer and semi-trailer axles follows with another partner search

Completion: 2003 - 12
Target markets: HU
Objective: Identify, contact and evaluate prospective distribution partners with experience in delivery into the OEM manufacturing as well as aftermarket segments
Results: Out of 7 criteria-meeting companies EasyLink approached, 5 entities confirmed partnership interest, and meetings were scheduled for the client. EasyLink again prepared a detailed itinerary for the visit.

Czech Republic: Identifying a suitable distributor for a U.K. producer of trailers

Completion: 2003 - 11
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identify, contact and evaluate distributors with experience in deliveries to horse owners, farmers and builders, possessing sufficient retail premises and storage area and workshops with trained mechanics in the Czech Republic
Results: Based on our early findings (the strong position of a domestic producer severely limited the market potential for our client) we recommended the client to stop the project soon after its také off.

Leading European filter producer eyeing the Czech market

Completion: 2003 - 04
Target markets: CZ
Objective: Identify, contact and evaluate distributors servicing the automotive aftermarket
Results: EasyLink pre-selected and approached a pool of 15 prospective partners amongst key Czech trading companies in the segment of automotive components, with special emphasis on heavy-duty vehicle parts (trucks, buses, utility vehicles, agricultural and road machinery). The companies were further evaluated, and the consultant recommended the client 8 interested companies for further evaluation and talks.

Romania: Partner search for a U.K. producer of heavy-duty trailer and semi-trailer axles

Completion: 2003 - 03
Target markets: RO
Objective: Identify, contact and evaluate prospective distribution partners with experience in delivery into the OEM manufacturing as well as aftermarket segments
Results: After identifying, interviewing and further evaluating pre-qualified prospects, meetings were scheduled with a total of 10 distributors active in the Romanian automotive market.

Accompanying and interpreting

Completion: 2002 - 10
Target markets: CZ
Objective: We were asked to accompany our client, an Irish supplier of automotive radiator cores, to his business meetings in the Czech Republic.
Results: EasyLink provided a two-day accompaniment and interpretation services.

Arranging an appointment with a pre-selected potential customer in Slovakia

Completion: 2002 - 04
Target markets: SK
Objective: Based on previous positive results of our work on behalf of this U.K. client, a manufacturer of on/off highway driveline systems, EasyLink was commissioned to arrange a technical and sales meeting with a leading Slovak company.
Results: EasyLink accompanied the client to the scheduled appointment, which both parties considered to be very successful. The Slovak company confirmed their interest to buy complete driveline sets from the client, and final prices were negotiated.

Multiple market support provided in three CEE countries

Completion: 2001 - 10
Target markets: CZ+SK+BG
Objective: EasyLink was asked to identify potential agents in the Czech Republic and Slovakia for a U.K. manufacturer of on/off highway driveline systems, and arrange a trip to Bulgaria and Slovakia to meet with pre-selected partners.
Results: The Czech market was deemed to offer minimum business opportunities, and the client was recommended not to proceed with the project. However, we were able to arrange meetings with several major potential clients in Slovakia (e.g. a leading forest machinery producer) and BG (e.g. main producer of forklift trucks). EasyLink’s managing director accompanied the client for in-market visits to Slovakia and Bulgaria to provide professional support on the ground.

Czech Republic: Are there direct market opportunities for a leading U.K. producer?

Completion: 1999 - 08
Target markets: CZ
Objective: EasyLink was commissioned by a leading U.K. manufacturer of polyurethane impact, shock and vibration management systems for the automotive industry to identify direct export opportunities in the Czech Republic.
Results: The consultant researched the Czech suspension systems market and interviewed the leading players to ascertain their level of interest in sourcing directly from the client. Altogether, 7 companies expressed interest in meeting the client to discuss specific business opportunities.

Identifying prospective buyers for Ireland’s leading manufacturer of access platforms

Completion: 1998 - 05
Target markets: SK
Objective: Identify potential buyers amongst specialist access platform importers and distributors, vehicle importers and engineering companies in Slovakia
Results: EasyLink met all the client’s expectations by identifying prospective buyers using a combination of secondary research of already published information and primary research involving telephone interviews with relevant industry experts.

Approaching leading car manufacturers in the United States

Completion: 1997 - 11
Target markets: USA
Objective: Our client, a Czech manufacturer of pneumatic clamps used in production facilities across the automotive industry, has been exporting its products to Western Europe, mainly Germany. Thanks to their unique technical solution, the products offer excellent quality (lifetime guarantee) for very competitive prices. The company wished to make contact with top U.S. automobile companies as potential end-users.
Results: EasyLink introduced the client and its products directly to the leading car and truck manufacturers in the United States, e.g. Ford and Chrysler. Since the products are used as part of larger production units, we focused on contacting technical experts responsible for manufacturing and development.